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MaleIcon.png This user is male.
LO-race-Argonian.png This user is a member of the Argonian race.
OBbsign Warrior.jpg This user was born under the sign of The Warrior.
OB-item-Glass Armor.jpg This user prefers the comfiness and flexibility of light armor. OB-icon-Light Armor (title).gif
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 15 years and 4 days.
Flag Canada.png This user is an Eh-saying, hockey-
playing, beer drinking, maple syrup
and poutine eating Canadian, eh.
570 This UESPWikian is 570 years old today!
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
OB-icon-Mehrunes' Razor.png This user is knowledgeable about the Mehrunes' Razor official download.
LO-map-Tamriel (Oblivion Codex).gif This user is a cartographer.
Xbox.svg This user plays on the Xbox.
User-userbox-Xbox.png This Users XBox Live Gamertag is "KUKULKAN535"
User-userbox-Atheism Symbol.png This user is an atheist.
User-Kukulkan-BlackHand.png This character worships Sithis
OB-icon-Blade (title).gif This user is a master of Blade
OB-icon-Illusion (title).gif This user is a master of Illusion
OB-icon-Conjuration (title).gif This user is a master of Conjuration
OB-icon-Armorer (title).gif This user is an master of Armorer
OB-icon-Security (title).gif This user is an master of Security
OB-icon-Acrobatics (title).gif This user is a expert of Acrobatics.
OB-icon-Light Armor (title).gif This user is a expert of LightArmor.
OB-icon-Alchemy (title).gif This user is a expert of Alchemy.
Home City Leyawiin
House Battlethorn Castle
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 32 Class Marauder
Training Destruction, Blade, Light Armor, Armorer, Illusion, Athletics, Security
Other Information
Health 410 Magicka 202
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, Thieves Guild, Arena, Blades, Knights of the White Stallion

My Story[edit]

Greetings! I am Ku-Kulkan. I am an Argonian marauder from Leyawiin. I am master of Battlehorn Castle, where I currently make my home. I was born in a small hamlet in Blackmarsh. My family moved to Leyawiin in Cyrodiil when I was just a young hatchling. I spent most of my childhood swimming, fishing, and hunting in the wetlands around Blackwood. Later, I left Leyawiin for the Imperial City where I enrolled in the Imperial Legion under Uriel Septim VII. Life as an Argonian in the Imperial Legion wasn't easy. Those damned Imperials think they are so great, and treated me as an outcast. Nonetheless, being in the legion did serve one essential purpose: I became adept at fighting, especially with blades and bows. After spending several years in the Legion and fighting several successful campaigns, I decided it was time to leave and go back home to Leyawiin. Those haughty Imperial officers, however, would not give me permission to leave and upon my first attempt to leave, I was caught and imprisoned for desertion. I was sentenced to death, as is the standard punishment for that type of crime. I sat in the Imperial City Prison for many months, awaiting my execution, until one day the emperor himself, Uriel Septim VII, came to my cell and asked for my help. I guess my notoriety in the legion did not go unnoticed by the emperor. His three sons had just recently been assasinated and he had been advised to flee the city before the assassins got to him. We escaped through a secret passageway in my cell which led to the Imperial Prison Sewers. There, the emperor was attacked and killed by members of the Daedra-worshiping Mythic Dawn cult. Shortly before his death, the emperor entrusted me with the Amulet of Kings and ordered me to find his estranged son, and only remaining heir, Martin Septim. I've since traveled to Kvatch, where I've found Martin Septim. We have joined forces in order to fight the coming of the Daedric Price of Destruction: Mehrunes Dagon. With Martin at my side, as well as a band of trusty followers, I go forth to close shut the jaws of Oblivion.


At the moment, I have 6 followers assisting me in my quests: Erthor, Guilbert Jemane, Reynald Jemane, Viranus Donton, Brother Martin, Battlehorn Man-At-Arms. Walking alround Cyrodiil is so much better when your posse's got your back. Of course, I make sure they fight with only the best, so I've equipped them all with Zero-weight enchanted daedric weapons & armor. Brother Martin and Viranus Donton look much more menacing in a full daedric armor set! All of them except the for the Battlehorn Man-At-Arms are essential NPCs so they are basically immortal. Dungeon diving has never been more fun!

Current Weapons & Armor
Weapon Description
Armageddon Zero-weight daedric claymore, Fire Damage 10pts 1sec, Frost Damage 10pts 1sec, Shock Damage 10pts 1 sec, Soul trap 2sec, Weakness to Fire 100% 1sec, Weakness to Frost 100% 1sec, Weakness to Shock 100% 1sec. Fixed up to 125 health, which gives it a base damage of 32. So basically a couple of hits and pretty much anything is dead.
Thunderclap Zero-weight daedric bow, soul trap, 20pt frost damage per hit
Umbra Most power single handed sword in the game. 'nuff said. Zero-weight (quest item)
Mace of Doom Secret weapon found in Bruma test area using the Frostcrag Spire glitch. Listed as a blade. Fire damage 17pts in 10ft for 5 seconds on strike. 50000/211 means 236 uses!
Armor Description
Helm of Sithis Zero-weight daedric helm (light-armor), Light 75ft on self.
Escutcheon of Sithis Zero-weight daedric shield (light-armor), 20% shield on self.
Raiment of the Crimson Scar Light-armor. Forify agility 15pts, Fortify speed 15pts, fortify Sneak 15pts, Fortify Marksman 25pts, Fortify Blade 25pts, Reflect Damage 35%
Ring of Perfection Fortify all skills 10pts.
Ring of the Iron Fist Fortify Hand-to-Hand 25pts, Reflect Damage 33%
Necklace of Swords Reflect 33% damage, fortify blade 20pts
OB-icon-Dark Brotherhood-Listener.png This user is a Listener in the Dark Brotherhood.
OB-icon-Arena-Grand Champion.png This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena.
OB-icon-Fighters Guild-Defender.png This user is a Defender in the Fighters Guild.
OB-icon-Mages Guild-Journeyman.png This user is a Journeyman in the Mages Guild.
OB-icon-Thieves Guild-Master Thief.png This user is a Master Thief in the Thieves Guild.
TheBlades.gif This user is a Knight Brother in the Blades.
KnightsOfTheWhiteStallion.gif This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the White Stallion.