Who am I?[edit]
i am, as my username says, bPolterghost (i accidentally capitalized the B in it when i first created my account). it's the online alias i use on practically ever single website i'm on, and if you were to try and find me elsewhere, my username would probably be the same. if you REALLY want to find out more about me than what i say here, i have found that my deviantArt account (which i can't link for reasons) has a pretty good description of who i am.
i am a HUGE Elder Scrolls fan, as well as a HUGE lore geek. at this point in time, i'm pretty damn knowledgeable on a lot of the Elder Scrolls lore, even though i still have more to learn. i have yet to play Morrowind, though i do own the game, and still have MUCH MORE to discover from playing Oblivion. i am also a writer, and miiiight write some related fanfiction in the future? i did write the first chapter of one already, but haven't published it anywhere.
(i also want to note, despite how i type casually, i type with better grammar and syntax when writing something more formal.. such as a Wiki page.)
Why am I here?[edit]
being the huge lore geek that i am, i decided to finally make an account for this Wiki (which is my first account on ANY wiki) in case i ever wanted to contribute to making the Wiki even better. honestly, however, since this is my first Wiki account, i really don't know too much about editing Wiki pages, nor am i too knowledgeable with the arts of HTML. so, because of this, i probably won't be making many edits for now, or joining any projects related to making edits.
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This User HEAVILY dislikes Altmer |
This user worships Sithis. |
This user worships The Night Mother. |
This user worships Akatosh. |
This user worships Arkay. |
This user worships Sheogorath. |
This user worships Hermaeus Mora. |
This user sided with the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War. |