Tamriel Rebuilt:Armor Artifacts

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Tamriel Rebuilt adds a number of new Artifacts to the world of Morrowind. An Artifact is a unique and unusually powerful magical item. Artifacts are specifically defined as anything with a unique appearance. This is opposed to Unique items, which are defined as those which there is only one of, but which have the same appearance as other generic items. Some are rewards for quests, others may be found through exploration.

  • Artifacts listed here (rather than solely in Tamriel Data) are no longer in development and have been merged into playable versions of TR.


  • Armor Rating is given both as base values and Max values, which apply when you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.
  • Charge/Cost= Uses indicates how many uses on average you can get before needing to recharge the armor (or wait for it to charge on its own). Note that the Cost depends on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary.
  • Armor Rating values are given both as base values and Max values, which you will get if you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.


Boots of Peace[edit]

Boots of Peace
Artifact: Boots of Peace (T_Dae_UNI_BootsOfPeace_01)
Type Boots
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 800
Weight Weight 20 (Heavy) Value Value 40000
Constant Effect:
Fortify Acrobatics Fortify Acrobatics 10 pts on Self
Fortify Athletics Fortify Athletics 10 pts on Self
Fortify Hand-to-hand Fortify Hand-to-hand 10 pts on Self
Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 10 pts on Self
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 10 pts on Self
Boots of Peace

The Boots of Peace are a pair of armored boots that fortify a large number of skills. They are likely a reference to the Boots of Peace that appeared in Battlespire.

They can be found in the release area of Tamriel Rebuilt, where they are in the possession of a Dremora Lord named Lord Drekhva Yashaz. This formidable foe may be found in the Daedric shrine of Yashazmus in the Telvanni Isles.

Boots of the Savior's Hide[edit]

Boots of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Boots of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_BootsSaviorsHide)
Type Boots
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 1500
Weight Weight 4 (Light) Value Value 20000
Constant Effect:
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5% on Self
Boots of the Savior's Hide

The Boots of the Savior's Hide are an artifact of Hircine, and form part of a complete armor set inspired by the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide that appears in the vanilla Morrowind game.

The boots can be found in the release area of the Tamriel Rebuilt mod, in Parjho's used armor shop in Helnim.


Scales of Nafaalilargus[edit]

Scales of Nafaalilargus
Artifact: Scales of Nafaalilargus (T_Imp_Uni_NafaalilargusScales)
Type Cuirass
Armor Rating Rating 43 (143 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 43 (143 Max) Health Health 1200
Weight Weight 20 (Medium) Value Value 7500
Constant Effect
Resist Normal Weapons Resist Normal Weapons 50%
Charge/Cost = Uses Infinite
Scales of Nafaalilargus

The Scales of Nafaalilargus is an enchanted cuirass associated with the Imperial red dragon Nafaalilargus that grants its wearer strong resistance to normal weapons.

It is located in the top of the Imperial Legion Headquarters in Old Ebonheart, in the private quarters of Imperial Legion Lord General of Morrowind, Caecalia Victrix. The cuirass is hidden along with the Claw of Nafaalilargus inside a secret stone safe accessed by a switch hidden behind a locked (Lv. 80) painting of Nafaalilargus.


Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide[edit]

Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_LGauntSaviorsHide; T_Dae_UNI_RGauntSaviorsHide)
Type Gauntlets
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max) Health Health 1000 each
Weight Weight 2 each (Light) Value Value 15000 each
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5% on Self (left)
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5% on Self (right)
Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide

The Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide are pieces of the legendary Savior's Hide armor, which is associated with the Daedric huntsman, Hircine. As with other pieces of the set, they confer a resist magicka effect (which can equal 100% with all pieces assembled). Both gauntlets can be found in the current Tamriel Rebuilt release area, within the Forlorn Shipwreck that lies sunken in Dagon Urul.


Greaves of the Savior's Hide[edit]

Greaves of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Greaves of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_GreavesSaviorsHide)
Type Greaves
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 1500
Weight Weight 8 (Light) Value Value 40000
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 10 pts on Self
Greaves of the Savior's Hide

The Greaves of the Savior's Hide are a piece of the fabled Savior's Hide, an artifact of Hircine. The full set when worn confers total resistance to magic.

The greaves themselves can be found within the Tamriel Rebuilt release area, on the person of one Tarvil Gamaras - a bandit leader in the Berantus cavern northwest of Helnim.


Cursed Crown of Ushu-Dimmu[edit]

Crown of Ushu-Dimmu
Artifact: Crown of Ushu-Dimmu (TR_m4_UshuDimmuCrown_01; TR_m4_UshuDimmuCrown_02)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 5 (16 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 5 (16 Max) Health Health 300
Weight Weight 3 (Light) Value Value 7500
Crown of Ushu-Dimmu

The Crown of Ushu-Dimmu is an ancient crown found upon the head of the mummy, Ushu-Dimmu. It is encountered during the course of a Tamriel Rebuilt Fighters Guild questline that begins in Andothren, appearing in The Cursed Crown.

Death Mask of Empress Katariah[edit]

Death Mask of Empress Katariah
Artifact: Death Mask of Empress Katariah (T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask, T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask_x)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 17 (56 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 17 (56 Max) Health Health 590
Weight Weight 2.35 (Light) Value Value 13000
Cast When Used
Sanctuary Sanctuary 20 pts for 5 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/5 = 5
Death Mask of Empress Katariah

The Death Mask of Empress Katariah is a helmet with a Sanctuary enchantment that was buried with Empress Katariah.

The mask is entombed at the end of the Burial of the Empress section of Raathim Ancestral Tomb, which you explore during the Thieves Guild quest An Empress' Ransom. If you choose to give it to Antio Florane to escape his trap, you will find it on his corpse on the way back to the tomb's entrance.

You are forced to give the mask to the guards when you reunite with Wry-Eye Moranie. It later appears in the Great Hall of the Ebon Tower, but this version, T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask_x, is unenchanted.


  • If you bypass Antio's trap by attacking him, you keep the mask, but his corpse still appears with a second copy of the mask. ?

Helm of the Savior's Hide[edit]

Helm of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Helm of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_HelmSaviorsHide)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 (266 Max) Health Health 1800
Weight Weight 3 (Light) Value Value 32000
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self
Helm of the Savior's Hide

The Helm of the Savior's Hide is a piece of the Savior's Hide set found within the Treasure Chamber of Firewatch's Ember Keep. Together with the other pieces of the set it confers total resistance to magicka.


Artifact: Polyhedrascope (TR_m4_Ando_MG_Polyhedrascope)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 15 (49 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 15 (49 Max) Health Health 400
Weight Weight 4 (Medium) Value Value 8500
Constant Effect:
Detect Animal Detect Animal 60 ft on Self
Detect Enchantment Detect Enchantment 60 ft on Self
Detect Key Detect Key 60 ft on Self
Sanctuary Sanctuary 15 pts on Self

The Polyhedrascope is a helmet of suspected Daedric origin that when repaired can detect numerous types of entities. It appears in the Tamriel Rebuilt quest Axiomatic Inversion, and can be a reward of that Mages Guild quest.


Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide[edit]

Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide
Artifact: Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_LPauldSaviorsHide; T_Dae_UNI_RPauldSaviorsHide)
Type Pauldrons
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max) Health Health 1400 each
Weight Weight 4 each (Light) Value Value 24000 each
Constant Effect
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self (left)
Resist Magicka Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self (right)
Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide

The Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide are the shoulder pieces of the Savior's Hide, a set of armor associated with Hircine. While the cuirass of the set is found on Vvardenfell, within Tel Fyr, the rest of it is scattered around the Telvannis peninsula. The pauldrons themselves can be found on the person of Gamras Silni, a bandit leader occupying the old Dunmer stronghold of Mandaran on the coast of Dagon Urul.

Lord Methats' Pauldrons[edit]

Lord Methats' Pauldrons
Artifact: Lord Methats' Pauldrons (T_Dae_UNI_LMethatsPauldron; T_Dae_UNI_RMethatsPauldron)
Type Pauldrons
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 80 each (266 Max) Health Health 1050 each
Weight Weight 30 each (Heavy) Value Value 30000 each
Constant Effect
Swift Swim Swift Swim 20 pts on Self (left)
Water Breathing Water Breathing on Self (right)
Lord Methats' Pauldrons

Lord Methats' Pauldrons are two armor pieces owned by Lord Methats Uldun, a powerful dremora who occupies the fortress of Vorthas Uldun in close proximity to Khalaan. They grant the user greater aptitude in water, and can be found in a locked chest in Lord Methats' chamber.


Shield of the Emperor[edit]

Shield of the Emperor
Artifact: Shield of the Emperor (T_Imp_UNI_UrielShield_01)
Type Shield
Armor Rating Rating 28 (93 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 28 (93 Max) Health Health 520
Weight Weight 14 (Heavy) Value Value 15000
Constant Effect:
Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 20 pts on Self
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 20 pts on Self
Shield of the Emperor

The Shield of the Emperor is an armament of Uriel Septim V, the invader of Akavir. After his death at Ionith, his shield was returned to Tamriel, and is now held within the College of Firewatch's museum.

Shield of the Lord Commander[edit]

Shield of the Lord Commander
Artifact: Shield of the Lord Commander (T_Bre_UNI_LordlyHeaterShield)
Type Shield
Armor Rating Rating 25 (83 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 25 (83 Max) Health Health 450
Weight Weight 15 (Heavy) Value Value 5000
Shield of the Lord Commander

The Shield of the Lord Commander is a lordly heater shield much more effective than the average wooden heater shield.

It cannot yet be obtained without console commands.