Hi, the name's Kenneth Clyde & welcome to my user page.
My TES game history[edit]
The first Elder Scrolls game I got, & also what got me to like the franchise, was Skyrim for PS3 in 2011. After I played it a few days, my video game habit of wanting to try out the sequel's predecessors, & I did! I stopped playing Skyrim and went to play Arena, then to Daggerfall, Battlespire, Morrowind (PC), Oblivion (PS3), & back to Skyrim again. However, I rushed through the previous titles like with save editors and etc., except Oblivion. Also for Battlespire and Morrowind back then I didn't bought them, and the same site I got Battlespire I also gotten Redguard but the pirated game didn't work.
Anyway years later, the previous games I downloaded from that ROM site I later bought, Battlespire and Redguard from GOG, while Morrowind, well, I own like three copies! A used physical GotY Edition, from Steam (in case something to the discs), and like others during TES's 25th Anniversary I got it free for the Bethesda launcher. I later got Skyrim for PS4 & PC, and later got ESO for PS4 (2015,NA, CP: 810+) & PC (2019, NA, CP: 810+ Honestly, I was getting tired of paying PS+ on the PS4, just to play ESO, so that's why I moved to PC for it.), Legends (only download it to get a Doom Wolf mount code for ESO in 2019, I'll eventually go back to it), & Blades for Switch.
I sometimes record The Elder Scrolls games on my Youtube channel, sometimes commentary & sometimes not. Besides ESO, I've replaying & recording the older Elder Scrolls games, while the older older ones I won't use a save editor, now in-game exploits is another story... NeHeHe!
I have uploaded some mods for Oblivion, some are +18 so yeah: [1]
This user is male. |
This user most favorite race is the Argonian race. |
The Nord race is this user's 2nd favorite race. |
One of this user's favorite Daedric Princes is Sheogorath. |
Another of this user's favorite Daedric Princes is Hircine. |
This user owns ESO. |
This user main character's class is a Sorcerer in ESO. |
ESO username (PC): @CobaltSnek
PC (NA) CP: 1900+ |
This user plays on the PlayStation. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user plays on the Nintendo Switch. |
This user worships Sithis. |