
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
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User-Kiz-Name Banner.png
This user performed with distinction in the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project
I am currently taking Place and Interior Images.
This user performed with distinction in the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project
I am currently was dabbling with NPC Schedules.
This user performed with distinction in the Skyrim Quest Redesign Project
I am currently was tweaking Skyrims Quest Pages.
User-userbox-Patroller.jpg This user is a Recent Changes Patroller.
SR-book-Dbhand.png This user is a Blocker.
OB-icon-ingredient-Apple.png This user is a Mentor.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years, 7 months, and 18 days.
Wiki.png This user has made a grand total of   9,618 edits in 4982 days.
UESP-social-Discord.png This user frequently visits the official UESP Discord Server.
User-userbox-Wiki Mercenary.png This user is a WikiMercenary.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
Flag England.png This user is from England.
User-userbox-M'aiq the Liar.jpg This user knows much, tells some.
Transparent.gif About Me
I mainly do maintenance and technical edits around the wiki, as well as the odd image upload. I am currently finishing off the integration of the Skyrim and Dragonborn namespaces.
I also answer questions, technical or otherwise on our Discord in the "#wiki-editing-help channel".
  • If you want to contact me, you can use either:
  • To see what I've been doing around the wiki lately, this page should give you some idea.
Transparent.gif Status
  • Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025 - 13/03/2025
  • It is now 07:37 (UTC).
  • There are currently 109,251 content pages on the wiki.
  • There are currently 409,264 total pages on the wiki.
Transparent.gif Wiki-work
Transparent.gif Skyrim
Making lists for the entirety of Skyrim's Leveled Inventory Lists, which I may return to, maybe, one day.
I played about with city maps (here and here), until the editor making the maps left...
Checking rewards and objectives for the first Skyrim Project!, now if only I understood some of the games coding better!
I also made a lot of the tables this page (mainly the smaller ones half way down the page).
I also dabbled in the {{Chart}} template... which was different! The only ones I actually did are; here, here and here.
I had a go at writing NPC Pages for the OBNPCRP - i'll get back on that one day!
Taking place and interior images for the OBHRP, like this and this.
I also made this page on Quest Items from scratch, god that was a long job.
Shivering Isles
After finishing one page on Quest Items, I immediately went and did another one.
Change this into this for most of the place images.
Other Tid-Bits
I do maintenance edits, updating links, file licenses and categories as well as trying to keep atleast some of the Maintenance pages clear.
Creating/updating some of the javascript and Gadgets
Transparent.gif Subpages


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