Tamriel Rebuilt:Ewein Samantine

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Ewein Samantine (TR_m3_Ewein Samantine)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Palace: Library
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 2 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 46 Magicka 124
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Ewein Samantine

Ewein Samantine is a Breton scribe found in the Palace Library of the Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart.

He wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes.

Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Variable Resist Common Disease, Variable Resist Fire, Variable Resist Frost, Variable Resist Magicka, and Variable Resist Poison.


  • Background:
"I am %Name. I make copies and preserve the books of the palace library, and purchase new books for the royal collection when possible."


  • Prior to Tamriel Rebuilt v24.12, Ewein was the editor and publisher of The Ebonheart Bellman. He was involved in the miscellaneous quest Literary Critic, but his role was replaced by Brisk-Wind as the newspapers' offices were moved to a dedicated building in Old Ebonheart.