Ornada Eggs are the eggs laid by an Ornada Queen, and are a foodstuff consumed by the Dark Elves of Morrowind.
Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:
- Gorne, The Ghostly Lady, Lower Deck (×8)
- Sailen, Bradyn Household (×7)
- Felms Ithul, Evori Zerum's Shack (×6)
- The Inn Between (×5)
- Almas Thirr, Nelos Llothri's House (×4)
- Baldrahn, Telis Zamra's Shack (×4)
- Andar Mok, Vilyn Avani's Shack (×3)
- Aimrah [12,-34] (×3)
- Gorne, The Ghostly Lady, Upper Deck (×3)
- Meralag, Gondoril's House (×3)
- Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages: Basement (×3)
- Old Ebonheart, Roran House (×3)
- Roa Dyr, Craftmen's Hall (×3)
- Andar Mok [32,-1] (×2)
- Dulandos, Storage Chambers (×2)
- Gorne, Rendays Manor (×2)
- Melethi Lighthouse (×2)
- Necrom, Disvur Bereth's House (×2)
- Nethril Plantation, Manor (×2)
- Old Ebonheart, Eulix Festius: Brickmason (×2)
- Dreynim Spa, Restaurant
- Galisa's Pike, Cabin
- Morvil Arelath's Shack
- Necrom, Refuge of St. Aralor
- Old Ebonheart, Neel Gymont's Fine Art
- Ranyon-ruhn, Catacombs
- Tel Mothrivra, South Tower: Lower Tower
- Tel Muthada, Thelasa Reram: Healer
- Tomaril Manor, Guard Tower: Upper Levels
- Tomaril Manor, Manor House
They are also found in the following leveled lists: