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The following NPCs are possible contract givers for the radiant quest The Dark Brotherhood Forever. The NPC that will give the contract is chosen randomly from one of the following, and these NPCs do not exist in-game until the player receives the quest, at which point the proper NPC is placed. All of the NPCs are Nord warriors, and they all share the same dialogue.

Dialogue Options[edit]

  • "So you're the... the assassin? I need you to kill the Visiting Noble at Dragonsreach, in Whiterun. Here's the gold. I... I hope it's enough."
  • "So you're the one from the... Dark Brotherhood? I need you to kill the Big Laborer at Katla's Farm. Here's the gold for the kill. Make it painful."
  • "You must be the... assassin. I need you to kill the Itinerant Lumberjack, in Morthal, at the logging camp. Here, this is all the gold I have."
  • "You're the assassin, right? Look, there's this Reckless Mage in the Frozen Hearth Inn, in Winterhold. I want him dead. This gold should cover it."
  • "You're the one? From the... the Dark Brotherhood? The man I need killed is a Seasoned Hunter. He's just outside Falkreath. Here's the gold..."
  • "You're here! I was wondering if that Black Sacrament even worked. I need you to kill a woman, a Poor Fishwife, on the Riften Docks. Here's the gold."
  • "Dark Brotherhood? You look the type. Listen, there's this Grim Shieldmaiden walking the streets of Markarth. Kill her. Now take this gold, and go."
  • "Are you the assassin? From the...? Well, there's this Traveling Dignitary, in Solitude. I need her... you know. This gold will cover it, right?"
  • "I'm glad you're here. I need you to kill a Coldhearted Gravedigger, tends to work in the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm. This is all the gold I have."
  • "Good, you're here. Look, in Ivarstead, there's this Beautiful Barbarian. I need her dead. Don't ask why. Just do it. This gold should cover it."

Blasphemous Priest[edit]

(RefID: 000A0318)
Location Temple of Kynareth
Race Nord Gender Male
Level (?) Class Warrior
RefID 000A0318 BaseID 00087B91
Other Information
Essential Yes
Faction(s) DB RecurringTarget 9 CrimeFaction
Blasphemous Priest

The Blasphemous Priest appears in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun.

Coldhearted Gravedigger[edit]

(RefID: 000A031F)
Location Hall of the Dead
Race Nord Gender Female
Level (?) Class Warrior
RefID 000A031F BaseID 00087B9D
Other Information
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block
Class Details CombatWarrior2H
Faction(s) DB RecurringTarget 9 CrimeFaction
Coldhearted Gravedigger

The Coldhearted Gravedigger appears in the Hall of the Dead in Windhelm.

The Coldhearted Gravedigger may also appear as a victim.

Corrupt Agent[edit]

(RefID: 000A030F)
Location Penitus Oculatus Outpost
Race Nord Gender Male
Level (?) Class Warrior
RefID 000A030F BaseID 00087B8C
Other Information
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, Two-handed, Archery, Block
Class Details CombatWarrior2H
Essential Yes
Faction(s) DB RecurringTarget 9 CrimeFaction
Corrupt Agent

The Corrupt Agent appears in Penitus Oculatus Outpost in Dragon Bridge.