User:Goblin lair/Sandbox/Abagarlas
Abagarlas | |
Abagarlas | |
Hello and wellcome to the | |
library of Abagarlas. | |
Here, there is information about | |
all of the half civilised races of Cyrodiil | |
and the Shivering Isles. |

The goblins of Cyrodiil is a toolmaking, toolusing, tribal creature. Every tribe is led by a Shaman. This is a very important person since, if the shaman dies and the goblins in the tribe doesn't have any new shaman to replace it with, the tribe will vanish. The shaman controlls everything in the tribe, without it, the tribe won't be able to do anything.
The shaman is also in controll of a goblin shaman staff or a goblin totem staff. This staff is often enchanted by the shaman with a lightning throwing spell.
Note that the goblins of Cyrodiil have advanced to the point in which they start wearing clothes.
The known goblin tribes are: the Bloody hand, the Dust eater, the Rock biter, the Sharp tooth, the Skull breaker, the Three feather, the White skin and the Bitterfish tribes.
The largest tribe is the Sharp Tooth tribe, this tribe has 26 members, this is 22.2% of all Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
Second in line comes the White Skin tribe, this tribe has 22 members, this is 18.8% of all Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
Third is the Three Feather tribe, this tribe has 20 members which is 17.1% of all Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
On fourth place we have the Bloody Hand tribe, with its 17 members, this tribe represent 14.5% of Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
Fifth is the Rock Biter tribe. In this tribe there are 12 members, this is 10.2% of Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
On the sixth place we have the Skull Breaker tribe. This tribe has 11 members which is 9.4% of Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
Last and smallest is the Dust Eater tribe. This tribe only has 9 members which is 7.7% of Cyrodiil's known tribe goblins.
Mournhold goblins[edit]
The goblins seen in the Mournhold sewers is a toolmaking, toolusing creature, living in groups in the sewers. These goblins are led by a warchief, the warchief is a larger and stronger goblin than the normal goblins and goblin footsoldiers in the Mournhold sewers.
In Cyrodiil, each goblin tribe has an enchanted item, the shaman staff. In Mournhold there is only one known enchanted item created by the goblins: The Goblin Buckler. With several advanced enchantings of constant effect on the buckler, the goblins must have the intelligence of creating advanced rituals. But these rituals must be very difficult since the Buckler seems to be the only enchanted item created by the Mournhold goblins.
Also these goblins are wearing simple clothing.
The first Warchiefs with known names are Warchief Durgoc and Warchief Kurog.
Mournhold goblins population[edit]
The population of goblins in Mournhold's sewers is not known exactly but experts say there should be between 41 and 67 goblins living in the sewers.
In Mania the grummites are green and brown, The grummites is a toolmaking, toolusing, creature living in large groups in the shivering isles' caverns and ruins. The Grummites have a type of shaman religion. At some locations, the grummites have constructed totem poles. They are also using madness ores as religiouse objects. A third religiouse type of item is found during the quest A Better Mousetrap. This Items is made out of the Focus Crystals of Xedilian and a stick. During the quest you will take the Focus Crystals from the grummites and place them into the belonging Nexus.
In the Dementia part of the Shivering isles the grummites are brown and white instead of green and brown.
Some people say that the Grummites are an evolved "version" of the Baliwog.
Grummites seems to dislike Elytras but no one really understands why.
There are about 153 grummites living in groups in the Shivering Isles.
• In Blackroot Lair there are about 34 grummites. (Last seed 29, 3 E 433)
• In Xedilian there are about 27 grummites. (Heartfire 6, 3 E 433)
• In Knotty Bramble there are about 23 grummites. (Last Seed 30, 3 E 433)
• In Xeddefen there are about 22 grummites. (Last Seed 31, 3 E 433)
• In Knotbone Chamber there are about 18 grummites. (Last seed 31, 3 E 433)
• In Fetid Grove there are about 16 grummites. (Last Seed 29, 3 E 433)
• In Corpserot Passage there are about 11 grummites. (Last seed 31, 3 E 433)
• In Blood Island Camp there are about 2 grummites. (Heartfire 1, 3 E 433)
(This information was gathered by Khargol, a level 1 Orc)
The rieklings are toolmaking, toolusing creatures that often live in groups of five or more. This creature is also known for using Tusked Bristlebacks as mounts. People say that some of the rieklings are intelligen enough to talk cyrodiilic and some believe that the rieklings really are the "missing" Falmer race.
The exact population of rieklings is not known but experts suggest there is between 30 and 263 rieklings on Solsteim.
The rieklings wear fur clothing to keep the warmth.
Ogres are humanoids whose abilities lie in their strength rather than inteligence. They never carry weapons, because they prefer to pound and stun their prey with their giant hands. Ogres are intelligent enough that sometimes form clans and give one another ranks. Ogres often live outdoors in Hills, Highlands, Mountains, and Snowy Mountain terrains.
The ogres use simple clothing.
The ogres also seems to have developed some kind of bag that they carry on their waist.
- In Lord Drad's Estate there are about 8 ogres.
- In Pale Pass there are about 10 ogres (3 in the cave and 7 in the open area).
- In Redguard Valley Cave there are about 8 ogres.
• The minotaurs of Cyrodiil are humanoids with a human torso and the head and legs of a bull. The minotaur horns have diffrent lengths. The horns are randomly curved and never look exactly the same. Some minotaurs have managed to get their hands on a blunt weapon. In these cases, they keep, and use, the weapon in question. They do not wear any kind of clothing.
Most of the minotaurs are living alone in hills and forests.
The total population of minotaurs are still unknown. But according to the Journal of Brenus Astis, they usually live in groups numbering 20 or more. Still, no one else have ever seen or documented that size of a minotaur group.
Minotaur Lords[edit]
• The larger type of minotaurs in Cyrodiil are called Minotaur Lords. These are up to 15% larger and their horns are longer, more rounded and even in length.
Less advanced races[edit]
• The Scamps of Cyrodiil seem to be less advanced than the ones seen in Morrowind since none of the scamps seen in Cyrodiil have ever been "observed" while talking Cyrodiilic.
• Some of the Scamps seen in Morrowind have developed the abillity to speak cyrodiilic. The first known example of this is the scamp named Creeper, he is also the only known scamp merchant of Tamriel. The second one is Lustidrike who lives in an old ruin in the north-eastern corner of Vvardenfell.
• Gnarls are also known as walking trees. They live just about anywhere in the Shivering Isles.
• The Gnarls are known for their ability to absorb magic.
•Some trees have evolved in a race of deadly 'tree-people' known as Spriggans. The Spriggans sure are closer to civilisation than the gnarls but still, they don't use tools or wear any clothing. Some Spriggans have the abillity to summon a black bears to fight at tier command.
•Who knows.. perhaps in the future these creatures will undertake the final transformation and become official citizens of Tamriel.
Special thanks to Tabloes who helped me with the work at Abagarla's Library. -Goblin lair 11:51, 10 March 2009