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Skyrim talk:Vampirism/Archive 2

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Vampirism discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Feeding Option

I'm Currently playing on the pc and used console commands to make myself a werewolf/vampire hybrid, but now that i am a stage 2 vampire when i've gone to feed the option is not available to me it goes straight into pickpocket. does any1 know of a way to use console commands or how to fix this issue? --Delian 23:35, 10 December 2011 (UTC)

I had the same problem. I ended up having to cure my vampirism by talking to the innkeeper about rumors, then following the in-game quest line to cure myself. You could try player.setrace nord. If you're not a nord, you can type in your race: player.setstage argonian. I'm not sure if that will fix the problem or not, but it's worth a try. ( 06:11, 16 December 2011 (UTC))
yoo203 here and i'm not sure how you changed yourself using the console(normal race werewolf with added vampirism bonuses and setting global to say you're a vampire or if you went from vampire to adding werewolf benefits and spells) but generally what i found with most of the feeding bugs is that the character is not a custom/non-selectable race when it becomes a vampire(vampires are a race in themselves if you look at race IDs) so I'd recommend that you try player.setrace (your race)racevampire ex. if you're a nord player.setrace nordracevampire should let you feed. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:57 on 18 December 2011
just made myself a hybrid today and tested beast form. it seems that beast form basically changes your race and changes the race back to what ever base race you were, meaning it changes you back to nord if you were a nord(vampire or not) before using beast form and not nord vampire making you unable to feed due to the fact that your race isn't a vampire anymore even though you still have the benefits and stage progressions. -yoo203 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:48 on 20 December 2011
Ok thank you so much. not sure if it should be here specifically but now that creation kit is out could there be a way to change this? i would like to learn how to mod myself so this seems to be as good a start as any. --Delian 08:07, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
This makes sense, as a werewolf you are not supposed to be a vampire, ever. I guess that was a safety net just in case a player was somehow still a vampire. 19:04, 1 April 2012 (UTC)

Necromage with Bound Weapons

Does the Necromage perk boost your bound weapon damage if you're a vampire? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:54 on 21 February 2012

I can't speak for Skyrim specifically, but in previous TES games, the 'Bound Weapon' spell brought forth a *fixed* attribute weapon, the only thing that ever changed was the duration (i.e. Bound Dagger always did the same damage, had the same enchants, etc) - so I would assume that the same would be here, and that the only impact the Necromage perk would have would be on the duration of the spell itself (i.e. if it normally summons the dagger for 60 sec, would summon for 75 sec instead) DextroWombat 00:18, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

Can Movarth infect one with his Radiant vampirism?

Since Movarth is a Radiant Vampire and his appearance is unique from all other Vampires then can a person such as I become infected by his vampirism? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:29 on 4 March 2012

yes, i use him to turn me all the time since he respawns every 10 days. i cure myself if i need to do a long quest, then use him to turn me back, i've done that a least 5 times now with one charcter-- 20:32, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

Stats regenerating during the day.

I am playing a Dark Elf who is a stage 4 vampire with no perks and on master difficulty. But for some reason my health, stamina and magicka has started to regenerate during the day, even when I unequipped my robes and jewellery they still regenerate. I have Blessing of Nocturnal and The Steed Stone active but changing them doesn't stop it. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 01:58, 30 March 2012 (UTC)

I have the same thing but in stage 3 vampirisim... it must of a random but lucky bug :D. sorry about not sign 01:11, 31 March 2012 (UTC)
If I remember correctly, the way Skyrim handled Vampirism is that it subtracted a flat number from your regeneration values. Thus, any increase to regeneration would also take effect during the day. I suppose it wouldn't be hard to fix it with a little bit of research and the construction set, as you'd change it from subtracting the regeneration flat value to subtracting the percentile value. I must note that these are two different actor values I'm speaking of. You could also use modav and to 'correct' your daytime regeneration, but that would decrease your night regeneration. 19:00, 1 April 2012 (UTC)
The one time I played as a vampire, my magicka continued to regenerate (at a extremely slow rate) I'm pretty sure this was due to me having the first rank of Recovery perk. (Eddie The Head 07:16, 25 April 2012 (UTC))

Necromage + Vampirism doesn't work for me

Am I suposed to do things in right order? I was a vamp and chose the perk. Not a single stat changed. Should I have the perk before I become a vampire? Maybe it got patched? Couldn't find something in the web. I'm playing on Xbox360 with Version 1.4 I think. It's not important for me, but I'm just curious. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 30 March 2012

Ok, got it... Active effects doesn't change. Reequiping armor is necessary to benefit from necromage perk as a vamp. Maybe it should be mentioned in the article. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 31 March 2012
Mine doesn't change at all - in active effects or otherwise. Anybody knows how I could fix this? ::-- 00:37, 28 May 2012 (UTC)

Werewolf + Vampirism

Somehow I managed to contract vampirism whilst being a werewolf. Anybody else encountered this bug? I've also contracted other diseases as a werewolf, and not just from traps, I've contracted from skeevers and bears too. Wagn 20:51, 12 April 2012 (UTC)

There were a few bugs with the disease so maybe you were just unlucky. Also, the main way to catch a bug is to get hit by an animal. RIM 20:55, 12 April 2012 (UTC)
I have never contracted the disease while a werewolf but i once had the disease and waited until i was nearly a vampire and then i drank the werewolf blood in the underforge, i became a hybrid and they all have the powers of both species but there are some problems and solutions, one is that you can feed at first but once you willingly transform to beast form and then back into human form, you red eyes will be gone and you're more registered as a werewolf than a vampire, so while you have access to vampire powers now minus vampire sight, you cannot feed and are doomed to become stuck as a stage four hybrd, there is a few solutions. There are other ways to become a hybrid but they don;t allow you to use the totem poles or the underforge.Mr.Scryer. 18:58, 2 May 2012 (UTC)

Necromage still increasing stats after curing Vampirism?

I did the quest to cure Vampirism on my character successfully, but I noticed all my stats and spell durations are still being enhanced by the Necromage perk, as if I were still a Vampire. I tried reequipping all my gear, restarting the game, changing cells, fast traveling and reequipping my gear again, but I'm still benefiting from Necromage in every way. And no, I don't have any abilities or active effects pertaining to being a Vampire anymore, and NPCs once again refer to me as my actual race instead of none specifically.

Can anyone else confirm this happening to them? Or whether this is a bug or normal? I've searched all over and can't find anyone or anything mentioning this happening. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 27 April 2012

yes i can confrim that the same thing happened to me, I had lingering health and magicka fortifications — Unsigned comment by Esmok Kronik (talkcontribs) at 00:54 on 10 June 2012
Second confirmation: Magic resistance with Vampirism/Necromage+breton blood+agent of mara+perk resistance = 81.25, without Necromage/Vampirism is 70. After curing myself from Vampirism stays at 81.25 (only visible by console command -player.getav magicresist)
Other perks affected: Dual flurry (second rank +V/N = 169% normally 135% stays 169% after curing myself) Quick Shot (stays 169%), fists of steel are affected and stays that way, Windwalker, Muffle, Recover, Avoid death, Atronach (with V/N = 37,5% after curing still stays at 37,5%) It also seems that not only perks are affected by the V/N boost but also some blessings/powers like Agent of Mara - but it needs confirmation. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:48 on 20 June 2012
confirmation: 100% spell absorption stayed after curing vamp through console commands. but the 12.5 magicka bonus from the 50 magicka bonus from the high elf racial bonus went away.-(necromage perk has to be taken before becoming a vampire for this to work) but the 12.5 additional magicka from the atronach stone remained. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:43 on 6 July 2012


I was a vampire once,but i changed my race and now my appearance looks like normal.I became blood-starved vampire but i could not feed on anyone so i tried going to Falion to cure my vampirism but when i interacted with him he tried to attack me.(I had tgm and tdetect on so no one could see me.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:04 on 4 May 2012

That's just what happens when you change your race as a vampire; using the console can mess things up. If you can't cure your character via console, try switching back to an older save. Falion recognizes you as being a stage 4 vampire despite the appearance and feeding change, which is why he attacked you. Vely►Talk►Email 20:03, 4 May 2012 (UTC)

stage 3 vampirism

"Most NPCs will not interact with you if you initiate the conversation."

i haven't found a single NPC who cares. is that right? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:39 on 23 May 2012

I haven't noticed anything either, i will have to double check it. Mr.Scryer. 20:24, 8 June 2012 (UTC)

Vamp eyes

The vampire eyes are now yellow and black instead of red I think because of the DLC Dawnguard and this needs to be updated.thx. — Unsigned comment by The Elder Scrolls Addict (talkcontribs) at 10:15 on 6 June 2012

Can't say I've noticed what colour their eyes are but if dawnguard brings a change, then we need to wait before it's confirmed. The Silencer has spokenTalk 12:44, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
Confirmed: Light-blue-eyed Breton female who had become vampire for the first time a few days ago under 360 patch 1.6.n had irises changed to dull hazel. With Dawnguard on release day, irises are now a lambent tawny gold. Lottery Discountz 00:10, 27 June 2012 (UTC)

Dawnguard vampires level 4

It says on the dawnguard page "With the addition of Vampire Lords, Skyrim's NPCs will no longer react with hostility toward any regular vampires, only with Vampire Lords". So that means that even vampires at stage four won't be attacked by NPCs? RIM 19:40, 14 June 2012 (UTC)

That would be great as i plan on being both versions of vampires, although I have no idea if the vampire lord types are a separate species or are enhanced versions of the skyrim vampires. 02:35, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
It's a transformation power just like werewolves and it seems that once you get dawnguard people only attck vampire lords on sight, not even lvl 4 vampires anymore. Yay! RIM 12:26, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
Yep no more fast traveling to somewhere far and becoming a stage four vampire along the way due to the length and then getting attacked as soon as I get to town! so now no more worries when fast traveling XD. Damn right it is a "yay" moment but is it confirmed for sure? 15:46, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
I looked around the internet and that seems to be the case based on numerous comments and what it says on the dawnguard main page but I couldn't find anything official confirming it. RIM 16:16, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
It's true. I have it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:47 on 5 July 2012

Transforming into a werewolf while a vampire?

In the second paragraph on the Vampirism page it states, "While you cannot have the Beast Blood ability present, you can have the Ring of Hircine ability present while being a vampire which allows the player to transform into a werewolf while being a vampire. This also allows the player to have the ability of transforming into a werewolf while not having lycanthropy at all." I can't seem to find information to collaborate this on either the Ring of Hircine page or the Werewolf page. Can anybody say definitively that this is true, and if so shouldn't something be put on both of those pages as well? Thanks if you can help with this...... ---Gamer3427 22:37, 16 June 2012 (UTC)

I can personally say that this works. But if you reach stage four vampirism, some weird things start to happen, normally when you reach stage four everybody attacks you, but I went to Riften using this glitch and only the townspeople wanted to rip my throat out while the guards fought on my side. I'm still tinkering out the details but so far this is what I know.
Zarcrias — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:48 on 1 July 2012
Alright, thanks for the conformation. If someone else will confirm this I'll add this as a bug on the Ring of Hircine and Werewolf pages. Also I edited your post slightly because the way you had it was causing most of your post to not appear...... ---Gamer3427 21:40, 1 July 2012 (UTC)
EDIT: I was finally able to go through and test this myself, and found that it does in fact work. However, it should be noted that in order to do it, you have to be wearing the ring when you cure you lycanthropy. After that you can remove the ring, but still have the power available. I still need to test this with curing it through Dawnguard, and if that doesn't work, then I'll update it. Either way, for now I'm adding this to the bugs section of the Ring of Hircine and Werewolf pages.... ---Gamer3427 05:49, 2 July 2012 (UTC)
CONFIRMED. NPC's WILL NOT become hostile towards LVL 4 vampires when the Dawnguards DLC is installed. Vampire lords only have people become hostile towards them if they are seen in the Vampire Lord form. Vampire lords at LVL 4 vampirism will not be attacked either they MUST BE SEEN in the Vampire lord form. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:53 on 2 July 2012
Hybrids are possible even without the ring but they are the result of glitches and/or exploiting certain events. Before Dawnguard, being a hybrid was a one way ticket to getting attacked and killed because after willingly changing into beast form, it resets your race and you are no longer considered a vampire despite retaining the vampiric powers(except vampire sight) and weakness. You can't feed so you eventually end up as a stage four hybrid and thus would have been attacked all the time, now though, you can actually enjoy it but it still has the combined weaknesses of werewolves and vampires. 10:44, 2 July 2012 (UTC)

Dawnguard Vampires

Isn't this whole page just outdated info pretty much? Dawnguard came out I believe, and a lot of stuff needs to be added or changed pertaining to vampires. Shouldn't we put something up telling people that this page still needs to be brought up to date? Trevor1324 21:50, 27 June 2012 (UTC)

It is being updated, there is a section called dawnguard which I put on the page which tells of the changes to vampirism. Mr.Scryer. 21:52, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
Well only xbox users have Dawnguard at the moment, PC and PS3 have at least a month to wait before they get it. Also we should probably keep the old info aswell anyway for those who do not wish to play Dawnguard. Plus it only came out yesturday, so the info is bound to be lacking anyway. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 21:55, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
Kimi's right about only adding information, rather than replacing it. I added an Incomplete tag to the Dawnguard section for now. But is it better to move it to the top of the page, with an added note that the Dawnguard information is what's specifically incomplete? ABCface 21:57, 27 June 2012 (UTC)
Do we know yet what happens if your a vampire already and then download Dawnguard? Is vampirism completely separarate from being a vampire lord? Trevor1324 23:32, 29 June 2012 (UTC)
They are the same vampires, no separate species. Vampire lords is just something that the very first couple of generations of volkihar vampires can change into i.e harkon and whoever he turns. Mr.Scryer. 23:42, 29 June 2012 (UTC)
They are separate. Being a Vampire and being a Vampire Lord are two different things. To be a Vampire you need to be infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. To be a Vampire Lord the only way is getting it from Lord Harkon or Serana. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 23:46, 29 June 2012 (UTC)

() So your a vampire, you download Dawnguard, you talk to harkon, and your a vamp lord. cool. i'll put in a link to the vamp lord page. Trevor1324 23:50, 29 June 2012 (UTC)

They are not a separate species though, they are all volkihar it is just harkon and his family are the first of their clan ergo they have more powers such as vampire lord. Vampire lord can only be gained through being sired by harkon or serana due to their pure-blood, the other vampires that are in the wild are called "thin-bloods" (by the court) and are way down the vampiric blood line and so getting infected by them just makes you like them instead. Mr.Scryer. 00:38, 30 June 2012 (UTC)

New way to contract Vampirism in Dawnguard

I was doing a run through Redwater Den and when I got to the Bloodspring for the hell of it I activated it and I got Sanguinare Vampiris and a random disease, I tested it a few times and it happened everytime. I'm not sure how or where to add this (probably here and the Bloodspring page) someone mind doing it? --SPMcKinney 14:21, 4 July 2012 (UTC)

Done - added it to the main article, any beauty tweaks are welcome. --Skyhirider 16:23, 7 July 2012 (UTC)
Thank you that place is perfect :D --SPMcKinney 04:50, 8 July 2012 (UTC)

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