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< User:Nx
- 1 Exterior
- 2 Zone 1: Dunroot Burrow
- 3 Zone 2: Dunroot Burrow, Kelp Fen
- 4 Zone 3: Dunroot Burrow, Drone Tunnels
- 5 Zone 4: Dunroot Burrow, Bramble Halls
- 6 Zone 5: Dunroot Burrow, Sanctum of Decadence
- 7 Exterior
- 8 Zone 1: Cylarne, Altar of Despair
- 9 Zone 2: Cylarne
- 10 Zone 3: Cylarne, Underdeep
- 11 Zone 1: Howling Halls, Narthex
- 12 Zone 2: Howling Halls, Congregation Chambers
- 13 Zone 3: Howling Halls, Antechamber
- The exterior is located at coordinates: SEWorld 5, 12
- This location's map marker (M on map) is named Dunroot Burrow (editor name XPDunrootBurrowMapMarker). The entrance door is SSE of the marker, 80 feet away.
- 1 Felldew Elytra Hatchling (non-respawning) is near the entrance
- 2 Monsters (Mania) are near the entrance
- 1 Elytra (Mania) is near the entrance
- The following plants can be found near the entrance: 11 Alocasia plants, 17 Hydnum Azure plants, 15 Red Kelp plants, 1 Mushroom Tree Sapling plant, and 9 Worm's Head plants
Zone 1: Dunroot Burrow[edit]
- 5 Felldew Elytras (non-respawning)
- 4 Elytras (Mania)
- 5 Elytras (Mania, always best possible level)
- 1 Hollowed Amber Limb (1-4 Amber; non-respawning) at location H on map
- 2 Hollowed Stumps
- 2 Hollowed Stumps (Healing)
- The following plants will always be found: 86 Flame Stalk plants, 8 Screaming Maw plants, 2 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, 3 Watcher's Eye plants, and 57 Root Stalk plants
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Kelp Fen
Zone 2: Dunroot Burrow, Kelp Fen[edit]
This zone has sections that are underwater
- 2 Felldew Elytras (non-respawning)
- 5 Elytras (Mania)
- 2 Elytras (Mania, always best possible level)
- 1 Hollowed Amber Stump (1-4 Amber; non-respawning) at location H on map
- 2 Hollowed Stumps
- 5 Hollowed Stumps (Healing)
- The following plants will always be found: 64 Flame Stalk plants, 44 Red Kelp plants, 12 Screaming Maw plants, 6 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, 2 Watcher's Eye plants, and 28 Root Stalk plants
- 3 Root Spikes traps at location I on map
- 1 Spore Pod trap at G
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow
- 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Drone Tunnels
Zone 3: Dunroot Burrow, Drone Tunnels[edit]
- 2 Felldew Elytras (non-respawning)
- 4 Elytras (Mania)
- 1 Elytra (Mania, always best possible level)
- 1 Hollowed Amber Limb (1-4 Amber; non-respawning) at location H on map
- 2 Hollowed Stumps
- 3 Hollowed Stumps (Healing)
- The following plants will always be found: 36 Flame Stalk plants, 3 Screaming Maw plants, 5 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, and 12 Root Stalk plants
- 1 Root Spikes trap at location I on map
- 7 Root Worm traps at G
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Kelp Fen
- 1 door (at E) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Bramble Halls
Zone 4: Dunroot Burrow, Bramble Halls[edit]
- 1 boss-level Elytra (Mania) at location A on map
- 2 Felldew Elytras (non-respawning)
- 2 Elytras (Mania)
- 4 Elytras (Mania, always best possible level)
- 1 Mute Screaming Maw plant at location G on map
- 1 boss-level Hollowed Stump (Monster variety) at B
- 3 Hollowed Stumps
- 3 Hollowed Stumps (Healing)
- The following plants will always be found: 34 Flame Stalk plants, 4 Screaming Maw plants, 33 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, and 52 Root Stalk plants
- 2 Root Spikes traps at location I on map
- 1 Spore Pod trap at H
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at E) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Drone Tunnels
- 1 door (at F) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Sanctum of Decadence
Zone 5: Dunroot Burrow, Sanctum of Decadence[edit]
- Joofy the Brown (non-respawning)
- 2 Felldew Addicts (non-respawning)
- 1 Chalice of Reversal at location Q on map
- 5 Cupboards (non-respawning)
- 6 Felldews
- The following books will always be found: 1 The Lusty Argonian Maid, 1 An Elytra's Life, 1 Bark and Sap, 1 Myths of Sheogorath, 1 Saints and Seducers, 1 The Blessings of Sheogorath, 1 The Prophet Arden-Sul, 1 The Shivering Bestiary, and 1 The Standing Stones
- The other following items will always be found: 1 Wrist Irons
- Some of the above items are clustered at location G: 1 An Elytra's Life, 1 Bark and Sap, 1 Felldew, 1 Myths of Sheogorath, 1 Saints and Seducers, 1 The Blessings of Sheogorath, 1 The Prophet Arden-Sul, 1 The Shivering Bestiary, and 1 The Standing Stones
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 1 door (at F) leads to the zone Dunroot Burrow, Bramble Halls
- 5 beds at locations b on map
- The exterior is located at coordinates: SEWorld -10, 16
- This location's map marker (M on map) is named Cylarne (editor name XPCylarneMapMarker). The entrance door is NW of the marker, 120 feet away.
- Within the courtyard are multiple NPCs (all non-respawning):
- Vika
- Aurmazl Kaneh
- Chuna
- Mirel
- 4 anonymous Dark Seducers
- 9 anonymous Golden Saints
- 1 Knight of Order is near the entrance
- 1 Wilderness Creature (Mania) is near the entrance
- The following plants can be found near the entrance: 9 Alocasia plants, 6 Mushroom Tree Sapling plants, and 5 Worm's Head plants
- 1 Obelisk of Order is at location E on map
Zone 1: Cylarne, Altar of Despair[edit]
- 15 Urns
- 1 Urn (Healing)
- Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
- At E: 4 Urns
- At F: 4 Urns
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Cylarne
- 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Cylarne, Underdeep
- 1 Altar of Despair at location Q on map
Zone 2: Cylarne[edit]
- Grakedrig Ulfri (non-respawning)
- Stela (non-respawning)
- 7 Dark Seducer archers (non-respawning)
- 7 Dark Seducers (non-respawning)
- 1 Chest (locked)
- 1 Chest (Healing)
- 2 Urns
- 3 Urns (Healing)
- 2 Scalon Statue traps at locations T on map
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Cylarne, Altar of Despair
Zone 3: Cylarne, Underdeep[edit]
This zone has sections that are underwater
- 1 Dark Seducer archer (non-respawning)
- 2 Chests (1 locked)
- 2 Urns
- 4 Urns (Healing)
- 1 Urn (Healing)
- 5 Scalon Statue traps at locations E on map
- 4 Cave In traps at F
- 4 Darts traps at G
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Cylarne, Altar of Despair
Zone 1: Howling Halls, Narthex[edit]
- 3 Apostles (non-respawning)
- 5 Zealot Enemies (at level 9 or higher, 25% chance Flesh Atronach, otherwise Zealot)
- 2 Apostle Robes
- 1 Alms Collection Chest (locked)
- 1 Urn (Healing)
- The following ingredients will always be found: 2 Aster Bloom Cores, 1 Gnarl Bark, and 1 Withering Moon
- The other following items will always be found: 4 Flawed Diamonds, 3 Gold Nuggets, 4 Rubies, 4 Topazes, and 1 The Madness of Pelagius
- Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
- At E: 2 Aster Bloom Cores, 1 Gnarl Bark, 3 Gold Nuggets, and 1 Withering Moon
- At F: 4 Flawed Diamonds, 4 Rubies, and 4 Topazes
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Howling Halls, Congregation Chambers
- 1 Metal Door at G (locked, says 'key required' but there is no key; unlocks during the Symbols of Office quest)
Zone 2: Howling Halls, Congregation Chambers[edit]
- Ra'keran (non-respawning)
- 4 Apostles (non-respawning)
- 2 Apostles (traitor; non-respawning)
- 7 Zealot Enemies (at level 9 or higher, 25% chance Flesh Atronach, otherwise Zealot)
- 1 Pelvis of Pelagius at location Q on map
- 1 Apostle Dagger and 1 Apostle Robes
- 5 Chests (2 locked)
- 2 Cupboards (non-respawning)
- 2 Fire Ball scrolls
- 1 Lake Stride scroll
- The following alchemy equipment will always be found: 1 Novice Alembic, 2 Novice Calcinators, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 1 Novice Retort
- The following books will always be found: 2 16 Accords of Madness, v. IX, 2 16 Accords of Madness, v. VI, 1 16 Accords of Madness, v. XII, 5 Bark and Sap, 1 Fall of Vitharn, 9 Myths of Sheogorath, and 1 The Madness of Pelagius
- The following ingredients will always be found: 2 Apples, 1 Black Tar, 6 Blackberries, 1 Blister Pod Cap, 1 Bone Marrow, 1 Bonemeal, 2 Congealed Putrescence, 4 Fungus Stalks, 2 Grapes, 2 Letifer Orca Digestive Slimes, 1 Mort Flesh, 2 Oranges, 2 Pears, 1 Rot Scale, 6 Strawberries, 5 Thorn Hooks, and 2 Withering Moons
- The following potions will always be found: 1 Strong Poison of Catastrophe, 1 Strong Potion of Agility, 1 Weak Potion of Alacrity, 1 Potion of Healing, 1 Strong Potion of Healing, 1 Weak Potion of Insulation, and 1 Weak Potion of Intelligence
- The other following items will always be found: 1 Flawed Topaz, 1 Ruby, and 1 Sapphire
- Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
- At E: 1 Novice Calcinator, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, 1 16 Accords of Madness, v. IX, 1 16 Accords of Madness, v. VI, 1 16 Accords of Madness, v. XII, 4 Bark and Sap, and 8 Myths of Sheogorath
- At F: 1 Weak Potion of Intelligence, 1 16 Accords of Madness, v. IX, 1 Bark and Sap, 1 Fall of Vitharn, and 1 Myths of Sheogorath
- At G: 2 Apples, 4 Blackberries, 1 Grapes, 2 Oranges, 1 Pear, and 4 Strawberries
- At H: 2 Blackberries, 1 Grapes, 1 Pear, and 2 Strawberries
- At I: 1 Black Tar, 1 Blister Pod Cap, 4 Fungus Stalks, 1 Letifer Orca Digestive Slime, 1 Novice Alembic, 1 Novice Calcinator, 1 Novice Retort, 1 Rot Scale, 2 Thorn Hooks, 2 Withering Moons, 1 Strong Poison of Catastrophe, 1 Weak Potion of Alacrity, 1 Potion of Healing, 1 Strong Potion of Healing, and 1 Weak Potion of Insulation
- At J: 2 Congealed Putrescences, 1 Letifer Orca Digestive Slime, and 3 Thorn Hooks
- At Q: 1 Flawed Topaz, 1 Pelvis of Pelagius, 1 Ruby, 1 Sapphire, and 1 The Madness of Pelagius
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at C) leads to the zone Howling Halls, Narthex
- 1 door (at D) leads to the zone Howling Halls, Antechamber
- 3 beds at locations b on map
Zone 3: Howling Halls, Antechamber[edit]
- 1 boss-level Zealot at location A on map
- Ciirta (non-respawning)
- Luminary Kaz (non-respawning)
- 2 Zealot Enemies (at level 9 or higher, 25% chance Flesh Atronach, otherwise Zealot)
- 1 boss-level Chest (Zealot variety; locked, opened by Ciirta's Key) at location B on map
- 1 Apostle Dagger
- 1 Jewelry Box (contains 1-2 unenchanted jewelry, 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 10% potions; non-respawning)
- 1 Jewelry Box (contains 1-3 unenchanted jewelry, 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion; non-respawning)
- 2 Urns (Healing)
- 1 Heart of Order
- The following books will always be found: 1 Feyfolken III, 1 Bark and Sap, 1 Myths of Sheogorath, 2 The Madness of Pelagius, and 1 The Predecessors
- The other following items will always be found: 1 Flawless Diamond, 2 Flawless Pearls, 1 Madness Ore, 1 common soul gem with common soul, and 1 petty soul gem with petty soul
- Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
- At E: 1 Flawless Diamond, 2 Flawless Pearls, and 1 Jewelry Box (contains 1-2 unenchanted jewelry, 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 10% potions; non-respawning)
- At F: 1 Jewelry Box (contains 1-3 unenchanted jewelry, 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion; non-respawning), 1 Apostle Dagger, 1 Heart of Order, and 1 Madness Ore
Doors and Gates:
- There is one door (at D) in/out of this zone, leading to the zone Howling Halls, Congregation Chambers
- 1 Metal Door at G (locked, opened by Howling Chamber Key)
- 1 bed at location b on map