Tamriel Rebuilt:Khahra

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Khahra (TR_m3_Khahra)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Elsweyr Mission
Race Suthay Gender Female
Level 7 Class Caretaker
Other Information
Health 83 Magicka 102
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Khahra is a Suthay Khajiit caretaker who can be found on the ground floor of the Elsweyr Mission at Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart.

She wears an expensive shirt with matching pants, shoes, and amulet.

Like all Suthay Khajiit, she can see well in the dark, can demoralize others for short periods, and can also boost her agility for short periods. In addition, she also knows the following spells: Almalexia's Grace, Balyna's Antidote, Cure Poison, Detect Enchantment, Great Heal Companion, Resist Fire, Rest of St. Merris, Seryn's Gift, Telekinesis, and Tevral's Hawkshaw.


  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"%Name welcomes you to the Elsweyr Mission, %PCName. Please be aware that we have recently increased our security due to a break-in. If you are seeking an ambassador, please talk to Prince Ji'Morashu-ri or Dro'jorr. Is there something %Name can do for you?"
"Welcome back to the Elsweyr Mission, %PCName. Is there something %Name can do for you?"
  • Background:
"%Name is the caretaker of the Elsweyr Mission here in Old Ebonheart."
  • Khajiit:
"Yes, %Name is a Khajiit. Though, %Name is a Suthay, not a Suthay-raht like most Khajiit in Morrowind."