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User:Doom Knight/Roleplaying Ideas

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Ideas for before/during/after Dark Brotherhood questline[edit]

(Assassin-type Roleplaying)

Before: When you make your first kill to get the attention of the brotherhood, make it a stealthy one. A simple kill would not have impressed the brotherhood as much. Make sure your sneak, security, and speech skills are high. Blade will be imperative as well. These are the apparatus of an assassin.

During: Do each contract flawlessly, with the bonus if there is one. Take one item from each victim and (requires access to Arcane University or Frostcrag Spire DLC), enchant, and rename each item after their respective owner, as if to honor your targets after their soul's departure to the void with Sithis. For example, J'Ghasta is a skilled unarmed combatant and a worthy opponent (He is also a member of the Black Hand). Take his gauntlets (He fought with them) and name them J'Ghasta's gauntlets. Place them somewhere safe, such as in one or your houses, or in the dark brotherhood sanctuary. After purifying the sanctuary, take a piece of clothing or armor and as mentioned above, rename it after its owner, and place it somewhere safe to honor your deceased brothers.

After: Once you become the listener, ensure you do the weekly quest where you talk to the Night mother and receive the list of names and locations for contracts. More importantly, do contracts. Make up your own contracts, or do the ones I suggest. And remember, you are the highest-ranking member of the brotherhood, so you receive your contracts directly from the Night Mother herself, or if you're feeling really important, Sithis.

Contract/Quest: The Black Fox

Quest giver: Sithis or Night Mother

Comments: Infiltrate the Thieves Guild and work your way to the top, to get close to the Gray Fox. Assassinate him, for this filthy worm is not worthy of life. He has brought up a guild rivaling our brotherhood and must die for it. For a bonus, make sure he is dead, and you are the new Gray Fox. Or should I say....The Brotherhood's Fox. If you do that, The brotherhood will have control over the Thieves Guild. Kill well, my child. (Note: You must kill him as Corvus Umbranox, for he is an essential character and will not die before then)

Contract/Quest: A brother not in the brotherhood

Quest giver: Sithis or Night Mother

Comments: Assassinate Brother Piner in Weynon Priory. He has been meddling with dark arts beyond necromancy in secret, and has angered Sithis [Replace Sithis with Me if getting the quest from him]. You will receive a bonus if you put his Akaviri katana into Jauffre's desk, along with the bloodied weapon you used to kill him with. This will show the wrath of the brotherhood. Stealthy hunting, my child.

Contract/Quest: Kill thy neighbor

Quest giver: Sithis or Night mother

Comments: Oghash gra-Magul, a female orc who lives right next to our sanctuary, has finally become aware of our presence in the abandoned basement and plans to tell imperial legions about it in exactly 3 days(72 hours time). Kill her within this time limit or our hide-out will be exposed. For a bonus, take one of the murderers in the sanctuary with you them how the job's done. Until next time, my child.


(Fighter-type Roleplaying)

For glory! Sorry, I got addicted to Spartacus, which largely inspired me to make this roleplay. I've thought of a lot of things to make this fun, but first lets start with the ground rules:

-Do NOT wear a cuirass or anything else that covers your chest area. The only exception to this is if you are roleplaying a mock battle in which you are supposed to be a Blade(Blade Cuirass), imperial Soldier(Legion Cuirass), Savage(Saviour's hide ,etc.) or whatever. If thats the case then you need to wear what the person you are being would wear. Outside that though, just wear a helmet, gauntlets, greaves, and boots.

-Pick your Fighting style. unfortunately, unless you are on PC and can use mods, you cant dual wield or have spears or anything. But hope is not lost. theres still a TON of choices for combat styles. And here they are(1h stands for 1-hand, 2h for 2-hand): 1h shortsword + No shield, 1h shortsword + shield, 1h longsword + No shield, 1h longsword + shield, 2h sword, 2h warhammer, 1h axe + shield, 1h axe + no shield, 2h waraxe, 1h mace + shield, 1h mace + no shield, or even using your gauntlets/fists(hand to hand) as your weapons. And thats not even all of them. I didnt mention daggers or anything. You can also use magic with your combat style if you want.

-Preferred armor. First decide what kind of gladiator you want to be. If you want to be quick, use light armor, and if you want to be a heavy hitter use heavy armor. And for God's sake dont wear that damned Arena Raiment/Raiment of Valor. Unless you actually like it. I personally do not. Wearing the raiment during arena matches(you are forced to, until you get to the gray prince) is perfectly fine. Anyways, back on topic with armor - use whatever armor you think fits you as a gladiator. Which brings me to the last ground rule:

-Arena. Work your way up to Grand Champion. And when you choose your Champion name for the arena, choose armor that reflects your name. After all, being the messenger of death and wearing crusader gear just wont fit. Just for some ideas to get you started up with this, as messenger of death you could wear Daedric helmet, greaves, boots, and if you want, gauntlets(remember, gladiators do not wear chest armor) and also make sure to wear a fitting weapon. As the crimson blade you cant just go out there with a mace. You need a fire-enchanted blade weapon. A the spellslinger, use a staff as your weapon and wear a hood for your helmet. As the Divine Avenger you could wear crusader items, as Dragonheart you could wear Imperial Dragon armor items. As sir slaughter you could wear imperial guard items or blades items. As Man O' War you could just focusing on looking badass. theres endless possiblities for each thing.

When fighting a combatant in the arena, make it look good. strike them, then block. Keep it going for a long time, and then when they are almost dead and the crowd is roaring you finish them off. After you finish this arena, recieve your raiment of valor and your freedom. Get an iron or steel dagger, and enchant it so you can rename it rudis and place it in one of your houses. You should make sure to fight monsters in the arena every week, you need to give the crowd what they want. away from the arena, you could work to become the leader of the fighters guild. Or you could save cyrodiil. all just to train for the arena. You need to always get better. You cant fall like the previous grand champion, the gray prince. You could go to Boethia's shrine, and go to Boethia's arena. With your superior gladiator skills you will win with ease. Show Boethia who is the srongest gladiator. And recieve goldbrand. You could even use it, as a trophy to show you have favor with the gods.

Lastly, the world is your arena. Fight everything in your path as if you are on the sand floor you love so much. Show no mercy. Unless the crowd demands it.