Compare is used for comparisons.
| width = Specify the total width of the comparison table.
Each side will use a different percentage of this based on the mode set.
| title = Caption for the whole table (optional, defaults to blank)
| leftt = Title of left column (this line is optional, defaults to "Prototype")
| rightt = Title of right column (this is also optional, defaults to "Final")
| left = Content of the left box
| right = Content of the right box
| mode = ''mode'' can be set to the following:
- ''horizontal'' for horizontal display. This is the standard display and ''mode''
need not be set explicitly to this.
- ''vertical1'' for vertical layout where Prototype is on top of Final version and
the pictures below their description boxes.
- ''vertical2'' for vertical layout where Prototype is on top of Final version and
the pictures next to their description boxes.
| align = If set, inline elements (text, img etc.) in content cells will be aligned to this value.
It defaults to '''center''' if not set. Common values are '''left''' and '''right'''.
| valign = The same as align, but for aligning elements vertically. It defaults to '''middle''' if not set.
Common values are '''top''' and '''bottom'''. Pointless with the vertical layout options.
| float = ''float'' can be set to the following:
- ''center'' for the box to be aligned in the center of the page. This is the standard display and ''float''
need not be set explicitly to this.
- ''left'' for the box to be aligned to the left side of the article.
- ''right'' for the box to be aligned to the right side of the article.
You can use leftt and rightt to change the titles of the two boxes, title to give it a caption, and width to specify the overall width.
Layout options[edit]
Default horizontal layout horizontal: (with and without caption, and with changed width respectively)
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Alternative vertical layout vertical1: (with and without caption, and with changed width respectively)
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Alternative vertical layout vertical2: (with and without caption, and with changed width respectively)
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Alignment options[edit]
Left alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Right alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Default center alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Prototype |
{{{left}}} |
Final |
{{{right}}} |
Top vertical alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
Bottom vertical alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
Default middle vertical alignment:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
Float options[edit]
Default center float:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Left float:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |
Right float:
Prototype |
Final |
{{{left}}} |
{{{right}}} |