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User:Zkilla30/Roleplaying Ideas

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(Fighter-type Roleplaying)

Closely related to the "Shogun" and "Blade" Classes previously stated on this roleplaying section, but slightly different. Here's how you get started: Name: Be sure and chose a japanese name, to better suit your role as a samurai. Race: Imperials work best, but other fighter oriented races will do just fine (Aka: Redguards, Orcs,Dark elf, ect.) A pony tail, military, or gathered hairstyles are best choices. Birthsign: Warrior seems the best choice,It is your choice though, just keep in mind this is a fighter oriented class. Class: It should of course be called "Samurai" for a custom class. Specification: Combat. Skills: Blade, Block, Hand-to-hand, Heavy Armor, Athletics, Acrobatics, and Marksman. Equipment: Katanas are a must, samurais are taught to believe that the katana is their soul, and most are dependent on them to survive. As a samurai, you must keep your katana with you at all times, it's your lifeblood in a sense. Take good care of it, and it should do the same for you. (They also took to naming the sword aswell, if you wish, enchant one to name it.) Katana and dai-katana work best, as they are readily avalible after you gain access to cloud ruler temple and become a blade. As for armor and clothes, use the blades armor set (Except the shield, as samurais rarely use them), or as an alternative, you can use robes. Tattered, White mage, or monk robes work best...with sandals for footwear. (Like the blades, many samurai live as monks, teaching the ways of zen) They have been known to use bows in combat, so if you wish, use them. Lifestyle Samurais believe in zen and buddism, which basicly means they don't believe violence is always the answer. Do not kill everything you see, reasoning is always priority over killing...kill only when called for. Samurais also believe in a strict code of honor, they show respect for the after a kill, make sure you place your opponent's weapon and/or shield, on or near may also drop flowers. Samurais are often nobility, so they are often indowed pretty well in cash. So, you can buy upper class houses and such that suit your taste. Cloud ruler temple may serve you better though, as it is essentaily a japanese style military outpost. As a samurai, you must also protect those in need from harm, so aid those in battle...or perhaps give a few coins to beggers. They are extreamly loyal to those who out rank them, so if you work with the blades, be prepared to bow (Crouch) if jauffre or martian walks into the room. If the fighting life gets to be too much, you may retire as a monk, Waynon priory (You can sleep in the lodge by it), The Ansestor moths or Priory of the nine (Knights of the nine add on needed.) are good choices, but you can also work in a chapel in any of major towns.