ElderScrolls Online
Few notes & observations considering healing
≈A≈ BUILDS[edit]
Lost Depths :: 2022 [edit]
- Templar: Kite–Healer: RoJo + SoR/Magma ft. Acceleration for kiting (Z'Maja)
- Templar: Group–Healer: SoR + PA + SPC/Olorime ft. Radiant Aura
- Warden: Kite–Healer: RoJo + SoR/Magma ft. Vigor
- Necro: Kite–Healer: SoR + Pill + SPC/MA ft. Revive
Wrathstone :: 2019 Archive[edit]
- Templar: Aether Healer (IA) with Destro Staff
- Templar: Olorime Healer with Duo Resto Staff
- Warden Healer (Jor is optimal + Olorime) & Warden Build for vCR
- DK Healer: JOR + Twillight Remedy/IA + Monster w/ Asylum Staff
Dragon Bones :: 2018 Old Sword & Board Meta[edit]
- Templar Healer: Sword & Shield (monster) + Jor + SPC (out-dated, last edit on 13th of July 2018)
- Warden Healer: Jor + SPC ft. DuoRestoStaff (2nd of April 2018)
Trial Specific Builds[edit]
vAS Front kiting (2018 Archive)
ft. Sentinel/EarthGore + Fortified Brass + Inventor's Guard
Full build is here:
Explanation: Rune is in this build a total overkill (way above resist cap) and Ritual does nearly nothing - no synergy, low heal, ..)
~It can be swapped for 1 inner light for the inner cleanse and minor mending but in this build we maximize resistances and regen. Focus on 100% uptime on shards and PotL, while expecting to heal to heal front tank after every boss heavy attack.
≈B≈ General Healer PvE tips & notes[edit]
1) Run poisons. It's around 62 % more magicka per second than Absorb magicka enchant. (In practice, due to usually lower poison uptime it's around +40-45% magicka/s. So run them on your main bar (Master Resto Staff is preferred. For hard content like hmCoral Arie, duo resto staff with Olorime is preferred especially on Templar (Olorime is a lot worse on other classes.))
Comparision:But do not run poisons on both weapons, they don't stack well; if it's necessary go Absorb magicka enchant on 2nd weapon.
2) Slot a burst heal on both bars (esp. if you aren't with your core raiding group, where you'll need to burst heal more.) It does wonders to your rotations and uptimes too. You can go around this by slotting your class burst heal (eg. Breath of Life / Enchanted Growth,
Blood Sacrefice / Obsidian Shard / Twilight Matriarch) to your backbar. A good practice is to have similar preferred CDs on every bar, for example having Illustrious Healing (15s CD) on main bar with Blockade of Elements (15s CD) on back-bar, which sets the back-bone of healers rotations which offers enough time for dynamic-off rotation events. You can read about 15/10/6second rotations below (in construction).
3) Slot Combat Prayers & Orbs in every situation on every class + Set up an addon (Buff timers or Srendarr etc) for Prayers, so it gives you notifications on who doesn't have prayer buff on (90+% self uptime is* considered good but it's mostly about DDs getting the buff.)
4) Use your class passives. Quite a few healer's don't advice to run passives from: Dawn's Wrath / Animal Companion / Dark Magic / Earthen Heart skill lines..DO it! Use them - They are better than DestroStaff passives.
5) Healers can, and sometimes should, ress others in trials. Although the time window for this is very limited (nonTemplars ress for 7seconds..) - so ress always with the other healer being alive or while you can heal–shield others with a supportive ult (eg. Life Giver is a really good choice or Barrier etc)
6) Shards from Templar are really strong - Shards give both magicka and stamina, while you can, on demand, proc for instance Olorime. It is the strongest synergy for your tanks, so keep that in mind. (Archived: It's also the single best skill to help your alkosh uptimes + it gives you 10 % crit on dmg and heal (Seems that Summertset nerfed it only to +crit to dmg).
7) Don't forget armour skill lines, ie. Athletics & Wind Walker skills together with Juggernaut, Constitution and Resolve.
8) Champion points: What is worth mentioning is that Enliving Overflow doesnt stack so only one healer should run it. Also Shield Master and Bastion CP buff your Barrier while Slippery is situationally a great stamina resource.TOP picks:
Blue: From the Brink, Enlivening Overflow and Hope Infusion is a must.
Red: Spirit Mastery, Slippery, Boundless VitalityGreen: Liquid Efficiency.
(ARCHIVED: 11points in Quick Recovery are worth it, same as 72points in Ironclad and 48 in Spell Shield for the Reinforced perk.
With life-stealing ability slotted I suggest 100 Blessed + Elfborn, otherwise 83-81 seems enough.)
9) Race: Bretons are optimal, but High Elves are good for RoJo and Argonians are great wardens but watch out for diminishing returns of +Healing-done (Archived from Summerset: The ceiling is around 27% healing done. Also, don't pick High Elf for trials, it's the worst healing race out of the typical triade - Argonian, Bretton, Altmer. They offer by far the lowest comparatible magicka sustain (Assuming that you are not going for excessive regen build above around ~2,540 unbuffed magicka per 2s)
Plus 4% damage from High Elf racial passive is relevant only in 4man content while +10% magicka passive is better than Argonians +3% magicka and +9% health by only around 2,4% in my optimal set up, see above.
With infused alchemical acceleration enchantment on jewelry it seems that Argonians outperform Brettons by quite a lot as far as optimal healing race goes (needs calculation). Otherwise Bretton is more viable for most 12man content.
10) With Symbiosis you can't weave, so even though it gives really powerful heal you lose too much time. It is viable only for overhealing your tanks for instance in hmSS).
11) Sets for 4man content are sadly limited to their DPS value they give (Except hmCA and maybe other, hard to heal hm like hmUG).
The most DPS is Olorimes + Roaring Opportunist (MA on Necro) + Spauldron.
12) Olorime vs. SPC set decision: Generally speaking for mobile fights run SPC, for fights where DDs stack like at Z'Maja, vHRC, vDSR first and last bosses etc. run Olorime. And that is for 3 reaons: a) The uptime difference is huge: 25 second uptime with 10s CD on Olorime means you can cast it to 3 different locations for 100 % uptime. b) Sources of SPC major courage (mainly HoTs) were nerfed many times over. Lastly in P35 when HOTS got 2s delays and that heavily impacted Mutagen (which was also nerfed before). So now it's mostly an overheal and it does not have the critical heal if the healed target dropped below critical HP point, like Mutagen worked before. c) Stats: SPC has old stats with +Max magicka having the lowest added value compared to magicka recovery (see calculations below) while Minor Aegis is flat 5% damage reduction, which is hard to compare, but most closely its around +7.5% healing-done while having the added value of including your resistances (which healing-done nor shields dont) and ofc not having diminishing returns like healing-done has.
(Archived from 2017 PTS: Twilight Remedy doesn't get buffed by Jorvulds, but in any case this set offers both buff to your group DPS & it is the strongest heal over time effect in the game (except Nature's Grasp, which is stronger by aprox 5.5%). Comparing the heal of Mutagen & Rapid Regen - Twilight Remedy offers over 200% advantage over Rapid Regen and 278% over Mutagen. It gives a lot of DPS especially if you compare the set to it's alternatives: Infallible Aether / Master Architect / Necropotence on Sorc heal / Inventors Guard and so on. Sanctuary is very limited in use: it has 8 - 12 meter range & Worms are overrated, cause of orbs. Similarly with Mending, it has 8m range with springs (11-12m range with Ritual), while you dont get better score by reducing bosses dmg. 2016–17: Mending Set optimal choice of use: Lightning Storm Atronach (vAA) Foundation Stone Atronach (vAA) Assembly General (vHoF) Warrior (vHRC) All Trash Pulls (vSO) Stonebreaker Troll (vSO) Serpent (vSO)
Warden Healer PvE Guide[edit]
1) Jorvuld set is really powerful on Warden (RoJo preferred). 2) Life-stealing ability (Altar) on Warden gives the most heal output (On multiple enemies: Altar works perfect due to the range, 50s uptime and good synergy) -> Consider duoResto Staff (vDSA / vAS staves) for passives etc. 3) Slot Animal Companion skill on both bars. (Due to the insane regen & ultimate generation buff) -> Opt for 3 spell dmg glyphs on jewelry or better for Ritual Mundus stone with 1-2 spell dmg glyphs. 4) Slot Expansive Frost Cloak or Ice Fortress! Due to the Jorvuld set it is 33,6s uptime and gives around 8+% dmg mitigation to DDs and healers. Resistances = best "heal-type" support ability. 5) Don't run Attronach mundus, with this set up you should run Ritual (Due to the Thief nerf in Horns of the Reach). Its also better for more stable healing output, which is the aim of healers in most MMOs.
Diminishing returns of healing-done (from Ritual) start to climb up at around +39% but you are still comparably better off with ritual than having Apprentice. 6) Don't slot Lotus Blossom nor Steadfast Ward for trials. (Blossom is good for 4man groups but for trials its 0 heal boost and overall it gives a lot less regen (Nature's Gift) than BlueBetty.
Best skill for getting your Maj. Mending is Leeching Vines, its definitely more powerfull skill than Altar or Siphon in vSO, mostly in vAA, .
(Archived: In DBones patch - consider slotting out Enchanted Growth for duo Inner lights. Thing is that Prayers have better aoe range and with uptimes on maj. mending and inner light and so on, you can burst heal for over 10k easy. Duo casting Enchanted Growth for 10% extra stat regen means there will be less Orbs, which are more powerfull (Better SPC uptime and regen) (Its 10+10% only for tanks). Safe your time.)
≈C≈ Which Monster Sets to Use for What?[edit]
12 men content:
MagmaIncarnate: if you don't run Spauldron OR nothing bellow applies Encratis: vCR GroupHealer (optimal if you have magDKs) Symphony of Blades: is good overall esp. for non optimising groups and also for vDSR second boss EarthGore: vAA solo healing | vSO - all except Serpent & First boss | vHRC 2nd best - got changed in Summerset, it offers a 6sec powerful HOT, BiS in most cases. NightFlame: vSO - Serpent | vHoF first boss (burst strategy)
- highest heal output from all monster sets, pretty damn op, but really low uptime and shitty AOE. Sadly not reliable Sentinel: stamina builds are less popular while the uptime on stam regen is just not good. (Needs more testing) TrollKing: vCR Kiting Chockethorn: vAS back kiting Lord Warden: if your group doesnt have it and Earthgore nor Nightflame gets less value. vHoF first boss.
4 men content:
Optimal groups need DPS more than anything, so optimal is Spaulder of Ruin, or even Grothdar or Zaan, deppending on the boss. Nazaray for hardmodes like hmCA is worth mentioning too. General go-to is SoR + healing-done head (eg. Earthgore).
≈D≈ Calculations[edit]
Penetration Calculations for Trials[edit]
(outdated; del.stam support sets + add lover)
BasePen 100
Alkosh 3010
MajBreach/Fract 5280
Inf.Crusher: 2108
~~> Σ 10 498
NMG 2580 (Only physical penetration)
Sunderflame 3440 (Only physical penetration)
~~> Σ 16 518 (For physical damage only)
Inflection point for penetrations DR in pve = 18 500 (CAP for Resistant Bosses)
* Stam DDs need 1 982 Physical penetration
* Mag DDs need 8 002 Spell penetration
Alkosh uptimes: 20-70%?... seems weird all the time on bosses ~> av.optimum 55% * 3010 = 1656.
Note that less than 40% Alkosh uptime is bad; worse than Torugs w/ Crusher.
Maj.Breaches&Fracts are above 90%. Crusher around 75%+.
Min.Breach&Fract (PotL/Poisons) = 1320 (Poisons: 80%+ uptime on healer; Potl: 40-60%+)
=> Without mad focus on Alkosh nor having PotL or Poisons in raid: add 1 656 penetration ~> optimal penetration for mag|stamDD = (8 002 | 1 982) + 1656 = 9 658 | 3 638.
Other Caculations
Spell/Weapon Damage vs. Maximum Magicka / Maximum Stamina:
- 1 Spell/Weap Dmg = 10.5 Max Mag/Stam
Jewelry Calculations:
- Arcane Trait (+877 Mag) = +92,085 Spell Damage
- Infused Trait (+60%) + Spell Harm Enchant (+174 Spell Dmg) = +104 Spell Damage
==> Infused Trait is 12 % better in DMG output than Arcane but you lose 877 Magicka.
Physical/Spell mitigation*: (resistance-100)/(level*10)
Physical/Spell hardcap(50%)*: 500*level + 100
Critical mitigation: resistance/level, derived from 50*level = 50%
source: &
But anyway -- don't get ZOS'ed:
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