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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bodrum

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Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Redoran
Region: Roth Roryn

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Silt Strider:

Tr banner bodrum.png
Bodrum's quarry
The bridge above Bodrum

Bodrum is a House Redoran-run town in the midst of Roth Roryn, upon the western portion of the Pryai River. The lower elevation north of the river is dominated by a large quarry, with goods being shipped downriver. The nearby Ralit Egg Mine provides the town with an independent means of feeding itself.

The Varalaryn Tradehouse, Bodrum's only real source of services, can be found in the residential area in the higher portions of town, while a great bridge stretching across the river to the west hosts the Shrine to the Battle of Bodrum, marking the site of Vivec's defeat of the Reman Empire. Armor from drowned legionnaires can still be found in the waters downstream.

Bodrum's ruling lord is Dalam Ramaran, who governs from Ramaran Manor. His daughter Almse Ramaran is head of the guard and can be found at the Northern Watchtower. Ulms Uvel is the quarry's foreman, and Golvyn Saryon is the town's priest, found by the shrine next to the manor. Llaala Moryn, a mother worried for her missing son, can be found pacing the area by the silt strider platform, and seeks assistance from any who will offer it.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Bodrum can be reached by silt strider from Omaynis, or via the winding roads stretching westwards across Roth Roryn from that same town.

Places of Interest Around Bodrum[edit]

The Monastery of St. Felms, a monastic retreat with a distinctly martial bent, lies on the bend of the Pryai River and will be of interest to Tribunal Temple members. Adventurers might also wish to investigate the tower of Mannu to the north. On the road running south, towards the ash-blasted expanse of the Armun Ashlands, the Dwemer ruin of Mvelthngth-Schel still stands.

Related Quests[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Ahanab Sendu Male Dark Elf Miner 8 106 92 100 30 Quarry
Almse Ramaran Female Dark Elf Guard Great House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman) 24 233 130 0 30 Northern Watchtower Head of the guard
Alvur Nirano Male Dark Elf Caravaner 5 74 112 100 30 Outside: Silt Strider Travel Services
Ano Moryn Male Dark Elf Miner 4 74 84 100 30 Miners' Quarters
Arnsa Braven Female Dark Elf Pilgrim Tribunal Temple Layman(Layman) 4 58 86 90 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse
Bedenea Elvul Female Dark Elf Miner 5 77 86 90 30 Quarry
Dalam Ramaran Male Dark Elf Warrior Great House Redoran House Brother(House Brother) 14 161 100 100 30 Ramaran Manor Lord of Bodrum
Dalms Dalobar Male Dark Elf Baker Great House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 7 71 120 100 30 Ramaran Manor Trader (no wares)
Ervyna Ramaran Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Redoran Lawman(Lawman) 14 112 122 100 30 Ramaran Manor
Faroja Female Redguard Warrior 13 158 80 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse
Fendel Moryn Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 Fendel Moryn's House Quest giver
Galesa Arethi Female Dark Elf Nightblade Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 8 61 96 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Appears only during The Reverse Rescue
Garash gro-Vivec Male Orc Barbarian 15 160 72 0 30 West Bridge Appears only during A Troublesome Orc
Gols Sarinith Male Dark Elf Scout Great House Redoran Oathman(Oathman) 5 75 88 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Trainer
Golvyn Saryon Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Initiate(Initiate) 5 56 92 100 30 Outside: Shrine Spell Merchant
Jiubbaes Berendas Male Dark Elf Miner 5 82 86 100 30 Miners' Quarters
Llaala Moryn Female Dark Elf Farmer 4 82 84 100 30 Outside: Streets Quest giver
Marielle Jes Female Breton Trader 8 77 122 90 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Trader
Molsa Ervethi Female Dark Elf Agent 7 0 94 0 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Appears only during Ervethi's Bounty
Nuumu Lloth Female Dark Elf Miner 6 85 88 100 30 Quarry
Otrys Marano Male Dark Elf Pilgrim 5 70 88 100 30 West Bridge
Ragok gro-Shob Male Orc Archer Fighters Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 11 117 76 100 30 Outside: Streets
Rarvela Ramaran Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Redoran Hireling(Hireling) 14 112 122 100 30 Ramaran Manor
Seryn Lloth Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 100 30 Seryn Lloth's House
Talis Varalaryn Male Dark Elf Publican 1 40 100 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Innkeeper
Taviah Uvel Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 100 30 Ulms Uvel's House
Treram Varalaryn Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse
Tuls Varalaryn Male Dark Elf Trader Great House Redoran Retainer(Retainer) 8 87 102 100 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Trader, Quest giver
Tuvenie Mels Female Dark Elf Fisherman 5 70 86 100 30 Outside: Riverside
Ulms Uvel Male Dark Elf Miner 3 66 84 90 30 Quarry Quarry Foreman
Wesencolm Male Redguard Merchant East Empire Company Agent(Agent) 12 123 116 0 30 Varalaryn Tradehouse Quest giver


Map Key


  • 1. Shrine to the Battle of Bodrum
  • 2. Berendas Ancestral Tomb
  • 3. Southern Watchtower
  • 4. Ralit Egg Mine
  • 5. Northern Watchtower
  • 6. Miners' Quarters
  • 7. Ulms Uvel's House
  • 8. Varalaryn Tradehouse
  • 9. Fendel Moryn's House
  • 10. Tuvenie Mels' House
  • 11. Alvur Nirano's House
  • 12. Seryn Lloth's House
  • 13. Ramaran Manor and Shrine of the Tribunal
  • 14. Silt Strider