If you are a mentor, please put a message on my talk. I am a hardcore player; if a character dies, they stay dead.
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This user worships Julianos. |
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This user follows the teachings of Hermaeus Mora. |
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My Characters[edit]
Brunwiin© the Sailor-Level 50 Nord Sailor(see below), Fame currently 4. Preferences/Jobs/Titles: Official Drunk Goblin Death and Troll Suicide Investigator™, and Sailor(obviously). Sailor custom class: Combat specialization, Favored skills Strength and Agility, Major Skills armorer, athletics, blade, block, light armor, mercantile and security.
Brunwiin lives on the Serpent's Wake in Anvil. He regularly imports trade goods for Norbert Lelles and divorced from Mirabelle Monet when he found out she was sleeping with other men;)! He travels around Cyrodiil investigating rumours of dead Drunk Goblins and suicide trolls. He has a cutlass made in every province (including Sumerset Isle) and regularly makes a pilgrimage to the Bloated Float in the Imperial City, as Ormil promised him a life's supply of free Tamika Vintage 399 after protecting the Float from bandits. From his previous marriage, Brunwiin still has his wedding ring, which he always wears, and a silver vase from Mirabelle's dowry. He is a great fan of Shadowbanish Wine, and supplies it to Nerussa of Wawnet and the various cities and towns for guard outposts.
If anyone can provide a free download site for TES4mod:Tamriel Reborn-Stirk, it would be much appreciated, as Brunwiin wishes to travel to new, exotic lands.
Carril Traven- Level 45 Breton Necrophill. Preferences/Jobs/Titles: Archmagister of the Mages Guild(a front); actually the Prince of Worms, Necrophiliac.
Carril lives in Benirus Manor, having killed the previous owner. He is the Bastard brother of Hannibal Traven, having killed the Archmage himself. Carril is currently infiltrating the Mages Guild, and is poisoning the members' minds from the lofty position of Archmage. Every week, to refresh his powers and renew his connection to Mannimarco, he reanimates a recently dead townsperson and sucks the essence from their bodies. He often visits Lost Boy Cavern to catch up with his old studymate Erandur, and celebrates that his friend has achieved Lichdom. Carril is much stronger than even Mannimarco, having achieved a spell which steals power from the mighty Daedric Lords themselves. Carril was to deliver his brother's soul to Mannimarco, but decided to seize power. Now Mannimarco resides in the basement of Benirus Manor, in a state of permanent lichlike qualities, of Carril's own making.
Dead Characters[edit]
Goblin Shecqa-Corrupt Save.
Could anybody provide step-by-step instructions for someone on PC Windows-XP to install custom download mods to Oblivion GOTY UK please.
Where is the Oblivion directory?