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Tamriel Rebuilt:Alni

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Alni (TR_m3_Alni)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location TEM Princess Morgiah: Hold
Race Ynesai Gender Female
Level 5 Class Sailor
Other Information
Health 71 Magicka 86
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Navy 1(Deckhand)

Alni is an Ynesai sailor and Deckhand of the Imperial Navy found aboard the TEM Princess Morgiah in Old Ebonheart. As of the 24.12 Firemoth Rekindled release in late 2024, she is the sole example of a Ynesai character within Tamriel Rebuilt.

For protection, she wears a complete set of Imperial Navy leather armor: cuirass, helm, pair of boots, pair of gauntlets, and pair of pauldrons, with also a set of studded leather greaves. For clothing, she wears a common shirt and a pair of common pants. She wields an Imperial saber and carries 5 gold.

Like all Ynesai, she has a naturally improved ability to sneak and can boost her attack and resistance to fire for short periods, but otherwise knows no spells.