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Tamriel Rebuilt:Nchazdrumn

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Dwemer Ruin:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 6
Bervyn Andus, dwemer machinery
Console Location Code(s)
"Nchazdrumn, Chasm's Head",
"Nchazdrumn, Halls of Rest",
"Nchazdrumn, Harvest Caverns",
"Nchazdrumn, Land's Blood Depths",
"Nchazdrumn, Roasting Hall",
"Nchazdrumn, Stone Gnaw Gallery"
Sunad Mora, [34,6]
Nchazdrumn and the great bridge

Nchazdrumn is a large Dwemer ruin east of Baldrahn, still full of working Dwemer machines. The ruin is difficult to miss as it dominates the surrounding landscape and is much larger than the nearby village. It lies roughly south of Llothanis and north of Tel Mothrivra, if you're still having trouble finding it.

Above ground, the ruin consists of one huge tower and a bridge leading from it to the remains of two smaller ones. The blackened ground near the two broken towers suggests that some kind of fire or explosion destroyed them long ago. The main entrance to the structure is blocked, and you must enter through a cave door to the south of the main tower.

The cave leads into the Halls of Rest, and turns out to be a tunnel created by a group of thieves including Bervyn Andus. He will tell you that they thought that they might find treasure in the ruins, having been previously disappointed at Kemel-Ze, but were surprised by just how "alive" the place still was. He hopes his friends are still okay. Unfortunately, their bodies can both be found in this area. It seems the would-be robbers haven't had much of a chance to explore yet, as there are six Dwemer enemies that still guard a fair stash of treasure. There are several chests, dressers and barrels full of loot, plus there's a unique book about mining on a desk in the north. There are three other exits, all of which lead into the Stone Gnaw Gallery.

The Stone Gnaw Gallery is a hugely complex zone spread over several levels, with two elevators running between them. The level's name comes from the several large stone-crushing machines found within: evidently the processing of stone was its main function, as a book on rock crushing can be found on a mid-level desk to the northeast. There are twelve barrels, two closets, a cabinet and a chest, all of which may contain treasure. Watching over the level are 13 assorted Dwemer guardians. The western elevator leads up into the Chasm's Head, the eastern one takes you down to the Harvest Caverns, while two other doors lead into the Roasting Hall.

The Chasm's Head is the small room at the top of the main tower, which is split over two levels. A couple of Dwemer items lie scattered around, including a book on stone processing, plus eight barrels, three desks, two closets and a chest contain more assorted loot. Three guardians watch over the room.

The Harvest Caverns contains two tunnels that seem to have been the facility's main source of stone, as they wind off into the bedrock. In one tunnel there are three rusty levers, but they are stuck in place and cannot be moved. A greater dwarven spectre and three flying nameless things plus five other entities watch over the level, but there is little treasure for them to guard; just a few barrels and a pair of boots.

Judging by the huge kilns in the Roasting Hall, it is where stone was heated to remove valuable minerals. Today, fully 24 Dwemer guardians watch over the level, but there is little treasure for them to guard. A door leads on to the Land's Blood Depths.

The top of Land's Blood Depths is a small chamber with the usual few guardians plus barrels of loot. There is also a unique book on boiler repair. An elevator leads to a cavern hewn into the base rock, where a huge boiler stands in the lava, presumably supplying steam power to the facility above. There are a couple more guardians down here too. There is also an enchanted dwemer helm that constant effect fortifies armorer by 7 points and night eye 20 points.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Bervyn Andus Male Dark Elf Rogue 4 59 84 80 30 Halls of Rest


Map of Nchazdrumn