Tamriel Rebuilt:Glaucia Rumariil

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Glaucia Rumariil (TR_m3_Glaucia Rumariil)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Curia: Offices West
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 12 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 112 Magicka 148
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Glaucia Rumariil, the Empire's Minister of House Hlaalu Affairs

Glaucia Rumariil is an Imperial scribe and the Septim Empire's appointed Minister of House Hlaalu Affairs. She is noticeably close to, and influenced by, that House, and at the time of your arrival appears to have invited the Hlaalu representative, Polsirie Dalomo, into her private quarters. Other petitioners, notably the Khajiit, Ji'Risdirr, who has concerns about Great House Hlaalu's practice of slavery, wait outside with Glaucia's secretary, Rald Hearth-Friend.

Glaucia is seeking to extend her influence in Andothren, and as such wishes to replace the manager of the Port Authority there, Nalvyna Balen, presumably aided by the numerous stock issues at the Port Authority's warehouse. She has recently petitioned the Hlaalu Council in Andothren to seat her own candidate, Gerardus Tilianus in this position. Nalvyna will send you, as a member of House Hlaalu, to bribe Glaucia away from this course of action, and find a position for Gerardus elsewhere. It is a proposition that Glaucia will enthusiastically accept.

She wears an extravagant shirt, a pair of expensive pants, and a pair of expensive shoes.

Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows the following spells: Variable Resist Common Disease, Variable Resist Fire, Variable Resist Frost, Variable Resist Magicka, and Variable Resist Poison.

Related Quests[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

A New Employment: Search for vacancies for a jobless scribe.


  • Greeting:
"Salutations. Do you have business regarding House Hlaalu?"
  • Glaucia Rumariil:
  • House Hlaalu:
"Have you traveled much in House Hlaalu territory, either on the mainland or in Vvardenfell? I absolutely adore Suran. It truly is the jewel of the Ascadian Isles. I'm thinking of renting a summer home there."
  • my trade:
"The Empire has found an ally in House Hlaalu. Together, we are working to ensure a better future for Morrowind, and indeed, all of Tamriel. In fact, I almost fancy that I have become an honorary Hlaalu myself. Yes, slavery conditions in the province are rather regrettable, but we can learn so much from the native Dunmer."

House Hlaalu: A New Employment[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Hello %PCName. How goes your search for a job for a scribe?"
(If Gerandus Tilianus is dead):
"Whoa! Gerardus is murdered! Was it you who killed him, %PCName? From what I had learned about House Hlaalu, I didn't expect them to hire assassins as soon as you step on someone's toes! He was under my protection! Do you understand how much this will stain my reputation? Go and tell Nalvyna that I WILL replace her as soon as I find someone else who is qualified." Goodbye (Disposition -30)
"You've ruined my reputation. Make it quick or get lost."
  • job for a scribe:
"Why do you care?"
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil is unsealed):
"Gerardus Tilianus has turned to me for a job. I promised him to find one, but I've not yet been successful. Go and ask around in the city if there is anyone willing to hire him, then return to me when you find them. I believe Gerardus has been looking around a bit himself, so you may want to speak to him first. He is waiting out in the lobby."
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil is sealed):
"Gerardus Tilianus is an out-of-work scribe who has turned to me for a job. If he can't be the new chief clerk of the Andothren port authority, we need to find another job for him. Go and ask around in the city if there is anyone willing to hire him, then return to me when you find them. I believe Gerardus has been looking around a bit himself, so you may want to speak to him first. He is waiting out in the lobby."
"Have you found anything yet? No? Keep looking then. Nalvyna Balen promised you'd help me find a job for Gerardus Tilianus. Go and ask around in the city if there is anyone willing to hire him."
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil was sealed):
"The Fighters Guild will take Gerardus in? Oh, I would never have thought about asking around there. Of course, they must have tons of paperwork, thanks to all their contracts. I will tell Gerardus at once! Here is also my reply to Nalvyna Balen. Go and deliver it to her." (Disposition +15, Gerardus Tilianus' Disposition +30, and you receive Glaucia's Reply)
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil is unsealed):
"The Fighters Guild will take Gerardus in? Oh, I would never have thought about asking around there. Of course, they must have tons of paperwork, thanks to all their contracts. I will tell Gerardus at once! Here is also my reply to Nalvyna Balen. Go and deliver it to her. Just remember to leave the seal alone this time, okay?" (Disposition +15, Gerardus Tilianus' Disposition +30, and you receive Glaucia's Reply)
"Thanks for finding a new job for Gerardus. I hope he's happy there."
  • sealed letter:
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil is sealed):
"A letter from Nalvyna Balen? Let's see... Oh. It seems she isn't happy about a proposition I made to the Hlaalu Council in Andothren. Calls it an 'overextension of authority'! Such gall for a petty clerk... Ah, but it also says here that *you* are going to help me with my problem. That's good. I won't need to bother the Council then. Ready to work? I need you to help me find a job for a scribe." (Removed Letter to Glaucia Rumariil from your inventory)
(If the Letter to Glaucia Rumariil is unsealed):
"What's this? A letter from Nalvyna Balen, but its seal is broken... You're not a very trustworthy messenger, you know? Well, since you already read the letter you know what this is all about. And you know that in the postscript Nalvyna promises *you* will help me with my problem. That's good. I won't need to bother the Council then. Ready to work? I need you to help me find a job for a scribe." (Removed Letter to Glaucia Rumariil from your inventory)
(If Gerardus Tilianus is dead):
"What's this? First Nalyna sends an assassin to kill her replacement, and then she's complaining that I'm planning to remove her from her job! Gerardus was under my protection, so can you understand how much this will stain my reputation? Go and tell Nalvyna that I WILL replace her as soon as I find someone else who is qualified. She will not get away with this!" Goodbye (Disposition -20, and removed Letter to Glaucia Rumariil from your inventory)
"Help me find a job for a scribe, and I'll write a reply for Nalvyna Balen."
"I wrote my reply. This matter is settled."