User Groups rawr[edit]
This User does not like over-flowing user group sections. |
This user is left-handed. |
This user is male. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is an atheist. |
This user is a member of the Nord race. |
This user is a member of the Breton race. |
This Guy.[edit]
Well, I figured since I found such a remarkable TES wiki, I shall fully immerse myself. I probably won't be too social, since I do, after all, have a rather pathetic yet still existent social life. My main goal here is to edit, to the best of my abilities, every page on this site that I deem needs amending. If I end up making some friends with fellow gamers and role-players on the way, then who am I to stop simultaneous awesomeness from occurring? I digress...