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User:Ninja Hinder/My sandbox

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You'd think Sandboxes would be more...I don't know, sandy. Oh well, I store alot of junk here.

User Box[edit]

After figuring out how to make a userbox, I made this. You can snag it, if you want.

User-Ninja Hinder-Image-Ninja Crouching.jpg This user is a NINJA!

Oblivion notes[edit]

  • If somebody can kill the Udyfrykte matron on hardest mode, it would be all over youtube.
  • Just because you have the Vampire's disease doesn't mean you have to become a vampire.
  • Be nice to Jauffre before you get to cloud ruler temple, or he won't let you be a blade, unless you charm him.
  • The Roleplaying article should never be deleted, ever!
  • If you want to have alot of fun, dupe alot of Skooma and run around.
  • Becoming a vampire will make you a better stealth oriented character, and it has strength and willpower bonuses, too. With the big boost to speed, you wouldn't need a horse.
  • Killing Glarthir is not a crime.

Character Notes[edit]

For my characters, I make notes of them to refer to when I need. They consist of:

  • Family, Girfriend, Boyfriend, Husband, Wife, friends?
  • Personality, 3-4 adjectives a phrase or two. (See Tei' Emms for a shining example)
  • Likes and dislikes, Races, food, places, people, activities, objects, weapons^, clothes^, armor^ spells^
  • His Job, Hobbies, and goals^.
  • A secret about him/her^
  • Age and looks, whether he/she is fat^, Height^
  • Anything else that might be important^
  • Factions, if they have any@ (@might be listed under jobs.)

(^equals optional.)

Ethar's Notes[edit]

  • No known family, no known relations.
  • Vicious, cunning, will slit his mum's throat for a nickel.
  • Likes:Mer, fish, forests, himself, killing, and his special hidden weapon.
  • Assassin with no Creed, Killing, kill Baurus.
  • He has found himself unable to love.
  • Aged 21, looks like a nightmare, 5' 11"
  • Dark Brotherhood.

Darkened Dawn[edit]

Ethar enjoyed every single one of his kills. Right down to letting go of the nocked arrow, every single thing sent an adrenalin rush down his spine. From his cunning plan to his vicious killing, Ethar was left with a strange, endorfin pleasure from his Dark Brotherhood work. Coupled with his tendency to do things quickly and silently, Ethar's whole life revolved around killing men and mer for profit or free. He had decided to take a different approach.

"Can I join your ranks, O great and murderous Harrow?"

"You may, child. Lay down all of your earthly possessions now, and bask in the glory of Mehrunes Dagon."

Ethar had joined the Mythic Dawn to get one step closer to killing Baurus. Over the weeks, he trained, and practised, waiting patiently for the day to come. One day, he professed his desire to end Baurus to Harrow.

"Harrow, I must tell you. I want to kill Baurus. Can you send me out to do that?"

"Very well, child. It pains me to send you on this mission, for you will likely not come back. If it is your wish, so be it. Go."

Harrow told him exactly where Baurus would be. The Mythic Dawn had better inteligence than anybody thought. Ethar was ready to go. He was told that Baurus was in Bravil on vacation with his brother, visiting a friend who just happened to be Master of the Fighter's Guild. The Mythic Dawn had an agent investigating, but Ethar was going for the kill. He departed the cave by lake Arrius, and started to run to Bravil.

After wandering the wilderness for a few days, Ethar found Bravil. He ducked inside the city, ignoring the guards and heading to the Lonely Suitor Lodge. Inside he found the Baurus, and his brother Phintias, talking to an Argonian. Baurus followed the lizard out with Phintias in tow. Ethar followed at a distance, and discovered that the trio was headed towards the stables. Ethar heard them talking.

"It's from here to Leyawiin, Sir Baurus. Let us go."

Baurus nodded, and they mounted their horses. Ethar knew that he couldn't outrun the horses, and took this moment to strike. Pulling out his bow, he shot an arrow right through the Argonian's head. Swoosh, mush, swoosh. Just like that. Ethar readied another arrow, this one for Baurus. Phintias had already unsheathed his blade, and used his shield to cover Baurus's face.

"You shoot, you die. Bosmer scum."

Baurus had readied his weapon by now. Ethar's chances of survival were very slim. He knew that neither Baurus or Phintias had a bow. He decided the only option would be to take off running south. Perhaps he would see Baurus again in Leyawiin.

"I'll kill you both, just wait."