Tamriel Rebuilt:Kitchen Supplies

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Find food for the poor, both fine and foul.
Quest Giver: Nalvs Andolin in Andothren, Temple
Location(s): Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: Wellness Check
Next Quest: A Troublesome Orc
Reward: 0-10 gold
Reputation Gain: +5 (Temple)
ID: TR_m4_TT_KitchenSupplies
Bargain-hunting in Andothren's bazaars

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Nalvs Andolin in the Andothren temple.
  2. Speak to Vonos Arendas on the piers in west Andothren.
  3. Either:
    • Buy his meat, and ask about Ravur Othravel.
    • Raise his disposition to 90, and ask about Ravur Othravel.
  4. Speak to Ravur Othravel in east Andothren.
  5. Either:
    • Inform Ravur of your purchase of Vonos' meat.
    • Agree to negotiate a price with the merchant, Gavros Falas.
      1. Negotiate a price with Gavros and pay him.
  6. Speak to Ravur (optional).
  7. Return to Nalvs Andolin to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

On completion of the quest, Wellness Check, speak again to Nalvs Andolin for further duties. He will ask that you seek out Ravur Othravel, a temple novice, and ensure that she has not spent too much money on restocking the bare Temple kitchens.

"I sent her to the western docks to procure supplies for the Temple kitchen. I had heard that there was an opportunity for a good bargain with one of the fishermen, you see. Our stores are almost empty, and we have not got a lot of money to spare. Seemed too good to pass up, and Ravur didn't have anything better to do. But she's not been back for a while now. Go find her. And while you're at it, make sure she doesn't spend money we don't have."

Ask around about the topic Ravur Othravel on the western side of the city, and you will quickly be directed to Vonos Arendas, who is standing at the end of a wooden pier on the western docks. He has indeed spoken to Ravur, but refuses to tell you where she went unless you purchase his 10 gold crate of 'mystery meat', supposedly found floating in the seawater. Doing so, or raising his disposition to 90+, will get him to open up - Ravur has in fact gone to the east side of Andothren to seek better quality supplies. She can be found outside of Gavros Falos' store, and will ask for your help in negotiating a deal for better quality food. You can handle this in two ways.

Rat-atouille for days[edit]

If you bought the crate of rat meat, you can say so, and she will reluctantly agree to return to the Temple. In this case, return to Nalvs to complete the quest - if you speak to Ravur on your way past, she will ask that you speak to her afterwards. Nalvs meanwhile will reimburse your 10 gold, completing the quest.

Free-range Guar for everyone[edit]

If you agree to help Ravur negotiate, speak to Gavros. He will offer high quality food for two years, for the lump sum of 2,000 gold. You can bring this down to 1,500 gold simply by noting "That price is outrageous."

You can then further reduce the price to a minimum of 500, by utilising both the Haggle and Sway options. Each are tests. Sway relies on a combination of personality, luck, speechcraft and fatigue to succeed, and you will have a better chance to succeed at the test if Gavros is at a high disposition. Haggle relies on a combination of personality, luck, mercantile and fatigue to succeed. Again, high disposition improves your chances here.

You will also of course have to have the gold on you to actually make the purchase, no matter the price you ultimately settle at. Speak to Ravur Othravel following your purchase, and then return to Nalvs at the temple. Regardless of how low you haggled the price, he will be deeply disappointed, and will refuse to reimburse you.


  • If spoken to after quest completion, Ravur will be eager to question you about the events of Wellness Check, and whether ultimately your course of action was 'right'.
  • You can speak to the kitchen staff later in the Temple questline, who will reward you with a small amount of gold and Hlaalu Company Scrip if you obtained decent supplies for them.
  • If the quest The Missing Merchant was started, Gavros Falas will be gone from his station. Ravur Othravel will mention that she is waiting for the merchant, but buying rat meat will be only option to finish this quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Kitchen Supplies (TR_m4_TT_KitchenSupplies)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Nalvs Andolin tasked me with finding Ravur Othravel, who was sent to the western docks to procure supplies for the kitchen, but hasn't returned.
20 A fisherman in Andothren told me Ravur Othravel went to the east of town to look for better supplies for the kitchen.
25 I found Ravur in the eastern part of Andothren.
30 Ravur Othravel has been trying to procure supplies for the Temple kitchen from Gavros Falas, a merchant in western Andothren, to little avail. She asked me to try and negotiate with the trader.
90 I have told Ravur Othravel that I had secured supplies for the Temple kitchen, and she will return to the Temple. I should report back to Nalvs Andolin.
100 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin thanked and reimbursed me for arranging supplies for the Temple kitchens, meager as they are.
101 Finishes quest☑ Nalvs Andolin was not pleased that I exceeded the Temple budget arranging supplies for the Temple kitchen and refused to reimburse the cost. Even so, I have secured a good source of foodstuffs to the benefit of the community.
Kitchen Supplies (TR_m4_TT_KitchenSupplies_a)
100 I bought a crate of rat meat from a fisherman.
Kitchen Supplies (TR_m4_TT_KitchenSupplies_b)
100 I convinced Gavros Falas to sponsor the Temple kitchen for an extended period of time.
110 Sani Edralo, the cook in the Andothren Temple kitchen, thanked me for arranging the deliveries of high-quality supplies, and handed me a bundle of pocket change she had collected from the Temple staff as a reward.

Prev: Wellness Check Up: Temple Quests Next: A Troublesome Orc