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Template:Blades Item Summary

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This template is used for infoboxes of any Blades items. Required for use with {{Blades Item Entry}}.


Blades Item Summary
Parameter Scope Description
type required The type of item (ie Armor, Weapon, Jewelry, Shield, Material, Decoration)
q required The quality of the item. Valid values can be seen at {{Blades Quality}}
description required The item's description in-game
name optional The item's name if different from the name of the article
level optional The player level required to equip the item
buy optional Cost in gold (by default) of purchasing the item
sell optional Value in gold when selling the item
buymat optional The material/currency used to purchase the item (Gold by default). Valid inputs are the same as {{Blades Mat}}.
effect optional Any effects or enchantments the item has, formatted as a <br> separated {{Effect Text}} list.
recipe optional What it takes to craft the item as a <br> separated {{Blades Mat}} list
material optional The classification of the item (ie Daedric, Elven, etc.)
tag optional Set this parameter to artifact, special, or ultimate when applicable.
divine optional Set this parameter as anything if the item is divine.
merchant optional Vendor from which the item is available.
lorename optional The name of the Lore article to point to if different from the name of the item. Note that you can disable the lore link if needed by setting this equal to nothing (lorename=).
id required The item's identifying string.
notrail optional Set this parameter as anything to disable the automatic {{Trail}}. (Auto-disables when transcluded)
image optional Manually specify the image path (without "File:"). Avoid when possible.
imgdesc optional Manually specify the image description.
icon optional Manually specify the icon path (without "File:"). Avoid when possible.
weapontype optional The type of weapon it is (ie Heavy, Versatile, Light)
damagetype optional The type of damage the item deals (ie Slashing, Cleaving, Bashing)
armortype optional The type of armor the item is (ie Helmet, Cuirass, Gauntlets, Boots)
jewelrytype optional The type of jewelry the item is (ie Amulet, Ring)
materialtype optional The type of material the item is, separated by " and " if multiple. (ie Smithing, Tempering, etc.)
dmg optional Damage done by the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
dmg2h optional Damage done by the item when used without a shield. Does not need to be inputted if equivalent to dmg. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
dps optional Damage per second done by the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
block optional Damage blocked by the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
armor optional Armor value of the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
bash optional Bash damage done by the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
cond optional Maximum durability of the item. Also input any numbers after the decimal point.
ptg optional Prestige gained when item is earned/crafted
size optional The size of the decoration
optional Effects of this item when used in alchemy
optional Effects of this item when used in enchanting
optional good, neg, mix, or other
optional good, neg, mix, or other


If on Blades:Redoran Watchman's Helm

{{Blades Item Summary
|description=This traditional hardened Chitin helmet, once worn by House Redoran guards, is surprisingly effective at deflecting sword blows. It also provides with limited resistance to poison, and increased Magicka Regeneration.
|effect={{Effect Text|Resist Slashing|m=4|material=1}}<br>
{{Effect Text|Resist Poison|m=4|material=1}}<br>
{{Effect Text|Fortify Magicka Regeneration|m=2|material=1}}


Redoran Watchman's Helm

Redoran Watchman's Helm
Redoran Watchman's Helm (RedoranWatcherHelmet)
Type Helmet Armor
Quality Rare
Requires Level Player Level 12
Armor Rating 56.16 Maximum Condition 175
Selling Price 00000239239Gold
This traditional hardened Chitin helmet, once worn by House Redoran guards, is surprisingly effective at deflecting sword blows. It also provides with limited resistance to poison, and increased Magicka Regeneration.

Resist Slashing +4 Slashing resistance.
Resist Poison +4 Poison resistance.
Fortify Magicka Regeneration +2 Magicka regeneration per second.

{{Blades Item Summary
|name=Imp Stool
|materialtype=alchemy and enchanting
|description=A small fungus found in forests and caves, the Imp Stool can be used in both Health potions and poisons.
|merchant=[[Blades:Lea Jeanne|Lea Jeanne]], [[Blades:Alchemist|Alchemists]]
|alch1=Restore Health
|alch2=Damage Health Regeneration
|ench1=Fortify Health Regeneration
|ench2=Fortify Health
|ench3=Absorb Health
|ench5=Fortify Combo Damage
|ench6=Fortify Blocked Damage
|ench7=Powerful Block


Imp Stool

Imp Stool
Imp Stool
Imp Stool (ImpStool)
(lore page)
Type Alchemy & Enchanting Material
Quality Common
Buying Price 00000250250Gold Selling Price 0000001010Gold
A small fungus found in forests and caves, the Imp Stool can be used in both Health potions and poisons.
Alchemy Effects
Restore Health Restore Health
Damage Health Regeneration Damage Health Regeneration
Enchanting Effects
Fortify Health Regeneration Fortify Health Regeneration
Fortify Health Fortify Health
Absorb Health Absorb Health
Haste Haste
Fortify Combo Damage Fortify Combo Damage
Fortify Blocked Damage Fortify Blocked Damage
Powerful Block Powerful Block
Sold by Lea Jeanne, Alchemists
{{Blades Item Summary
|description=Unlike some of the larger cities of the Empire, (Town) lacks an underground sewage system... which makes the outhouse a necessity.
|recipe={{Blades Mat|lumber|200}}<br>{{Blades Mat|fabric|1}}<br>{{Blades Mat|g|6,000}}<br>{{Blades Mat|time|5M}}<br>Workshop Level {{huh}}



Outhouse (Medium_Outhouse)
Type Decoration
Size Medium
Quality Uncommon
Prestige +21
Buying Price 000079757,975Gold Selling Price 00000957957Gold
Unlike some of the larger cities of the Empire, (Town) lacks an underground sewage system... which makes the outhouse a necessity.
Crafting Recipe
Workshop Level (?)