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User talk:Rpeh/Arc 201103

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This is an archive of past User talk:Rpeh discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Dragon Shouts[edit]

Hi Rpeh, Can I ask a quick question about the Shouts page created earlier? It was marked as conjecture, but all the information in it has primary sources in the Gameinformer articles. I've fixed the references and trimmed the table - what else needs to be done to make it acceptable? (I'd been thinking of helping on Uesp and Shouts seemed a good idea as some details from the GI articles don't seem to be covered in other pages).

Many Thanks, DeGlove DeGlove 19:05, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

It was a good start, but the reason the Skyrim namespace is protected at the moment is to stop articles like that being created at all. In general, there's too much we don't know, and after a fairly long discussion, the namespace was protected.
It's best for articles like this to be created in userspace for the moment, and they can be moved to the Skyrim namespace when they're finished - not when they're unfinishable stubs. rpeh •TCE 19:31, 2 March 2011 (UTC)


Hey rpeh! Sorry for re-adding this. I just realized how lacking many of the SI maps are and I'm going back in time (through all written SI places) to nail them all for consistency. --Krusty 07:09, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

You just love making work for me, don't you? ;-) rpeh •TCE 09:18, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
Haha, yup - that is my main reason for being here! ;) However, I have checked all the written SI pages now, and there will be no more map corrections for the completed pages. --Krusty 14:33, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

NPCs health + magicka[edit]

I'm trying to complete the Ascended Immortals page but I've ran into a problem; I can't figure out the health and magicka. I've read Oblivion:NPCs#Health but don't know how to implement it and I can't find anything about the formula used for magicka. Is there any chance you could help me? mxk101Talk 20:21, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

It's on that page, but to make your life a lot easier, try this. It's a little app I wrote to generate the stats for leveled NPCs, and it sounds like that's what you need. rpeh •TCE 20:26, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
Thank you! mxk101Talk 20:30, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Detected by Monsters[edit]

Hey rpeh! I just went through Ebrocca and experienced something I have never seen before. As always, I was equipped with 100% Chameleon, but the Undead enemies started to follow me around! Not attacking or anything like that, they just followed me, a bit like residents of houses when they want you to leave. I have never seen it before (and I have searched through tons of dungeons lately) and I just wanted to ask if there is something “special” about the monsters of Ebrocca? A quick example; the two monsters behind the rock walls at P and Q here – in my case, Skinned Hounds. I experienced it all the way through the different zones,though, with Skeletons and the like. I think it is weird and probably note-worthy – hope you can find the time, but no rush. I’m scared to death about writing anything about that nightmare of a dungeon. --Krusty 11:28, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

I just got the same behaviour - Giant Skinned Hounds in my case. I can't see anything in the AI that would do this. Very weird indeed... rpeh •TCE 11:48, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

Noticed a small interesting thing...[edit]

I was playing Oblivion, riding on Prior Maborel's horse, going to Kvatch. While about to enter the Red Ring Road, I passed by an Imperial Legion Soldier on his horse while been in 3rd person view. The moment I passed right next to him, my character made a small turn towards the soldier, something like a greeting. It was repeated with 2 more soldiers before reaching Skingrad. Can you test it? --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 22:54, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

I'm not rpeh but, just walk around while in third person a bit more, you'll notice your character will turn its head when passing people on the street, if it sees a body it will look down on it. It is just a small little thing that adds a bit of realism to the game. --AKB Talk Contribs 23:37, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
Wow, never noticed it before...
P.S. I doesn't matter you are not Rpeh. I asked Rpeh to test it because he is the one that does most of the in-game chores. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 00:07, 8 March 2011 (UTC)
I know it doesn't matter, all discussions on the site are open to all users. --AKB Talk Contribs 00:17, 8 March 2011 (UTC)
It happens with most people. You will look at them. They will look at you until you're out of site. And also sorry to Rpeh for cluttering his page a bit =D JackTurbo95 18:27, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

Grafik bionix[edit]

I get a kick out of it each time this Grafik bionix guy comes through and tries to delete his Grafik bionix name. I noticed this time he only deleted four instances of Grafik bionix in that post on Rigas' page, and left two Grafik bionix behind. --Brf 14:14, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

I don't understand what he's trying to do... Why delete an account name like that? Weird. rpeh •TCE 14:37, 11 March 2011 (UTC)
My theory is that someone is concerned about copyrights. Like if we had a user named Microsoft or Bayer Aspirin they might get sued. Pretty funny. --Brf 14:45, 11 March 2011 (UTC)

So what did happen there?[edit]

Now that he (or she) has stopped for now can you explain what happened [here]? I wasn't kidding when I said I had no clue what he did there that messed up most of the page. And I need something else to think about now after that weird string of edits, so a wiki lesson should distract me for long enough to gather my thoughts. I honestly don't see what he (or she) did that might of done that. --AKB Talk Contribs Email 07:01, 13 March 2011 (UTC)

It looks like he deleted part of Matthewest's signature as well as Nephele's reply, then added his own. The diff viewer often gets a little confused with complex diffs, which is why it looks a bit odd. rpeh •TCE 07:04, 13 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks, now I know how to identify that in the future, still freaks me out though why that would happen though. I guess I am going to have to start studying these kinds of things so I'm a more competent patroller in the future. --AKB Talk Contribs Email 07:12, 13 March 2011 (UTC)

Ingredient Pictures?[edit]

I've noticed that most of the pictures we have for ingredients seem to be of the plant itself. The only ones that seem to be a picture of the actual ingredient are for ones with no plant variant, like Apples. Is there a reason this is like that? Was there a discussion about this that I am not aware of that decided that it was better to take pictures of the plants? I'm asking this as my sandbox will eventually need pictures, and I want to know if I also have to take pictures of the ingredients to go with the description.

And if I somehow just missed these pictures, can you point me to them? I don't think this is the case though. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 22:22, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

I think it's because for most ingredients, it's more important to know what the harvestable version looks like. By the time they see what the actualingredient looks like, they have already found the source and know how to get more, so it's rather irrelevant in my opinion.--Pwnageincarnate 22:26, 19 March 2011 (UTC)Pwnageincarnate
Most ingredients you'll find don't have a picture. Using the inventory icon would probably be the best choice. Legoless 22:31, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
I'd prefer to use pictures of the ingredients, as the icons don't scale well.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 00:56, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
I don't think there's any particular reason it was done this way. Taking more pictures is always an option. rpeh •TCE 07:41, 20 March 2011 (UTC)

Morag Tong.[edit]

I messed up again. I meant if you complete all writs and go up to the second before last quest where you have to kill Severa you can become GM. I just did it , and regreted it because I lost out on the dagger. That is what I meant if I didn't make it clear I am sorry. JackTurbo95 12:12, 20 March 2011 (UTC)

Are you absolutely certain of this? I always do all the writs and I've never become GM without doing that quest too. rpeh •TCE 12:17, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
100%. Because you become the Exalted Master , and go for advancment , and he say "You can not advance any further without challenging me , the Grandmaster". I have got an old game so I don't know if it is post-patches. JackTurbo95 12:20, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
Exactly - you have to complete the Grandmaster quest to actually become the Grandmaster! rpeh •TCE 12:23, 20 March 2011 (UTC)
Yeah , I mean you always have to do it , but you don't have to do the Night Mother quest. I got lost with what you meant. Sorry mate =D But do you understand what I mean. JackTurbo95 12:24, 20 March 2011 (UTC)

Stranger Dialogue[edit]

Hey rpeh! I was checking the dialogue section for A Stranger but stumbled upon a problem you might be able to solve from the CS; exactly WHEN will The Stranger change his “Gray Fox” replies? As far as I can tell, there’s three of them, and I have narrowed it down to the correct order – but where in the quest line will he change them?

  • He's a most mysterious fellow. In many ways I admire him. Most of the time I just feel sorry for him.
  • The Gray Fox and I are closer than brothers. We share a desire to remain unknown.
  • Everyone wants to know about the Gray Fox. Gray Fox this, Gray Fox that. He's just a man, not a Daedric lord. I've heard it all. They say he's immortal because he's led the Thieves Guild for over 300 years. No-one has ever seen his face because he always wears that gray cowl. Oh, and speaking of the Gray Cowl, did you know he stole it from Nocturnal herself? You'd think he was Saint Nerevar the way they talk about him.

Hope you can help! --Krusty 15:10, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

I dunno... At a guess I'd say that the third one appears during Taking Care of Lex and that the second one appears at all other times. From what I can see, the first one doesn't happen at all, but I can't be sure of any of that. rpeh •TCE 15:19, 21 March 2011 (UTC)
The first one appears before you have joined the guild, but only if you have heard about the Gray Fox. And from my dialogue sheet, I would say exactly the same as you, but it is a bit tricky exactly when the third one pops up. I'll do some thorough checking. --Krusty 15:24, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Noob questions.[edit]

Hi, I just joined this wiki on an impulse after buying Oblivion for the xbox a week ago. Anyway, this is my first wiki, and I'm unsure how you implement Userboxes. I have other questions, but for now I'll just stick with where you put them. I'm forum raised ( mainly) and I can't see any profile to put these userboxes in. So yeah, just a general tutorial. :D Apollo Quinn 18:44, 28 March 2011 (UTC)

Click on the red link that is your name, you can find it in the top right corner of the web page or you can see it in your signature. Then just add the ones you want and save the page. This also creates your user page, so your name will become blue like mine. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 18:49, 28 March 2011 (UTC)
You can get a list of userboxes and find out how to use them here. Have fun! rpeh •TCE 18:55, 28 March 2011 (UTC)
Okay, I've done a bit, but when I tried to make a custom userbox, it failed utterly. What have I done wrong? Apollo Quinn 15:33, 29 March 2011 (UTC)
You had missed out a couple of parameters. I changed it on your userpage - you can see what I changed here. rpeh •TCE 15:57, 29 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks, I owe you :) Apollo Quinn 17:53, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

Daedric Suggestion[edit]

Well, I’m not able to work on it (for known reasons), but I thought I’d share this idea with you, and you are more than welcome to shoot it down if it is a bad one. As you probably know, most of the Daedric quest images are way too small, and nearly all of them are square – which kindda fits on the Lore pages, but not on the OB Quest pages. With the very first entry on the Task List in mind, I just traveled through Cyrodiil and checked the shrines – and it suddenly occurred to me that all of them looks incredible - at NIGHT. They all have a certain glow, looks a bit “scary” and majestic - and much more “Daedric” in moonlight instead of sunlight. So maybe we (and I use that term carefully) should consider nightly images of the statues for the quest pages? Just to break up our style a little and maybe even get a bit closer to that "harmonization" mentioned on the Task List? --Krusty 20:51, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

I've actually got decent daytime images for all the shrines because I don't like many of the existing images. I never uploaded them before because of the number of pages they're used on. Now we have something like a project going on this, it might be time to upload them, although I know what you mean about night images. I'll see what I can get at night then upload and leave you to delete the trash. rpeh •TCE 20:57, 29 March 2011 (UTC)
Not at all Daedric, but a few suggestions for possible quest images; how about something like this for the Athletics Training page, and this for the Mysticism Training page? I know you have seen the images before, but they are incredible. Just a suggestion, though! :) --Krusty 21:47, 31 March 2011 (UTC)
I redid the first one for the Athletics page. I think I'll try to get a better grab for the mysticism one - but I like the basic idea. Some of the other daedric pages could use better images, too. For instance a shot of the dinner party (with or without clothes!) for Sanguine's quest. rpeh •TCE 22:06, 31 March 2011 (UTC)

Dude, why?[edit]

Hey, I added some personal knowledge on the Arrow of Extrication quest and you undid it. I assure you it was perfectly true and I was a little frustrated when I saw it was removed. Can you tell me why you removed it please? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:05 on 29 March 2011

My apologies... it seems I was wrong about that, and that we're wrong about TG08, TG09 and TG10. This needs more testing.... rpeh •TCE 21:16, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

Thanks very much. I know I was suprised when he offered me the option to pay the blood price. I thought I was never going to advance to Master Thief! Hehe. Anyway, thanks a bunch! 21:18, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

Userbox Idea[edit]

Hey, sorry for bothering you again :( I was just flitting around the site, when it struck me that there are loads of userboxes that are commonly used that aren't in the Userboxes page that new users such as myself are directed to. Is there an extra page that I can't find that details these boxes? Just a few examples can be seen on various users' pages; this user is knowledgeable about X, this user plays on Y, and so forth. If there isn't an extra page, should I point this out point it out on the community portal? Perhaps suggest that this is fixed? I don't know, so I thought I'd come to you. :) Thanks, Apollo Quinn 21:26, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

There's a list of links right at the top of that page that should give you the userboxes you want. For instance, this page has most of the "knowledgeable about X" userboxes. rpeh •TCE 21:31, 29 March 2011 (UTC)
Well that's strange... I clicked on those links before, but they didn't do anything... I hate using apple products sometimes - this iPod really sucks on the Internet :@ Thanks though, could've made a really big fool of myself. :L Apollo Quinn 21:36, 29 March 2011 (UTC)

Do you think..[edit]

that it is best to thrase that note about the well. Because I tried it many times with things which cost like 30 coins , and leave them for ages , then they disappear. I don't know if I put it right , but that is what I meant. Gracias. JackTurbo95 18:24, 30 March 2011 (UTC)

I just looked in the CS and that well definitely doesn't respawn. It's possible that some of the people in the castle take stuff out of it, but that's a different matter. rpeh •TCE 18:26, 30 March 2011 (UTC)
Possible. I just thought it was weird that it just went. I should've thought about things before I posted it. Los sientos mucho. JackTurbo95 18:27, 30 March 2011 (UTC)

Another question... (Sorry).[edit]

I was just looking over the Recent changes page, and noticed that a new user profile had been made here. Deciding to be nice and friendly, I went to the messages page and copied the "Welcome" template, but when I previewed the page, nothing had happened apart from a line of text saying not much. What was I doing wrong? Thanks as usual, Apollo Quinn 19:21, 30 March 2011 (UTC)

Hey, I'm not rpeh, but i believe that the template was not a welcome message itself, but instead to add a welcome message to the page, if you typed in the users name in the box. I think that was the issue, as I did that after seeing what you had done. Hopefully this helped, and dont worry about asking any questions you may have - Emoboy64 19:27, 30 March 2011 (UTC)
Nothing wrong with asking questions!
You don't need to copy and paste the welcome template. The UESPWiki:Messages page is designed to make life easy for the person doing the welcome. All you have to do is put the name of the user you want to welcome in the textbox (so in this case, it should have read "User_talk:AkirA") and then hit the "Welcome editor" button. You can then add a heading (just "Welcome" does fine) and save the page. Easy! rpeh •TCE 19:30, 30 March 2011 (UTC)