Discover the cause of a ship's impoundment. |
The Rivenwake has been impounded.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak to Nalvyna Balen at the Docks: Port Authority in Andothren.
- Speak to Captain Borgga in the cabin of the Rivenwake.
- Optionally, search the cargo hold.
- Speak to Terani Deroth in the Hlaalu Council Manor.
- Speak to Manse Horaren in Horaren Manor.
- Optionally, inform Manse of your findings in the cargo hold.
- Speak to Zalan in Zalan Manor.
- Speak to and kill Assemmus Todros in the Hlaalu Council Manor.
- Speak to Nalvyna Balen.
- If you did not inform Manse of your cargo hold findings, speak to Captain Borgga.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Nalvyna Balen needs help with an impounded ship at the docks, as the East Empire Company captain has begun to threaten legal action. Nalvyna will ask you to investigate the reason for the ship's impounding - a supposedly forged license. She will suggest that you go about this via two methods: searching the cargo hold of the ship itself, the Rivenwake, and contacting Terani Deroth at the Council Company Bank, to investigate the license itself.
Searching the Rivenwake[edit]
The Rivenwake is on the pier just outside the Port Authority building. Speak first to Captain Borgga in the cabin, who will provide you with a copy of her license if you offer to help. You may also search the cargo hold itself, although you will need a means of getting past a level 20 locked door to reach the lowest level. On unlocking this, you may be challenged by the crewman on deck, who will threaten to tell the captain. You can offer a 100 gold bribe to him to prevent this, or will else need to
Once through the trapdoor, you will then need to bypass a level 40 locked door to find the secret of the ship - a velk, an animal meant to be owned only by House Indoril. Reporting this information to Nalvyna Balen will cause her to react with alarm - and she will direct you to inform Manse Horaren. You may also choose to stay silent on the velk, and not invoke the wrath of Captain Borgga.
Investigating the license[edit]
The Hlaalu Council Company Bank is in the basement of the Hlaalu Council Manor, on the east side of Andothren. Speak to Terani Deroth there about the impounded ship. You'll need a copy of the license from Captain Borgga that you took earlier. Terani will note that she also needs a copy of the license as held by Manse Horaren (or Zalan if Manse is dead). Manse Horaren can be found in Horaren Manor, at the southern extremity of Andothren. Manse will direct you to Nelvana and Zalan. The two can be found in Zalan Manor, up the street to the northwest.
Zalan will be forthcoming with questions at 30 disposition or more, and will reveal that it was Assemmus Todros who ultimately gave the order to impound the ship and hide the corresponding licenses. Assemus apparently believes that "something sketchy" is going on with the Rivenwake, and Zalan opines that it would be useful if a way could be found to justifiably confiscate the ship's cargo. He says that Assemus can be found at the Hlaalu Council Manor, and strongly advises you to bribe him before speaking to him.
Speak to Assemus. He will be unfriendly unless you can raise his disposition above 70, but may confess the true reason for the ship's impoundment - that the Camonna Tong sought to take the cargo for themselves, and so issued the false impound license. He will, regardless of how you approach the conversation, attack you at the end of it. Kill him.
If you wish to report the cargo of the Rivenwake to Nalvyna and Manse, now is the time. Else report to Nalvyna to hear that the impound order has been lifted. Nalvyna will reward you with an Adamantium Dagger for your work. If you didn't report the velk, you can also speak to Captain Borgga to be rewarded with a Standard Fortify Luck Potion. If you did report it, expect an additional 300 gold from Nalvyna, as she shares the proceeds from the fine.
Quest Stages[edit]
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Waylaid Ship (TR_m4_HH_AND_Ship) |
Index |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
10 |
Nalvyna Balen has recently been harassed by the captain of the Rivenwake, an impounded ship stuck in Andothren. The ship's captain, Captain Borgga, is suspected of forging a trade license. In order to investigate the truth of these accusations, Nalvyna Balen asked me to go to the impounded ship, ask the captain for her copy of the trade license and bring it to Terani Deroth in the Council Company Bank on the bottom floor of the Council Manor. I was told I could also check the ship's cargo. |
11 |
Nalvyna Balen has recently been harassed by the captain of the Rivenwake, an impounded ship stuck in Andothren. The ships's captain, Captain Borgga, is suspected of forging a trade license. In order to investigate the truth of these accusations, Nalvyna Balen asked me to go to the impounded ship, ask the captain for her copy of the trade license and bring it to Terani Deroth in the Council Company Bank on the bottom floor of the Council Manor. I was told I could also check the ship's cargo. |
40 |
Terani Deroth told me that it's the nobles who decide who should get the trade licenses. She suggested that I check with Manse Horaren, who can be found at the upper part of the city. |
50 |
Manse Horaren didn't recognize the copies of the license, but thought this particular case might be handled by Nelvana Salero, who is represented by her underling Zalan. I can find them both in Zalan's manor. |
51 |
Manse Horaren is dead, but I was suggested to check with Zalan or Nelvana Salero. They can both be found in Zalan's manor. |
60 |
Zalan was surprised to see me with a copy of the license. He told me that it was indeed legitimate, but he had been instructed by Assemmus Todros at the Council Manor to hide all copies of it. He advised me to be cautious around him, and suggested that I may have better luck if I bribe him first. |
61 |
Nelvana Salero told me that she thought Zalan had handled this case prior to his death. He had been in close contact with Assemmus Todros at the Council Manor recently, so she suggested me to check with him. |
70 |
Assemmus Todros was furious when I brought up the matter with him and told me to stay out of things that don't concern me. Consequently, he attacked. |
71 |
I was able to convince Assemmus Todros to reveal that he had bullied the authorities into impounding the ship, so that Camonna Tong could share the cargo once the East Empire Company had grown tired of fighting it. He then attacked me to prevent this information from leaving his room. |
80 |
With Assemmus Todros dead, Captain Borgga's license has been reinstated. As soon as the impoundment was lifted, she began preparations to leave Andothren. |
90 |
Nelvana Salero and Zalan are both dead, which brings me to a dead end. Therefore, I don't think I'll ever be able to conclude the matter. I should inform Nalvyna Balen of this. |
100 |
Finishes quest |
Nalvyna Balen rewarded me for finding the truth of Captain Borgga's license and was happy that she will not have to deal with her any more. |
110 |
Finishes quest |
Nalvyna Balen rewarded me for finding the truth of Captain Borgga's license and was happy that she will not have to deal with her any more. She also shared a cut of the fines for the velk smuggling operation. |
170 |
Finishes quest |
Nalvyna Balen was disappointed about learning of Captain Borgga's death. While being relieved that she'll never be harassed by her again, she had hoped for a more peaceful resolution. |
200 |
Finishes quest |
Nalvyna Balen was disappointed about learning of the fate of Zalan and Nelvana Salero. She shared my conclusion that this will prevent us from resolving the matter. |
The Waylaid Ship (TR_m4_HH_AND_Ship2) |
10 |
I've discovered a velk in Rivenwake's cargo. I should inform Nalvyna Balen about this. |
11 |
I've discovered a velk in Rivenwake's cargo. Should the opportunity arise, it would probably be wise to report this to the city authorities. |
20 |
The crew had reported my trespass into the cargo hold to the captain. She threatened me of bloodshed if I report the velk to the city authorities. |
21 |
I've told Captain Borgga about my discovery of the velk. She threatened me of bloodshed if I report the velk to the city authorities. |
30 |
Nalvyna Balen was glad that I told her about the velk, although a bit worried about its potential consequences. She thought the authorities should know about this, and advised me to bring it up with Manse Horaren. Her manor is in the upper part of the city. |
50 |
Manse Horaren was curious about learning of the velk and told me that she'd see to it that Captain Borgga would get fined for it. She didn't recognize the license though, but thought Nelvana Salero and her underling might be responsible for it. I can find them both in Zalan's manor. |
51 |
Manse Horaren was curious about learning of the velk and told me that she'd ensure that Captain Borgga would get fined for it. |
120 |
One of the crew members at the Rivenwake attacked me, telling me that this is how they deal with spies and traitors. |