The common understanding of a wiki is surely, a copyright-free donation of material by contributors, free to use by all people for all time
All information entered onto UESP is instead owned, in perpetuity, and for the purposes of contributors expecting a wiki to be the above, by its proprietor
While Wikia is a for-profit enterprise, all the information entered there is free, forever, as a wiki is understood to be, and should be
The Elder Scrolls Wiki on WikiaToday's Date: Thursday 20 March 2025. Current estimated date of the release of Fallout 3 by Bethesda: October 7, 2008 [1] It was released on October 28.
How many bytes does each edit take up?[edit]
"A simple null edit takes ~500 bytes in revision table, ~500 bytes in cu_changes, 250 bytes in page, 700 bytes in recentchanges, 100 bytes in 'text', may grow external storage blob by few bytes or do a compressed text copy (depends). Multiply that by amount of replicas (nearly 10 for enwiki), and you get 20k per edit. A bot which does 5000 edits per day consumes at least 10MB of diskspace a day. Of course, thats just null edits - anything involving changes in links tables or bigger text differences do cost more. If anyone wants to see our core database dataset distribution, a somewhat old snapshot is at - it doesn't show external-store use though. Cheers! Domas Mituzas (talk) 08:06, 8 August 2009 (UTC)"
With your help, and the help of a vigilant team of administrators, UESP is expanding. The amount of information stays much the same, relative to an ever-expanding edit history, the storage requirements of which increases by many megabytes a month. I can only hope this is a self-un-fulfilling prophecy, as I have done all I can to address this policy wonkiness.
As with all weapons in Oblivion, bows receive a damage modifier based on weapon condition; from .3 at 1% weapon health, to 2.1 when fully repaired. This is purely an expedient game mechanic to balance Marksman with other weapon skills, as bows are not damaged by use in real life.