Tamriel Rebuilt:Hormidac Farralie

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Hormidac Farralie (TR_m3_Hormidac Farralie)
(TR_m3_q_OE_Hormidac) (TR_m3_q_OE_Hormidac2)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Streets [7, -19]
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 12 Class Knight
Other Information
Health 120 Magicka 124
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Hormidac Farralie

Hormidac Farralie is a Breton knight wandering around the eastern part of Old Ebonheart. He will ask for your help in finding his horse, Roz.

For protection, he wears a chain cuirass, a steel helm, a set of iron greaves, a pair of steel boots, a pair of iron gauntlets, a pair of steel pauldrons, and a wooden heater shield. For clothing, he wears a common shirt. He wields a silver broadsword, and carries 5 ash yams and the Lance of the Fiery Hoof.

Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Cure Poison, Great Heal Companion, Resist Fire, Rest of St. Merris, and Seryn's Gift.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Background:
"I am Sir %Name, knight of the Order of the Fiery Hoof."
  • my trade:
"As a knight I'm an unstoppable force when I charge with a lance or spear from horseback, but I can fight just as well on foot, where I prefer to fight wielding a longsword and shield."

Where has the Horse Gone?[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Hail, %PCRace! You haven't seen a horse around, have you?"
"Have you reconsidered? Will you help me find Roz?"
"Have you talked to Unesa Sadrathi yet? She's the only one who might know what happened to Roz."
"Have you found Roz yet? I would give anything to feel her mane again. To hear her soft nicker. To see her hooves crush our enemies beneath us as we ride them down. Oh, Roz. Please come back to me..."
"Thank you for the help finding Roz. I'm taking the next boat out of this god-forsaken land."
(If you refused to tell him where Yavan Ajurnsar and Sainat Hassanibi are camped):
"Julianos witness this day, and bring righteous justice crashing down on the heads of whatever beast dares hurt my Roz!" Goodbye (Fight +25)
([verification needed — when does this line appear?]):
"There is no time for talk! Action, %PCName! My beloved horse is in danger!" Goodbye
(If you have told him about Unesa Sadrathi's involvement and he is attacking her):
"Out of my way! Unesa will die!" Goodbye
(After he has killed Unesa Sadrathi):
"She got what she deserved. Now tell me, where are the Ashlanders who ate my horse?"
"Come, %PCName! Time waits for no one, and those wretches will pay for what they did. I will meet you where they're hiding. For Akatosh and all the Divines! For Roz!"
[Before you can say anything, Hormidac takes off running.] Goodbye
  • I'm not telling you.:
"You're defending them? They're thieves, murderers! Clearly you are no better. I misjudged you, %PCName. I thought you were my friend. Now get out of here before I kill you!" Goodbye (Disposition -50)
(If you have told him where the Ashlanders are camped and he is attacking them):
"Justice will be done!" Goodbye
(Once he has killed the Ashlanders):
"It is done. Now Roz may finally rest in peace."
  • Roz:
"Oh, you can't miss her! She's a beautiful chestnut mare, a mix of a Nibenean courser and a Valusian wild horse, with crystal blue eyes, and she just loves carrots and yams. That fetcher Unesa Sadrathi was supposed to take care of her, and now she's missing!"
"She's... she's dead? Roz... my sweet Roz... I had a bag of yams waiting for when you came back... How did she die? Who was responsible?"
  • [Lie] Roz ran away and was eaten by wild animals.:
"She... she ran away? Gods, I never should have put her in that filthy hovel. How could I have been so careless, so stupid? All because I wanted to sleep indoors for a night. This is all my fault. I never should have brought her to this forsaken country. Morrowind! Land of adventure! Land of opportunity! My dreams lie buried beneath the bones of my darling Roz..."
  • Continue:
"Goodbye, friend. I'm leaving this wasteland for good. Here, take my lance and my shield... and my yams. I won't be needing them anymore." (You receive the Lance of the Fiery Hoof, a Wooden Heater Shield, and 5 Ash Yams)
  • [Don't mention Unesa.] Yavan and Sainat, a pair of Ashlanders.:
"They... ate her? And tried to apologize? I don't want their damned bow! They took the only thing in this world that matters to me, all for some savage ritual and their primitive curiosity. I'll show them pain. I'll show them what it means to lose everything! Where are they?!"
  • [Tell him where the Ashlanders are.]:
"Ah HA! Those wretches will pay for what they did! For Akatosh and all the Divines! For Roz!"
[Before you can answer, Hormidac takes off running.] Goodbye (Disposition +50)
  • Refuse to say anything.]:
"You're defending them? They're thieves, they're murderers! Clearly you are no better. I misjudged you, %PCName. I thought you were my friend. Now get out of here before I kill you!" Goodbye (Disposition -50)
  • Unesa sold her to Yavan and Sainat, who killed her. They are all responsible.:
"They... ate her? And tried to apologize? I don't want their damned bow! They took the only thing in this world that matters to me, all for some savage ritual and their primitive curiosity. I'll show them pain. I'll show them what it means to lose everything! Starting with that treacherous cur who sold Roz to them! Unesa Sadrathi, you're a dead woman!"
[Before you can answer, Hormidac takes off running to the stables.] Goodbye
(If the Ashlanders and/or Unesa Sadrathi are dead):
"She's... she's dead? Roz... my sweet Roz... I had a bag of yams waiting for when you came back..."
  • The Ashlanders who killed her are dead. / The Ashlanders who killed her are dead. Unesa Sadrathi, too.:
"You killed them? You've done me a great service. You've proven yourself as an agent and a friend. But now, as I stand here without my trusted companion, I wonder... what was the purpose of all this? I came to this land seeking glory and adventure. But I've found only death, heartbreak, and pain. Roz died for what? That I might win a tournament in a backwoods town in the darkest corner of the Empire? I may as well have killed her myself."
  • Continue:
"Goodbye, friend. I'm leaving this wasteland for good. Here, take my lance and my shield... and my yams. I won't be needing them anymore." (You receive the Lance of the Fiery Hoof, a Wooden Heater Shield, and 5 Ash Yams)
(If Hormidac killed the Ashlanders and Unesa Sadrathi):
"You've done me a great service. You've proven yourself as an agent and a friend. But now, as I stand beside the carcass of my beloved horse, I wonder... what was the purpose of all this? I came to this land seeking glory and adventure. But I've found only death, heartbreak, and pain. Roz died for what? That I might win a tournament in a backwoods town in the darkest corner of the Empire? I may as well have killed her myself."
  • Continue:
"Goodbye, friend. I'm leaving this wasteland for good. Here, take my lance and my shield... and my yams. I won't be needing them anymore." (You receive the Lance of the Fiery Hoof, a Wooden Heater Shield, and 5 Ash Yams)
"I don't know how I'll go on without her."
  • seen a horse:
"My beloved Roz has been missing for three days now! I came to Old Ebonheart following rumors that a grand tourney was to be held here. I arrived on Morndas eve, tired from my journey, only to find that the city didn't even have a proper stables! What they call a tournament here is nothing more than a glorified arena fight--on foot no less!"
  • Continue:
"This was no place for a knight such as myself, and for my horse, Roz, even less so, the poor beast. With no stables, I was forced to leave her amongst those wretched guar. Disgusting animals! Unesa Sadrathi, the local guar herder, assured me that she would be well looked after."
  • Continue:
"I should have never trusted that worthless elf! When I returned the next morning I found the guar pens empty, and Roz missing! Please, stranger, will you help me find Roz?"
  • I will find your horse.:
"Thank you, %PCName. Talk to people. Maybe someone has seen Roz. You should also question Unesa Sadrathi." (Disposition +5)
  • Pardon me. Not interested.:
(If you are a man):
"Then let us not waste each other's time. Good day to you, sir." Goodbye (Disposition -5)
(If you are a woman):
"Then let us not waste each other's time. Good day to you, madam." Goodbye (Disposition -5)
"Please, stranger, help me find Roz."
"Have you found Roz? I can't bear the thought of her being out there all alone."
  • Unesa Sadrathi:
"She's a guar herder."
"That's the Dunmer that was supposed to watch over my darling Roz. I demanded she tell me what she'd done with her, but she just blithered that "it" must have escaped when she wasn't looking. IT! I explained to her that SHE was a trained Imperial warhorse, and would stand her ground against an entire Indoril army, let alone a few stinking guars in a barn! Now the elf won't even talk to me. I need you to get the truth out of her. She and her damn guars are just outside the main gates."
"The Dunmer who was supposed to look after Roz. I need you to get the truth out of her."
"Yes, the pointy-eared traitor who was supposed to look after Roz. I hope she rots."
(If Unesa Sadrathi was dead before being questioned):
"You killed her? The dead can't be questioned. Now I shall never know what happened to Roz. *Sigh* You've let me down, %PCName. This whole province has let me down. I will be leaving this wasteland for good now. You should do the same." Goodbye (Disposition -20)
"That pointy-eared traitor was supposed to look after Roz..."
  • Yavan and Sainat:
(After Hormidac kills them):
"And now they've paid their bill. But nothing will bring Roz back to me."


  • The two extra IDs (TR_m3_q_OE_Hormidac and TR_m3_q_OE_Hormidac2) are seperate versions of Hormidac that are scripted to handle his murder rampage, in the case that you tell him of Unesa Sadrathi's and/or the Ashlanders' involvement in Roz's demise. They are disabled and enabled as needed, which is why there are several fade in and outs during his dialogue.