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Skyrim talk:Vampire Lord/Archive 2

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Vampire Lord discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Bearded Female Character Bug

im not sure if this has to do with being a vampire lord or not but when i loaded my nord girl she looked different than usual... i went into the light to see that she had a very male-like structured face, different hair and a beard??? she still had her female body but the face was all kinds of messed up, i changed into a vampire lord which is what i usually do when i get the "burnt face" thing and turned back to see my character was back to normal (almost, i had to change again because the eyes where very different) so if anyone who has a female character and logs on to see something like this happen i recommend changing into a vampire lord. ive been playing this game for months and have never had this problem until now. had some trouble posting this, i hope it didnt double post by mistake. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:48 on September 10, 2012

This is because when you become a Vampire Nord, for female human characters, e.g. Bretons, Imperials, Nords etc, it always changes the face complexion. Dragon Guard (talk) 15:55, 20 July 2013 (GMT)

Shortcut key for Revert Form?

How exactly do I use revert form? If I hit the Z key (PC), all it does is use the Bats power. Is the key to change back different? Schiffy (talk) 17:31, 21 September 2012 (GMT)

That's because the Bats power is assigned as the active Power. You have to open up your Powers menu, either via the Main Menu (Tab), or directly through the Magic Menu (P), and select the Revert Form power to tie it to the Z key, then exit the menu and press Z to use it, just like using a Dragon Shout. You could probably assign it to a Hotkey, but I've never tried it. --Xyzzy Talk 18:06, 21 September 2012 (GMT)
It should also appear in your favorites menu and can be selected from there as well. Robin Hoodtalk 19:19, 21 September 2012 (GMT)
When i press TAB its open me in the vampire lord perks and i cant open the spells with P TAB I or any other letter so i cant go back to human and take the quest.Plz help me as soon as possibly — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:02 on 25 December 2012
LOOOOOL, just use "Q" and then select revert form. From there you can select everything. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:29 on 11 June 2013

moved from article

moved from article

  • you can't use a shield after becoming a vampire. Will act as if using it but its not there. Goes away when your cured.

added on 13:56, 12 October 2012‎ by

I'm not sure if the user who posted this meant they couldn't use a shield while infected as a vampire or while they are in vampire lord form. If it's the latter, it's not notable, as you can't really equip anything, but it was hard to tell the way it was written. If it's the former, I'd like some clarification that they were a vampire lord bitten by Harkon or Serana rather than a "regular" vampire, as that's not entirely clear either. If it's a general vampire issue, it should be on the Vampirism page. Also, I think if it's added back to the article, it should be listed as a bug rather than in the notes. — ABCface 14:43, 12 October 2012 (GMT)

vampire claws ID

I've been experimenting with the glitch to hybrid werewolf/vampire, and a "Vampire claws" ability is now permanently listed as an active effect while in human form. This adds the vampire lords +40 unarmed damage, some damage resistance and water-walking, so I'm assuming this is an ability you normally get when transformed.

I don't understand console commands, but I'd like to find out the ID for this ability (as I want it to make a low-level unarmed specialist), can anyone identify it?

P.s. on the subject of the hybrid, I can now change directly between vampire lord and werewolf at will, but can't "revert form" to my normal character. Anyone found a work around for this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:17 on 27 October 2012‎

There are nine different IDs listed for the active effect "spell" called "Vampire Claws". The 'xx' in the form ID means that those two numbers may vary depending on the number and load order of plug-ins/mods installed, so if Dawnguard is the only plug-in/mod, then replace the xx with '02' in the ID. Here are the nine IDs:
Can't answer any of the other questions, but hope that helps. — ABCface 20:39, 27 October 2012 (GMT)
Perfect,thanks for answering so quickly! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:19 on 27 October 2012‎

regeneration during daylight?

I only noticed my magicka regenerates during daylight in vampire lord form, not stamina or health, unlike what it says in the notes.-- 17:09, 28 October 2012 (GMT)

Beeing Vampire Lord and recieving Werewolf perk progress messages...

The probelms described in the archive are also there for me.

  • Vampire Lord perk progress crossover to Werewolf perk tree
  • I am thinking about adding this to the bug section. So I recently cured myself of being a Werewolf only to go back to being a Vampire lord. I've been playing around with it a lot more and I have noticed that there is sometimes a message on the top of my screen that says "Heart consumed, Werewolf perk progress increased" even though I am a vampire lord. I will continue testing this, but I am fairly certain I get this message only when I am in close quarters combat (claw damage and Night Cloak damage). PrometheusTheElf 03:26, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

I finished the Companions questline and cured myself (had to use "Set PlayerIsWerewolf to 0" to remove stat things) nd then choose to side with Harkon in the Dawnguard questline. I hit (not even killed) somebody with the lord'adrain life, and i got the Heart Consumed Werewolf message. Is there a way to fix this?

And something else. Is it right ((no bug, i mean), that kills in Werewolf form are counted on the same "Mauls" value (on stats page), as kills in Vampire Lord form? They stack for me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:40 on 6 November 2012

Seems, that the messages appear, if i fight enemys, that respawned after i killed and feed on them when i was a werewolf. (I tried on some places, i a m sure i cleared as werewolf). On other places the Werewolf messages do not appear.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:36 on 9 November 2012

Carry Weight

I fixed the section about "Advantages." It used to say that the Vampire Lord has no encumbrance, but this is not quite true. You can become over-encumbered as a Vampire Lord, but your carry limit is much higher. I've tested it a couple times, and found that around 3x your usual carry limit is the cap for the Vampire Lord. 23:57, 6 November 2012 (GMT)

Sorry to necro-post, but this should really be addressed. Circumventing overencumbrance is a useful trait, and this page currently doesn't mention it. Can anyone confirm what effect taking on the form of a vampire lord has on carrying capacity? Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 22:11, 7 April 2013 (GMT)
I can confirm being in vampire lord form does increase capacity around that amount. — Unsigned comment by Slummyzeru (talkcontribs) at 23:18 on 17 April 2013
An estimate is better than nothing, but I'd really love to know specifically what happens to a player's carry weight upon transforming into a Vampire Lord so we can accurately note it on the relevant pages. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 05:33, 27 April 2013 (GMT)

Saved Game Bug

When I was transformed into Vampire Lord form and reload a saved game in which I was sneaking (including if I'm killed in lord form) then sneaking becomes bugged; the crosshairs are those for standing, and everything functions like I'm standing except that visually I'm sneaking, roll when I sprint (with appropriate perk) and can't switch sneak mode on or off. This is easily fixed by re-loading the same save; it seems to be something wrong with loading a save while in Vampire Lord form. Anyway I wanted to note the bug here so someone can verify, as I seem to recall having the same problem as a Werewolf once as well. I'm using the XBox 360 version of the game. -- Haravikk (talk) 18:11, 18 November 2012 (GMT)

Kills needed for Perks

Has anyone figured out the algorithm that determines how many kills (via bite or Drain Life) are required for each new perk? I know the number goes up the more perks you have, just wondering how much? And do bites or Drain Life provide more experience, or are they the same? Does the level of the creature/NPC killed make a difference? Especially relevant with creatures - can I get the perks faster by just life-draining every Skeever and Mudcrab I see? And what about enemies that I'm life-draining when my follower lands the killing blow? <Glares at kill-stealing Serana> Experimentation needs to be done... TheRealLurlock (talk) 03:43, 9 December 2012 (GMT)

Death From Transforming Back

According to the article, it is possible to die when transforming back into your regular character due to the health loss. However, has this been tested? I can recall at least one instance when I transformed back at low health and seemed to simply be reduced to one hp. — Unsigned comment by BlackhawkXIII (talkcontribs) at 22:39 on 9 December 2012‎

Yes, it's impossible to die while transforming.
  ; make sure your health is reasonable before turning you back
    ; PlayerActor.GetActorBase().SetInvulnerable(true)
    float currHealth = PlayerActor.GetAV("health")
    if (currHealth <= 70)
        Debug.Trace("VAMPIRE: Player's health is only " + currHealth + "; restoring.")
        PlayerActor.RestoreAV("health", 70 - currHealth)
The code prevents it. The exact same code is used for the werewolf transformation. Vely►t►e 23:23, 9 December 2012 (GMT)
Maybe you're not supposed to die when reverting, but you can. I know, because it happened to me when I spent half an hour clearing out Blackreach and then decided to heal up before finally saving. I wasn't wearing the Ring of the Beast, either. This would hardly be the first time a TES game feature didn't work properly, after all. --Darth l33t (talk) 19:34, 13 December 2012 (GMT)

Can't revert back no matter what I do.

I was in the Soul Cairn and used the VPL power and when I went to revert back, I guess it didn't revert all the way back. My character looks like a Naked Vampire lord with no abilities while it's floating and I can't access the favorites bar to "revert" back. What's even weirder is it can go into first person view and interact with NPC's without them aggro-ing me so I guess the NPC's see me as a regular player. I would really like some feed back because this is really causing me some grief since I worked really hard on this character (lvl 81). I also tried curing the vamparism then getting it again but it didn't work. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:12 on 12 December 2012‎

How to get both Vampire lord/ Beast form

1. Become a Vampire Lord via Harkon or Serana. 2. Complete Dawnguard questline up until Chasing Echos quest (up until Serana can turn you into a VL) 3. Complete Companion's questline up until The Silver Hand quest. 4. Enter the Underforge with Serana in party and have VL form ready. 5. When able to participate in the blood ritual, you will be prompted to drink Aela's blood. Step up to the blood. Here's the important part: Press A and RB at the same time to simultaneously drink the blood and activate VL form. 6. You will black out and wake up outside as a werewolf as normal, but will then burst out of your Werewolf body and into your Vampire Lord form. Quickly deactivate Vampire Lord form and speak to Serana. Ask her to turn you into a vampire. She will make the change permanent. 7. Go back into Werewolf form, and then deactivate it to wake up outside Whiterun where you will see Aela as normal.

Tested it out and it works. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:30 on 8 January 2013

This version of the hybrid glitch also lets you go to the face sculptor and change your features, this is because with the two transformation powers together you can switch between undead "Vampire lord" and mortal "Werewolf" at will. (Wrath425 (talk) 02:31, 13 January 2013 (GMT))
That is true, I tried that out as soon as I became a hybrid, the good news with this hybrid is that you only get the weaknesses of one species at a time, bad news is you only get the powers of one species at a time, though since a werewolf's only power is beastform, you still have access to it when on the vampire side of the hybrid. The original hybrid which was nearly unplayable because of the feeding being stopped had all powers at once except vampire sight, also those hybrids were basically just werewolves with vampires powers though they had vampire weaknesses too 21:39, 5 February 2013 (GMT)

Bad Bugs

I'm asking about two bugs. the first being the bugs that says that using your revert form power will cause will cause you so lose your vampirism, and two being the one that says you can't use your vampire lord powers oe spells, on what console do these bugs occurr respectivly.(Lordofmagicvoldemort (talk) 23:43, 14 January 2013 (GMT))

They are both tagged as needing verification, so it is possible that they aren't even real bugs, and someone just made a mistake. I would assume that if they were bugs, they would occur on 360 and PS3 and any unpatched versions on PC. Jeancey (talk) 23:48, 14 January 2013 (GMT)
The one about losing powers and spells was originally added by an anonymous user, and edited by a registered user whose profile says he plays on PC. The one about losing your vampirism when using Revert Form was added by a PC user. — ABCface 00:34, 15 January 2013 (GMT)

Thanks, that relieves me about being a vampire lord and changing my forms.(Lordofmagicvoldemort (talk) 06:44, 15 January 2013 (GMT))

Transformation dispells Thralls

Transformation into a Vampire Lord kills any summoned Thralls, including Dead ones. Im kind of surprised nobody noticed it. Ive added it into all three pages (Elemental Thralls, Dead Thralls and this one).

Ive tested in a 100% vanilla run and it still happens. Maybe needs testing to see if some perk combination is doing it. Cant imagine what it is though. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Not a bug, its intentional, Werewolf transformations do the same. Been noticed and noted already I believe. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 07:28, 19 February 2013 (GMT)
Oh okay. Well ive added it in to the wiki then. It wasnt mentioned anywhere. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Amulet of the Gargoyle bugged

The amulet of the gargoyle seems to have several possible bugs, right? With my first char it didn't do anything when equipped and with the second when I summon the extra gargoyle, the thing attacks pretty much anything on sight including non-hostiles and followers. Also in both cases the item always appears as enchantable. Is this a reported issue? Any way of fixing it? (PC) --Iconoclasta (talk) 22:10, 27 February 2013 (GMT)

Magnitude of the Raise Dead spell

I don't see anywhere any indication about the magnitude of the Raise Dead spell. My guess would be similar to the spell Dread Zombie (lvl 30 or lvl 37 with necro) but I'm not sure! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:07 on 2 March 2013 (GMT)

The level of it changes depending on your level of vampirism. Level 1 is the same as Raise Dead, level 4 its Dread Zombie. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 05:07, 2 March 2013 (GMT)

Bite attack glitch

The bugs section says that sometimes the Bite power attack is glitched. I'm sure I have the glitch. Does anyone know how to fix it.(Lordofmagicvoldemort (talk) 20:59, 5 March 2013 (GMT))

Look like lord Harkon...

Ok for starters I'm on console not PC and I'm very knowledgable about glitches that allow you to get duplicates of items in skyrim (Wabbajack, Wuthraad and dawnbreaker ect) also I like to get stuff your not meant to get. So here is my theory.

If anyone knows about the werewolf transformation, and being able to equip all apparel glitch then this should be easy to follow.

When transforming into a werewolf (ie, click the power button and quickly hit talk) you can still click on your follower and choose a dialogue option, if you use the "I would like to trade with you" option you can access your inventory as a werewolf and equip everything.

Well I found out you can also do this whilst transforming into a vampire lord, the weird thing is though you can't equip multiple chest armour in the body slot. But that's not what I'm interested in, what I also found (and this can be checked if no one believes me) is that I you access your inventory using the above glitch and transforming into a VPL instea of a Wrwolf then you can find the "Vampire lord armour" in your inventory and its equipped, if you give it to your follower then look at your vamp lord he is no longer wearing anything (Obviously).

The armour can then be equipped outside of vamp lord form (but its invisible), the upside to this however is that you can equip it alongside ANY other price of body apparel.

My real question however (which I'm going to try soon) is what if you take Harkons armour after killing him and equip it whilst in vamp lord form? Would you look like him? KingK (talk) 22:46, 5 March 2013 (GMT)

I'm pretty sure the armor Harkon wears as a vampire lord is only available by console commands and I'm not even sure it's visible in your inventory. If it does, I guess that you could equip it using the glitch you just described. I'll also add that there is probably no female version so beware of bugs. 13:48, 22 March 2013 (GMT)

Blood Magic

In Vampire Lord form my female vamp has no options of magic spells. In the favorites menu are Bats, Revert Form, and Vampire Sight. Shouldn't the spells automatically be there? In the hover mode she can raise her arms and 'sheathe her arms. I pressed the regular RT and LT but nothing happens. I'm on X-box 360.-grelaria. Also when changing form she freezes for a moment when she is, uh, bowed over? Then she bursts into the vampire lord form.

The few seconds delay in changing form is normal. When you are hovering you should be able to use magic spells with (RT) and (LT). Try bringing up the favorites menu with the d-pad to equip and un-equip spells. If that doesn't work it is likely a glitch. RIM (talk) 10:50, 28 March 2013 (GMT)

Necromage and Vampire Lord Bonuses

Some perks (if not all perks) benefit from necromage boosts only if you pick them After necromage. So im just wondering, does Power of the Grave perk as the atribute bonuses get improved by necromage if you took them Before having the necromage perk? Or... as the atributes, armor and unarmed bonuses are applied only when you transform in Vampire Lord form. does necromage perk allways work on them (as it does with skills, shouts, potions, effects, etc) ? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:55 on 2 April 2013‎

Mist Form

Well, let's talk about mist form shall we? I was able to transform into a mist (as you can too, so you're probably rolling your eyes right about now) without transforming into a Vampire Lord. In place of my Vampiric Seduction, Mist Form was in it's place. Has anyone else encountered this? I'm not sure yet if it's only temporary or not, but if it is permanent, it might pose a problem for some of Vingalmo's quests. It might disappear when I transform and back again, but I just wanted to put this out there as perhaps a slight bug, if anyone else has encountered this. I also don't know what steps were taken in order to make this happen, either. (unless it's as power you get naturally as a vampire, then I'll feel like a dolt; but I don't think that's the case) Any questions? Answers? -- 18:03, 4 April 2013 (GMT)

I think this is normal, actually. If I read the script correctly, all of your normal vampire powers are removed when you transform into a Vampire Lord (except Vampire's Sight). You should get them back when you return to your normal form. eshetalk 18:08, 4 April 2013 (GMT)
No-no. When I'm in my po-dunk, bipedal, sword wielding, helm-wearing, Th'uum shouting PC. I can use 'mist form' WITHOUT transforming into the vampire lord form. So if I was just out adventuring, waving my Daedric sword around, I could become a mist. Sure, I can do it in Vampire Lord form, but I can also do it without having to transform. Is it a reward for a quest? Like Vingalmo, Bloodmouth, Feran, etc.? Because if it is I'm not sure where the lesser-power reward is located. Oh, and I also received vampiric seduction and retained the mist form ability, so this is something else entirely.-- 20:11, 5 April 2013 (GMT)
OH! I, that doesn't sound normal at all. I don't think there's supposed to be any way for you to use that form other than being a Vampire Lord, but I'll do some checking and let you know what I find. You wouldn't happen to be using any mods or anything, would you? eshetalk 20:13, 5 April 2013 (GMT)

Console command to trigger transformations?

Is there a console command to forcefully trigger transformation back to human from vampire lord form? I am constantly getting stuck in the form being unable to use any other power other than the Vampire Sight. This is most likely due to the mods I have. --Demian (talk) 09:05, 10 April 2013 (GMT)

Khajiit claws in vampire lord form.. quick question.

Does the claws perk, an innate ability of the Khajiit, stack with the vampire lord's claws while in vampire lord form? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:59 on 21 April 2013

Interesting question. For that matter, do racial powers such as Dark Elf flame resistance apply as well? --BlackhawkXIII (talk) 21:21, 21 April 2013 (GMT)
No; transforming into a Vampire Lord effectively changes your character's race while you are in that form. Therefore, none of your racial traits or powers carry over while you're a Vampire Lord. eshetalk 14:16, 22 April 2013 (GMT)
You know, I think I might add the fact that the player's race is changed to the page. It makes it easier to understand what abilities are and are not retained. --BlackhawkXIII (talk) 17:18, 22 April 2013 (GMT)
Well, it does specifically say what powers are changed during the transformation, but if you can find a way to make it clearer, please do! eshetalk 17:21, 22 April 2013 (GMT)

Vampiric Drain bug

I have found that vampiric drain can light oil slicks. I looked around and didnt see any mention of this anywhere. 360 all patches/DLC Ivan the Vandal (talk) 04:45, 23 April 2013 (GMT)

Do the Vampiric Claws effect carry over from Lord to your normal self?

Say you get like poison talons to do extra unarmed. Does that also mean for your main form that their unarmed damage is increased as well while you aren't in Vampire Lord Form? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Pretty sure that's a "no". Mind you, there's some natural benefits to being a vampire (even a regular non-Lord one) which you can use while not in Vampire Lord form, but the poison talons are strictly a Vampire Lord form ability, just like the increased damage while in Werewolf form. Only ways to boost unarmed damage while in normal-form are with Gloves of the Pugilist, or by being a Khajiit or Argonian. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 04:54, 1 May 2013 (GMT)


is this a constant effect(always on) or a power?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:55 on 21 June 2013

Yes and no, I think.
The Night Cloak perk heals you for the amount of damage dealt, it also stacks if there are multiple enemies surrounding you. It should be noted that the bats only appear when an enemy comes in close to you and they will disappear sometime after there is no enemy around anymore.
So, if I understand it correctly, you don't have to activate it yourself, but you don't always have the cloud of bats around you. If anyone knows different from gameplay experience, please correct me :P. eshetalk 18:00, 21 June 2013 (GMT)


During the vampire lord transformation, my character will pause. During that pause the blood spray that usually occurs when the transformation is complete will take place before my character changes form (when he is hunched over). Is there any way to fix this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:25 on 5 July 2013

To fix this glitch, simply make a new save and reload. If that doesn't work, reload from any earlier save. - Ultimate Powa, 15 July 2013 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:12 on 15 July 2013

Perk Progress by killing undead?

In the main article it says that perk progress can only be gained when you kill living creatures, not undead, daedra, or automatons, but I got perk progress by killing vampires and draugr with the drain life spell. However, I notice that killing things that you reanimate yourself does not count. Can anyone else confirm this?Bookwyrm1357 (talk) 20:39, 7 July 2013 (GMT)

How to become a Vampire Lord after the Chasing Echoes quest?

So by reading around I gathered that:

1. If you side with the Dawnguard, you can still become a Vampire Lord during the Chasing Echoes quest, by letting Serana turn you, HOWEVER this is only possible if you are NOT a regular vampire at that point the quest. (says here at point 6)

2. If you become a Vampire Lord during the Chasing Echos quest, after that quest the Dawnguard will NOT talk to you (says here in the reply), which makes me wonder how you're supposed to continue their main quest.

3. If you're a normal vampire, Serana will still offer to turn you into a Vampire Lord (says here, third note to last), but at what point is this possible, seen that this is not possible during the Chasing Echos quest? Can Serana still do this even after she's been cured of her own vampirism?

I'm trying to figure things out as much as possible before I make the wrong choice in game :/ --Rope Dog (talk) 05:44, 12 July 2013 (GMT)

You need to cure your vampirism before you can continue the Dawnguard questline after Chasing Echoes. Serana can no longer turn you if you make her cure her vampirism. —Legoless (talk) 12:55, 12 July 2013 (GMT)
Right, thanks! And so my only standing doubt remains this: at what point can a normal vampire be turned by Serana into a Vampire Lord after the Chasing Echoes quest? At any point? Like, I just talk to here wherever she is and she offers to turn you into a Vampire Lord anytime? --Rope Dog (talk) 09:16, 13 July 2013 (GMT)
Yep. As long as she hasn't cured her own vampirism, any time after that quest. — ABCface 14:19, 13 July 2013 (GMT)

Revert Form

(Xbox 360) He never told me how to revert form! Right now I'm stuck as a Vampire Lord. Which is more annoying than you might think. Please help! — Unsigned comment by Anastasia0812 (talkcontribs) at 06:33 on 14 July 2013‎

See this section about curing vampirism. --Rope Dog (talk) 06:59, 14 July 2013 (GMT)
OP wasn't asking how to cure vampirism, but how to revert back to normal form when a Vampire Lord. The "Revert Form" is in the same menu as other Vampire Lord abilities (such as Bats, etc.) so open your abilities menu while in Vampire Lord Form and select "Revert Form". If you're on the Bloodline quest during the Vampire Lord tutorial and the ability does not show up in the menu, please say so, as it would be noteworthy to document on that quest page. I had experienced this once before and had to reload to a save from before entering the Volkihar Cathedral room of the castle (the one with the Molag Bal shrine) in order for it to appear -- didn't note it on the page since it could've easily been a one-off but if you've experienced it as well then it can be noted as a confirmed bug. — ABCface 20:22, 14 July 2013 (GMT)

vampire lord lag

When ever i play on my vampire lord account i get this lag and its just really bad and it still happens when i change to my mortal form i don't know what to do can some one please help me. OK i just found out that it does not lag when i am in a cave just when im out in the open. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:03 on 20 July 2013

Vampire Lord Revert Weight Bug

So, I've had a problem ever since I turned into a Vampire Lord..

Whenever I revert from vampire lord form to human, my maximum weight goes NEGATIVE....Not only that, it gets progressively worse everytime I transform, and revert to human. First transformation is -163..then I transform and revert - then goes lower by about 120 to -280's...ect ect.

I've deactivated 90% of my mods and the problem still hasn't been fixed. I'm gonna finish up doing the mod deactivation tomorrow but It's a game breaking bug for sure as a vampire.

Have you heard of this problem before? & If so, any possible Ideas for fixes? Maybe even console commands? Anything helps. Thanks.

-H, (Talk), 09:59, 26 July 2013

Usually when transforming to a vampire lord, your carry weight increases, and decreases again when transforming back... In your case it seems that the increase is not working. I'd guess it's a mod's cause, but I don't know. As for console commands, you could try player.restoreav carryweight 1000 (this will set your carry weight back to your base). If this doesn't work, try player.modav carryweight XXX, where XXX is the difference between your current carry weight and the one you should have. -- SarthesArai Talk 11:43, 26 July 2013 (GMT)

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