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Skyrim talk:Whirlwind Sprint

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I've tested a bit with the console and getpos. I've whirlwinded on the road in the Whiterun plain. The range seems to be as following:

  • Wuld - ~930 editor units
  • Nah - ~1525 editor units
  • Kest - ~2020 editor units

As I don't know how to convert editor units to feet, I've put it here. --Killfetzer 11:17, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

I've searched a bit more. The underlying effect has a magnitude of 10 for each shout. But the base cost of the effect differs. Base costs are: Wuld - 50, Nah - 75 and Kest - 100. Also this shout is coverned by the school of destruction. So maybe a higher level in destruction encreases the range of the shout. --Killfetzer 17:46, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

According to the CK wiki 64 editor units are 3 feet. I've converted my data and entered it in the article. --Killfetzer 09:44, 13 March 2012 (UTC)

Shout not in right sequence[edit]

Not sure if its because I just unlocked it, but Nah is uttered after I complete the jump. Wuld <sprint> Nah. TolarisOmega 11:33, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

It's a sound bug. It can happen rarely with other shouts, but it seems to happen almost every time with this one. Every once in a while he will sprint after/during the second word, but usually the sprint comes before the second word. Chris3145 15:42, 10 January 2012 (UTC)
Maybe you're supposed to believe you're traveling faster than sound. -Trogdor — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:05 on 5 November 2012

Places to Whirlwind Sprint[edit]

I know of one chest in Reachwater Rock cave that you can get with this shout. it's in the lake room with the dead adventurer & ancient edict pedestal, nothing special inside but you can always get lucky with chests I suppose. if anyone knows of other places you need this shout to reach, maybe we can list them here & come up with something worth putting in the article — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:05 on 24 March 2012

Ustengrav Depths, you need this shout used twice to reach a chest above and behind the throne with the skeleton resting in it. Also, there's a bag of gold in one of the caves you enter with the Companions that can only be reached this way. Vyc Ðarkshådøw 04:41, 22 June 2012 (UTC)

stamina cost[edit]

I think it should be added that this shout uses stamina. I just got the first word, used it a few times and noticed my stamina decrease with each use of it.--Lycos Devanos Drop me a line 04:53, 14 July 2013 (GMT)

Possibly use for a glitch?[edit]

Under the listing of possible uses, there is mentioned an exploit of a glitch. That does not feel correct to me. Any opinions? —MortenOSlash (talk) 04:58, 31 July 2013 (GMT)

Bugs Cleanup[edit]

  • There is a strange glitch where some instances cause this to be used in the air, but nothing happens and your shout cooldown activates. Direct causes of this aren't clear.
Moved unconfirmed bug. I couldn't replicate this. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 02:49, 6 November 2013 (GMT)

Shout Trajectory[edit]

If the shout is angled high or low, the trajectory is always horizontal, and the distance traveled is always the same. Also the trajectory of any shout should be slightly curved. Not as much as an arrow, of course, but using the same principle--Lmstearn (talk) 10:08, 10 December 2013 (GMT)

Can it be a visit to Volskygge or Dead Men's Respite?[edit]

I just want to ask the contributor of this bug if it can be a previous visit to Volskygge or Dead Men's Respite that have given the extra word in the shout? —MortenOSlash (talk) 05:44, 23 March 2015 (GMT)

No, I did this without seeing either of the other two words. You watch the Greybeards dig the word in the ground, then you read it, but before they *ahem* basically give you a dragon soul to unlock the word, you spend one of your own. When they give you theirs, you get the next word too. 07:38, 23 March 2015 (GMT)

Reference to William Congreve?[edit]

Discussion moved to Skyrim talk:Easter Eggs