Tamriel Rebuilt:Armaranco

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Armaranco (TR_m3_Armaranco)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Summerset Isles Mission
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 16 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 116 Magicka 192
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Armaranco is a High Elf sorcerer who can be found on the lower floor of the Summerset Isles Mission at Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. He is the assistant of Elteryn of Firsthold, the Summerset Isles ambassador who can be found on the next floor up.

He wears a pair of Altmer glass boots, a pair of Altmer glass bracers, and a common robe. He wields a glass wakizashi.

Aside from his natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, his natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, he knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Dire Noise, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Dire Weary, Drain Blood, Far Silence, Great Feather, Hide, Invisibility, Toxic Cloud, Reflect, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.


  • Greetings:
"Stendarr, spare me from this noise!"

If Disposition ≥ 40:

"Greetings, %PCName. Is there anything I can help you with? I'm not sure what you could need of me that you couldn't ask of my master, but I am happy to help."
  • Background:
"%Name is my name. I was a court wizard in Shimmerene. I wasn't the only one. In the Summerset Isles, practically every member of a court is a "court wizard". Oh, it must've been the year... 126? 127? Third Era dates get hazy after a while. Anyway, I was good, but not the best. When my master Elteryn left the court after the Firsthold Revolt, Queen Shasara of Shimerene made sure I went with her."
  • my trade:
"I am the Elteryn's aide here, as I was in Firsthold, and Shimerene before that."

If Disposition ≥ 80:

"I know a manipulator when I see one. She maybe born in nobility, but she is not Altmer. I don't know what spell she put on Karoodil but that type of instant devotion is not natural."
  • Summerset Isle:
"Surely you've heard of the great Summerset Isle. The home of all Altmer such as myself."
"It wasn't too long ago that we were at war with our former allies. I hope that one day we'll be able to repair our relationship, but all wounds take time to heal."