Tamriel Rebuilt:Lukhalutun

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 3
Daedra, Dreugh, Slaughterfish, Vampire
Console Location Code(s)
"Lukhalutun"; "Lukhalutun, Subterranean River"; "Lukhalutun, Well of Spirits"
Armun Ashlands, [-7,-22]
On the border between the Armun Ashlands and Roth Roryn

Lukhalutun is an enormous cavern and subterranean river infested with Daedra.

The entrance is a long way from anywhere, being deep within the Armun Ashlands. One way to reach it is to travel south up the hill from Menaan until you reach The Grey Lodge. Follow the cobbled road (it will eventually turn westwards) until you arrive at the three-way junction at the very bottom of the slope. From here, strike out west across country, keeping the sloping hills that form the border with Roth Roryn to your right. Once you reach the small campfire of Galmas Nerendus, turn right up the slope to find the cavern entrance.


Expect Daedra to make your life uncomfortable in this first chamber - among them are included a Devourer, a Daedroth and a Vermai. One notable cache of loot in this section is a level 80 locked chest filled with gold and gems in deepest underwater parts of the northern chamber (not to be confused with the level 30 locked chest nearby).

Lukhalutun, Subterranean River[edit]

This area is somewhat calmer than the preceding, being home to chiefly Slaughterfish and Dreugh. Asides from the kollops and their pearls, another cache of gold and gems (with a level 100 lock) can be found at the water level on the south side of the northwestern chamber.

Lukhalutun, Well of Spirits[edit]

The Well of Spirits can be accessed via a door at the south side of the Subterranean River's central chamber. It is a tall chamber with waterfalls cascading down a central pillar. The Dark Seducers around this pillar will be your immediate concern - being powerful spellcasters and melee combatants both.

The Well of Spirits in Lukhalutun


A deprecated model is present in the 22.11 release - this was a highly valuable Daedric Greatsword, and is unclear whether it will be reinstated.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Artisa Seran {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Well of Spirits
