Tamriel Rebuilt:Helice Rastin
Helice Rastin (TR_m3_Helice Rastin) | |||
Added by | Tamriel Rebuilt | ||
Home City | Old Ebonheart | ||
Location | Ebon Tower, Arkay's Tower | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Female |
Level | 6 | Class | Priest |
Other Information | |||
Health | 51 | Magicka | 114 |
Alarm | 100 | Fight | 30 |
Faction(s) | Imperial Cult (Acolyte) |
Helice Rastin is a Breton priest and Acolyte of the Imperial Cult. She seems to have some responsibility over mortuary proceedings in the Arkay Tower of Old Ebonheart's castle, Ebon Tower. Here, dead legionnaires are processed before being returned to their provinces of origin.
She also possesses the key to the sewers beneath Old Ebonheart, making her a regular contact of the Imperial Legion, who use that entrance to post guards in the festering tunnels. When you enter Old Ebonheart, she is engaged in trying to find out the truth behind some troubling rumors of bodies going missing from her mortuary. She can also give advice on how to deal with The Fiery Horror that haunts Stendarr's Tower.
She wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes.
Aside from her natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and her ability to shield herself for short periods, she knows the following spells: Absorb Willpower, Blood Gift, Crushing Burden Touch, Dispel, Great Burden of Sin, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Great Resist Frost, Great Resist Magicka, Greater Resist Poison, Iron Will, Powerwell, Rapid Regenerate, Reflect, Strong Levitate, Tinur's Hoptoad, Weak Spelldrinker, and Weary.
Related Quests[edit]
Imperial Legion[edit]
- Properly Purloined: Sewer duty. What every legionnaire signs up for!
- Ghoulish Business: Investigate a case of corpses leaving their coffins.
- Stendarr Tower Haunting: Exorcise a ghost that is haunting one of the castle towers.
- Greeting:
- "Peace of the Nine to you. What brings you to our humble chapel?"
- necromancy:
- "Western practices of necromancy find little purchase here in Morrowind due to the natives' hostile attitude towards them. Ironically, those same natives practice their own version of necromancy, and, do what we might, we are powerless to curb those practices."
Imperial Legion: Properly Purloined[edit]
- gate in the sewers:
- "I suppose I can give you the key. Just be sure not to touch anything down there." (You receive the Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key)
- (If you lost Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key)
- "Didn't I already give you the key? I don't remember it being returned... Fine, you can have a spare. Just be sure not to touch anything down there." (Disposition -5, and you receive Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key)
- (If you had the key during 'Ghoulish Business'):
- "Yes, you can have the key again. Just be sure not to touch anything down there." (You receive the Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key)
- "I've already given you the key."
- "Thank you for returning the key. I can't believe people always forget." (Disposition +6, and removed Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key from your inventory)
Ghoulish Business[edit]
- Greetings:
- (Before starting the quest):
- "I am Helice, priestess of Arkay. Welcome to our humble chapel. We also have an undercroft mortuary, which has become the topic of some unfortunate latest rumors... If you visit the mortuary, please, remain tactful."
- "Peace of the Nine to you. Have you solved the case of the disappearing bodies?"
- disappearing bodies:
- "This is very awkward for us... The undercroft mortuary is where bodies are temporarily kept until they are buried elsewhere. A few months ago a family from the Imperial heartland came here to bring their legionnaire son home. His body was nowhere to be found. We then opened another coffin, which also turned out to be empty."
- Continue:
- "Bodies have been disappearing for months now, and the guards can do nothing about it."
- I'll help you.:
- "Thank you, %PCName. Ask the priests in the Undercroft; they might tell you more. Oh, and let me give you this key. It's for the hatch to the sewers." (You receive the Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key)
- (If you already have the key, or have started 'Properly Purloined'):
- "Thank you, %PCName. Ask the priests in the Undercroft; they might tell you more. And I've already given you the key for the hatch to the sewers."
- Sorry, but I have other matters to attend to. / † We're hard-pressed enough as it is, madam.:
- "I understand. If you ever wish to help us, come back and we'll talk."
- (If you are a member of the Imperial Cult):
- "Bodies have been disappearing for months now, and the guards can do nothing about it. Can you help me find out the truth, %PCRank?" (See identical choices above)
- (If Galug the Barber and Leius Corsus are dead):
- "Bodies were disappearing for months, and there was nothing the guards could do about it. I don't think we'll ever learn what happened to them."
- "Have you solved the case? Who is responsible for the disappearing bodies?"
- Washes-Their-Scales is.:
- "The Argonian? That is not too farfetched, I suppose. Still, we need more evidence."
- (If you have talked to Leius Corsus about Washes-Their-Scales):
- "The Argonian? That is not too farfetched, I suppose. I've always found him a bit odd, too. And Leius Corsus supports this theory as well? I think that must be true then. Thank you for your help, %PCName. I will report this to the guards." (Disposition +10, removed Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key from your inventory)
- Leius Corsus is.:
- "Leius Corsus? Do you have any proof? No? I'm afraid I need either concrete evidence or a confession to believe such accusations, %PCName." (Disposition -5)
- (If you have heard Leius Corsus' confession, talked to Galug the Barber in the sewers, or taken Galug the Barber's bribe):
- "So Leius Corsus has been selling the bodies? This is a monstrous sin. Thank you for your help, %PCName. I will report this to the guards." (Disposition +1, Imperial Cult Reputation +1, and removed Arkay's Tower Undercroft key from your inventory)
- Jannav Miranus is.:
- "Don't be silly. The grief-stricken father? As if anyone in his state would be able to do something like that! And he came here weeks after the first body disappeared. That doesn't add up." (Disposition -10)
- I am.:
- "Are you trying to be funny? Because I'm certainly not laughing." (Disposition -10)
- I don't know yet.:
- "It's fine. Keep up your work."
- Leius Corsus and Galug the Barber are.:
- "You've talked with Galug the Barber, the Court Physician's assistant, and he admitted to smuggling the bodies out through the sewers? With the help of Leius Corsus? Thank you for your help, %PCName. I will report this to the guards." (Disposition +10, and removed Arkay's Tower Undercroft Key from your inventory)
- "Thank you, %PCName, for solving the case."
- (If you have finished the quest and taken Galug the Barber's bribe):
- "I can see you're nervous, %PCName. Why is that so? You've already solved the case of disappearing bodies."
- I've sold the body of Tindalos to Galug the Barber.:
- "What have you done? Guards, help me!" Goodbye (Fight set to 90, she attacks you)
- The task has taken its toll on me. I need a bit of time to recover.:
- "It's alright. You did what you could."
- latest rumors:
- (Before starting the quest):
- "Surely you must have heard the rumors of disappearing bodies in our mortuary. I wish I could say the rumors aren't true, but they are."
Stendarr Tower Haunting[edit]
- vengeful spirit:
- "Votus Titonian sent you, you say? Yes, I'm familiar with the ghost that's haunting Stendarr Tower. It's been there quite some time and seems resistant to being driven off. In general, when dealing with the restless dead, a certain ability in Conjuration can be helpful."
- Are you volunteering to deal with the spirit?:
- "What, me? Oh, no, Conjuration magic's not really something I've specialized in. Mysticism, Restoration, Alteration -- I find those colleges far more interesting."
- Conjuration magic? I'll try that, thanks.:
- "You're welcome. Good luck on routing that specter out of the tower. It's been quite persistent."
- "Remember, try using Conjuration magic to drive the ghost from the Tower."
- (After finishing the quest):
- "Well done in clearing Stendarr's Tower of the specter that was haunting it."
- † This line only appears if you are a member of the Imperial Legion.