Tamriel Rebuilt:Istadahan

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Istadahan (TR_m3_Istadahan)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Hammerfell Mission
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 38 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 322 Magicka 120
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Istadahan is a Redguard warrior who can be found guarding the Hammerfell Mission in Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. He finds his position fairly boring, and will gladly tell you a bit about his home province.

For protection, he wears a Crown chain mail cuirass with matching greaves and boots. For clothing, he wears a common skirt. He wields a Redguard steel axesword.

Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time, but otherwise knows no spells.


  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"A visitor? Thank the gods, I've been bored to tears over here. I'm %Name, Crown warrior of Hegathe and guard of the Hammerfell Mission. What can I do for you?"
(Upon first meeting if you are a Redguard):
"Warm greetings and fair weather to you, %PCName. It's always a pleasure to speak with a fellow Redguard in this land dominated by Imperials and Dark Elves. I'm %Name, Crown warrior of Hegathe and guard of the Hammerfell Mission. You look like you've done your fair share of adventuring; care to exchange a few stories with me?"
"Hello there, %PCName. Come to chat again?"
  • Background:
"I'm glad you asked! I'm %Name, royal guard and Crown warrior of Hegathe. I'm good at what I do, which is probably why I was assigned to the Hammerfell Mission. At the time, I thought it was an honor, but I wasn't aware I'd be spending my days stuck in this stuffy tower, fending off threats such as "drunk Imperial noblemen lost on their way to the Elsweyr Mission." At least Akhalleki is good company. Exchanging tales of adventure has made my time here a bit more bearable."
  • Crowns:
"We Crowns are a political party in Hammerfell. The Crown is A'tor, the High King of Hammerfell; we Crowns are his most loyal subjects. In the war with the Empire, we fought and bled for the Crown, and we won. Politics aren't really my thing, though. If you want the dirt, speak with Akhalleki."
  • Forebear:
"The Forebears are a Redguard political party. They descend from the warrior tribes who settled Hammerfell in the old days. I am no Forebear, but I have many Forebear friends. I deeply respect their martial traditions. And I love their beer."
  • Hammerfell:
"Hammerfell is the homeland of us Redguards. I'm no historian, so if you want something more in-depth, I would speak with Akhalleki or Hoxley."
  • Hegathe:
"Old Hegathe is the greatest Crown city of them all. It's where our ancestors arrived in Hammerfell, driving out the local beastfolk in order to make the province their own. It's a fine old place with mighty ramparts, on the border of the Alik'r desert and the great Abecean Sea."
  • Redguard:
"We're some of the best warriors in Tamriel, and proud of it."
  • Sentinel:
"Sentinel is a fine city, if a bit too opulent for my tastes. Its location along the shores of the Illiac Bay and close proximity to the Alik'r make it an excellent place for expeditions into the desert. For my money, I prefer Hegathe, my hometown."