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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bosmora

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Indoril
Region: Lan Orethan

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Silt Strider:

Overview of Bosmora

Bosmora is a wealthy Indoril settlement whose abundant trade wealth stems from close proximity to Almalexia. The well-connected Bosmora has many merchants, and maintains its own vault stacked with riches on behalf of House Indoril. The Breton, Fernard Mannick can be found pacing outside near the market, seeking companions long lost, while in the outdoor market itself, the Khajiit, Kiseen, will ask you to assist with problems of his own. The captain of the guard, Relamus Saravyne, could also use the help of a willing adventurer, as daring thefts rock the sleepy town.

The Markets[edit]

Bosmora has an indoor marketplace with six merchants hawking various wares; one of whom doubles as an enchanter. There are also more merchants outside the market entrance. The markets end at the Starlight Inn.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Bosmora can be reached by traveling from either Sailen or from Almalexia. A nix-mount rickshaw from Enamor Dayn is available. There are ramps to access the town's higher level, although the majority of Bosmora's mercantile activity occurs at the base of the cliff.

Places of Interest Around Bosmora[edit]

Related Quests[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Ahasou Saravyn Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 12 86 110 100 30 Temple Merchant, Spellmaker, Spell Merchant
Alammu Saravyn Male Dark Elf Monk Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 5 61 86 100 30 Temple
Ararvyne Saram Male Dark Elf Mage Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 11 78 134 100 30 Indoril Vault
Armen Male Redguard Enchanter Service 7 60 152 100 30 Marketplace Enchanter, Merchant
Audeius Vitellie Male Imperial Archer 8 90 92 100 30 Upper Town, Outside
Balamus Arthre Male Dark Elf Thief 16 118 128 100 30 Balamus Arthre's House
Cania Vitellie Female Imperial Commoner 5 68 88 100 30 Audeius Vitellie's House
Dalin Andrano Female Dark Elf Commoner 7 70 100 100 30 Lower Town, Outside
Elammu Serith Male Dark Elf Scout Great House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 5 75 88 100 30 Lower Town, Outside Trainer
Elegel Female Wood Elf Mage 5 45 114 100 30 Temple
Fernard Mannick Male Breton Hunter 9 77 112 Lower Town, Outside Quest giver
Gadavyne Farys Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 13 111 118 100 30 Farys Manor
Ghamu gro-Ugrum Male Orc Warrior Fighters Guild Swordsman(Swordsman) 7 109 70 100 30 Marketplace Merchant
Henric Male Breton Mage 10 69 150 100 30 Henric's House
Hlor Gonav Male Dark Elf Caravaner 5 74 112 100 30 Silt Strider
Ildave Sarayn Male Dark Elf Clothier 5 61 112 100 30 Marketplace Merchant
Ildonis Faleni Male Imperial Warrior 7 101 90 100 30 Outdoor Market Merchant
Kiseen Male Khajiit Commoner 7 76 94 Outdoor Market Merchant, Quest giver
Lamus Girand Male Dark Elf Archer 11 110 96 100 30 The Starlight Inn
Lladas Varayne Male Dark Elf Caravaner 8 96 122 100 30 Outdoor Market Travel services to Enamor Dayn
Medave Dralsa Female Dark Elf Healer Tribunal Temple Novice(Novice) 6 54 92 100 30 Temple
Midali Renim Female Dark Elf Trader Service 3 47 86 100 30 Marketplace Merchant
Nadene Faryan Female Dark Elf Alchemist Service Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 14 86 184 100 30 Outdoor Market Merchant
Relam Adryn Male Dark Elf Merchant 7 79 120 100 30 Outdoor Market
Relamus Saravyne Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 16 178 112 100 30 Relamus Saravyne's Quarters Quest giver
Salms Andala Male Dark Elf Healer Tribunal Temple Disciple(Disciple) 15 95 110 100 30 Temple Merchant, Spell Merchant
Sidene Farys Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 7 71 100 100 30 Farys Manor
Sulemus Nalyn Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Layman(Layman) 3 50 84 100 30 Temple
Sulerri Tharyon Male Dark Elf Publican 10 87 128 100 30 The Starlight Inn
Taaria Female High Elf Alchemist 9 61 172 100 30 The Starlight Inn
Tedyne Omoran Female Dark Elf Alchemist 4 63 90 100 30 Marketplace Merchant
Thalin Marendi Female Dark Elf Clothier 8 72 122 100 30 Outdoor Market Merchant
Tilenu Andis Female Dark Elf Mage Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 13 49 136 100 30 Marketplace Merchant
Uradas Delvi Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 100 30 The Starlight Inn
Vedave Favano Male Dark Elf Alchemist Service 7 64 138 100 30 Outdoor Market Merchant


Map Key
  • 1. Marketplace
  • 2. Silt strider
  • 3. Thalin Marendi's House
  • 4. Henric's House
  • 5. The Starlight Inn
  • 6. Relamus Saravyne's Quarters
  • 7. Indoril Vault
  • 8. Temple
  • 9. Elammu Senith's House
  • 10. Balamus Arthre's House
  • 11. Audeius Vitelle's House
  • 12. Farys Manor


  • Bosmora is based off Amber Forest from Arena (Alavelis in the concept map). It is planned to be replaced by Lan Murha/Mervayan in a future redo.