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Skyrim talk:Sleeping Tree Camp

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It should be noted, as it is significant, that there is a "Courier" who does not approach you but walks along the road (possible random generic event?) and you cannot speak with him, however he carries a letter mentioning this site. According to the letter a group of hired adventurers/treasure hunters are camping there trying to enter the cave for the treasures and they have met strong resistance and ask the one who hired them to send more men and supplies. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:40 on 27 December 2011

I was playing just last night and exactly this happened! I turned around by chance to see him approaching, then he turned around and just ran away. I think he was wearing Stormcloak armour too. Ess-Tee 14:24, 14 May 2012 (UTC)
Not easy to say if it was the same if you did not catch up with the Courier, especially if you did not kill or pickpocket him to see if this letter was in his inventory. I do however think it is not, as the Courier wearing Stormcloak armor is a separate type of generic NPC actually called "Stormcloak Courier". --MortenOSlash 18:30, 14 May 2012 (UTC)
Yes, there are several different couriers which can be encountered in the wilderness, and there is an entirely separate 'Stormcloak Courier' as MortenOSlash noted. It's probable that different couriers have the potential to appear at the same spawn point, but I doubt it was the same courier, especially if you didn't find the same letter from him regarding this location. ABCface 23:17, 14 May 2012 (UTC)

Alduin raising ritual[edit]

I went to the south-west and found no Alduin, should it be changed on the page to "A potential spot for Alduin to perform a raising ritual can be found to the south-west"?--Dro'Bakha 14:18, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

Incorrect Information-Statue Puzzle[edit]

The article says there's no way to know the pattern outside of trial and error, which is incorrect. The pillar next to the westernmost statue has a dolphin on it, the pillar next to the northernmost statue has a bird next to it (as if it had fallen off) and the easternmost pillar has a snake picture on the ground. Long-time user, first-time poster. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:02 on 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Unmarked stone circle[edit]

The pillar-puzzle is the same as everywhere: the symbol for each pillar is on the three stone pillars behind them. Two of these stone pillars are ruined, so the top of them fell down but lies at the feet of the two pillars. There's an arrow marking on each rotating stones, indicating which side must match the symbol for the pillar above/near it. That's all, don't know why would this be "trial and error" and "no way to know the combination" etc.? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:52 on 22 January 2012

Yep, I agree. I did use trial and error the first time I ran into it though, so I can understand why someone else might have thought that was the only way to solve it. Vardis 01:30, 22 January 2012 (UTC)
Puzzle makes perfect sense based on above entries, but doesn't seem to work on my PS3 with version Handle turns, but pit never opens. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:32 on 3 March 2012
Same with me on PC v1. The pit does not open on this combination. (I think I have tried all possible combinations in desperation.) --MortenOSlash 20:56, 12 March 2012 (UTC)

Mammoth's Dinner[edit]

Due north of this camp is a mammoth's skeleton, but inside the rib-cage is a person's skeleton. Just wanted to point this out as I found it interesting. 16:43, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

I suppose the devs had some fun, or possibly a easter egg. In any case I find it funny. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 2 April 2012

Bug - Dragon Soul in Mammoth[edit]

In this camp there was a very strange bug, where the approach of two mammoths, before long the screen became clearer and I began to collect the soul of a dragon, sought direction, and saw that it came from one of two mammoths. I load several times and always repeated the same situation. I wonder if this is a bug.

Version 1.26 - PC — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:36 on 16 April 2012 (UTC)

Could there have been a situation were a dragon has been killed by the two mammoths, but the body had fallen through the landscape, leaving the mammoths passively standing above the ground over the dragon body? The soul collection will not start until you are near enough from the dead dragon. Have you tried to approach the scene from another direction to see if the dragon soul comes from a slightly different point in the ground? --MortenOSlash 04:50, 16 April 2012 (UTC)
Now that you said during one of the loads I did, I put the mammoth to persecute me farther away from the site when I started to suck the soul, and I noticed that she came from somewhere over the mammoth.
Previous Video of the Event: — Unsigned comment by John LR (talkcontribs) at 05:21 on 16 April 2012 (UTC)

Sleeping Tree From Umbriel?[edit]

Is the tree a reference to Umbriel? because Ysolda, when you ask her about the sleeping tree, says it came from a flying Island, a.k.a Umbriel, for the people who have not read the books. 20:18, 16 April 2012 (UTC)

oops sry this is already on the page 20:20, 16 April 2012 (UTC)

Unmarked location[edit]

If you travel a ways east from the camp, you will find an unmarked location with a open air altar/bier. When I found it, there were two dead Novice Conjurers around it, and a rather powerful skeleton was battling a troll with summoned atronachs. There were also two Spriggans fighting alongside the skeleton. One of the dead conjurers had the skill book Liminal Bridges on him. The location is listed under that skill book's wiki entry. This encounter implies, IMO, that these two conjurers got in over their heads with their craft, paying for it with their lives. Should this location be listed with Sleeping Tree Camp, since that is the nearest marked location? --Xyzzy 17:36, 6 May 2012 (UTC)

A similar topic was just brought up here recently. There are a number of unmarked locations in the game, and it doesn't seem like we have any sort of guideline to follow for their placement on pages. Bringing it up on the Community Portal is a good idea, so we can come up with a consensus-based way to mark these locations in a uniform way across the namespace. ABCface 17:41, 6 May 2012 (UTC)
I'll do that. Thanks. --Xyzzy 17:44, 6 May 2012 (UTC)
Perhaps it should be added to the page for now anyway? Lest it be lost when the community finally comes to a decision as to how to list them. Ess-Tee 16:00, 13 May 2012 (UTC)
Also, I was playing about 10 minutes ago and came across this location myself. The opinion of the OP seems to be correct in that they "got in over their heads", although in terms of gameplay mechanics, the two skeletons should have perished due to their masters deaths, I think? Ess-Tee 14:26, 14 May 2012 (UTC)

() I think you're right, Ess-Tee. It should be added for now until we figure out a standard way to document these types of locations. Feel free to add the information to the page, so it's posted somewhere on site for now. ABCface 23:20, 14 May 2012 (UTC)

following the directions i came upon it aswell though the skeleton was just standing by the stonehenge, not near the altar. perhaps it was a "unbound" reanimation that led the necromancers to there death. also the "liminal bridges" was there. Fennec--Fox (talk) 06:28, 15 March 2013 (GMT)


I just wanted to make note about training inside the cave. The cave has one giant and a table when he cant reach you. Standing on the table and casting spells can help you increase skills that can only be raised in combat, mainly conjuration. This note would probably be more suited for the leveling page but I thought I'd note it anyway. --SamGhadiali 06:14, 2 July 2012 (UTC)