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Tamriel Rebuilt:Great House Redoran

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Great House Redoran

Other Locations:

Favored Skills:
Favored Attributes:
Friends & Foes:
Tribunal Temple +2
Fighters Guild +1
Imperial Legion +1
Camonna Tong -1
House Hlaalu -1
House Telvanni -1
Mages Guild -1
Thieves Guild -1
Ashlanders -2
Aundae Clan -2
Berne Clan -2
Quarra Clan -2
MW-banner-House Redoran.png
Areas of Morrowind controlled by House Redoran (red areas)

House Redoran is one of the five Great Houses of Morrowind. It governs the Velothis District of northwestern Morrowind from the city of Blacklight, close to the border with Skyrim. In the district of Vvardenfell, the house's council seat is located in Ald'ruhn.

Besides Blacklight, major settlements on the mainland within Redoran territory include Veranis and Kogotel. Of the released areas, only the quarry town of Bodrum and a few small outposts within Roth Roryn are Redoran-controlled.

For basic information about this faction, see the Morrowind article. A detailed look at the faction as it appears in Tamriel Rebuilt can be read on the mod's planning document for House Redoran.

Joining Great House Redoran[edit]

This faction cannot be joined on the mainland currently.

Great House Redoran Ranks[edit]

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills
0. Hireling Endurance 30 Strength 30
1. Retainer Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 10
2. Oathman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 20
3. Lawman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 30 and two at 5
4. Kinsman Endurance 30 Strength 30 One skill at 40 and two at 10
5. House Cousin Endurance 31 Strength 31 One skill at 50 and two at 15
6. House Brother Endurance 32 Strength 32 One skill at 60 and two at 20
7. House Father Endurance 33 Strength 33 One skill at 70 and two at 25
8. Councilman Endurance 34 Strength 34 One skill at 80 and two at 30
9. Archmaster Endurance 35 Strength 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35

The old Mainland Great House Redoran had higher requirements for Endurance starting with Lawman: 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40.

Great House Redoran Members[edit]

Name Gender Race Class Ranking Location Notes
Mandyn Salvel Male Dunmer Warrior 2 Oathman Almas Thirr [6,-28]
Rani Vadryon Male Dunmer Crusader 3 Lawman Andothren, Rani Vadryon's House
Tavilu Llervu Female Dunmer Assassin 1 Retainer Arvud, Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai: Rooms Trainer
Almse Ramaran Female Dunmer Guard 4 Kinsman Bodrum, Northern Watchtower
Dalam Ramaran Male Dunmer Warrior 6 House Brother Bodrum, Ramaran Manor
Dalms Dalobar Male Dunmer Baker 1 Retainer Bodrum, Ramaran Manor
Ervyna Ramaran Female Dunmer Noble 3 Lawman Bodrum, Ramaran Manor
Rarvela Ramaran Female Dunmer Noble 0 Hireling Bodrum, Ramaran Manor
Gols Sarinith Male Dunmer Scout 2 Oathman Bodrum, Varalaryn Tradehouse Trainer
Tuls Varalaryn Male Dunmer Trader 1 Retainer Bodrum, Varalaryn Tradehouse Merchant
Elammu Serith Male Dunmer Scout 2 Oathman Bosmora [33,-30] Trainer
Areni Hahnim Female Dunmer Warrior 2 Oathman Dreynim Spa, Hotel: Top
Inaras Hahnim Male Dunmer Warrior 4 Kinsman Dreynim Spa, Hotel: Top
Maalna Balur Female Dunmer Agent 1 Retainer Ebon Tower, Curia: Offices West
Galen Llendu Male Dunmer Priest 4 Kinsman Necrom, Lighthouse: Sanctuary
Llandesa Romoran Female Dunmer Ore Miner 0 Hireling Old Ebonheart, East Empire Company: Offices
Balen Romayen Male Dunmer Commoner 0 Hireling Omaynis Appears only during Omaynis Inn
Duni Llothren Female Dunmer Commoner 0 Hireling Omaynis Appears only during Omaynis Inn
Ervan Indrano Male Dunmer Smith 1 Retainer Omaynis Appears only during Omaynis Inn
Jeryn Male Dunmer Commoner 0 Hireling Omaynis Appears only during Omaynis Inn
Svaring Male Nord Commoner 1 Retainer Omaynis Appears only during Omaynis Inn
Hloris Eldri Male Dunmer Miner 1 Retainer Puzur-Attin Egg Mine
Mirnelea Neleth Female Dunmer Miner 0 Hireling Puzur-Attin Egg Mine
Shammin Male Redguard Miner 0 Hireling Puzur-Attin Egg Mine
Ethrus Elval Male Dunmer Scout 2 Oathman Ramaniran Trainer
Faalalsa Salvi Female Dunmer Warrior 4 Kinsman Ramaniran
Reldereryn Vesuri Female Dunmer Warrior 2 Oathman Ramaniran
Temu Llanit Male Dunmer Scout 2 Oathman Ramaniran Trainer
Nirene Sinra Male Dunmer Pilgrim 1 Retainer Salvu Manor
Akser Arobar Male Dunmer Warrior 5 House Cousin Shalmurat
Drarayno Thalas Male Dunmer Scout 1 Retainer Shalmurat Trainer
Hlevaaru Elval Female Dunmer Warrior 1 Retainer Shalmurat
Mirdana Hlas Female Dunmer Scout 1 Retainer Shalmurat Trainer
Selmuth Balur Male Dunmer Smith 1 Retainer Shalmurat Blacksmith
Talna Llervu Female Dunmer Archer 1 Retainer Shalmurat
Ulmethys Hlas Male Dunmer Warrior 1 Retainer Shalmurat
Indriri Veram Female Dunmer Agent 3 Lawman Uman, Hound's Rest Inn Trainer