Let me start by telling you a bit about myself as an Elder Scrolls member: I have only played Oblivion, out of The Elder Scrolls titles. I have so far restarted it about two times now, the first time I did because I wasn't levelling fast enough, my character was weak and unable to do much. The second wasn't due to any character, bug or levelling problems, i'd been through uesp's quest page and completed the few quests I hadn't found yet. I only had a few to finish off, like the Nirnroot quest, and had almost got all my major skills and attributes maximized. At level 48, and with no more quests to do, either because i'd found them all, or bugs or deceased characters prevented me from starting or finishing other quests, I was able to kill anything within a couple of hits, the game had started to bore me. So, instead of putting the game away and desperately waiting for TES 5 to come out, I decided on restarting again and try to make my character better. I am now currently a level 30, dark elf mage. With knowledge on quests and tips I have picked up from playing and browsing through this website, I am able to advance through guild ranks quicker and avoid all those annoying complications.