Check out our 2024 Retrospective for a look back at events that shaped the wiki during 2024.


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Alvor and Sigrid's House (checking)
Atheron Residence (checking)
Belyn Hlaalu's House (checking)
Black-Briar Lodge (checking)


Image Requests
SHRP - Needs Check
Displayed merchandise discussion


BarrelFood01 - respawning
BarrelMeat01 - respawning
CommonWardrobe01 - non-respawning
Cupboard01 - non-respawning
Dresser01 - non-respawning
EndTable01 - non-respawning
MiscSackLarge - non-respawning
MiscSackLargeFlat01 - respawning
MiscSackLargeFlat02 - non-respawning
MiscSackLargeFlat03 - non-respawning
MiscSack02LargeFlat - non-respawning
MiscSack02Small - non-respawning
MiscSack02SmallFlat - non-respawning
NobleCupboard02 - non-respawning
NobleWardrobe01 - non-respawning
PersonalChestSmall - non-respawning
SpitPotClosedLoose01 - non-respawning
TGREvidenceChest - non-respawning
TreasBanditChest - respawning
TreasKnapsack - respawning
TreasWarlockChest - respawning
UpperDresser01 - non-respawning
UpperEndTable01 - non-respawning


Klimmek's House
Fellstar Farm
Lylvieve Family's House
Horgeir's House
Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp
Penitus Oculatus Outpost
Karthwasten Hall
Karthwasten Miner's Barracks
Hod and Gerdur's House
Drelas' Cottage


Enmon's House
Faendal's House
Sven and Hilde's House
Addvar's House
Aeri's House
Anga's Mill Common House
Aretino Residence (ext.)
Severio Pelagia's House (ext.)
The Mortar and Pestle (ext.)