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Lore:Second Era Major
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Note: The Second Era of Tamriel is also commonly referred to as the Common Era, CE. or the Second Age.
First Century[edit]
- 2E 1 — Beginning of the Second Era.
- By decree of Potentate Versidue-Shaie, year one of the Second Era begins on the first of Morning Star. The marking of the new era commemorates the demise of the Reman Dynasty and Versidue-Shaie's official assumption of stewardship of the Second Empire.
Second Century[edit]
Third Century[edit]
- 2E 230 — The first Mages Guild is formed.
- Sickened by the foolishness of his superiors in the Psijic Order, Vanus Galerion founds the new guild in Firsthold.
- At around this time, a triad of Daedric Princes—Clavicus Vile, Mephala and Nocturnal—make a deal with the Sea Sload K'Tora to acquire the Heart of Transparent Law—the Stone of the Crystal Tower. K'Tora uses mind magic to make Ritemaster Iachesis, the leader of the Psijic Order, steal the Heart. Trying to foil K'Tora's plan, Iachesis makes a deal with Nocturnal to learn a spell with which to hide the Heart in a language that could only be used by mortals. Unbeknownst to all, Iachesis hides the Heart within himself—but soon forgets these events, due to K'Tora's magic. Shortly thereafter, the island of Artaeum—home of the Psijic Order—is removed from Nirn by the Order and goes missing.
- 2E 283 — Potentate Versidue-Shaie declares martial law at the Council of Bardmont.
- Following the destruction of his fortress at Dawnstar, Versidue-Shaie convenes the Elder Council and declares martial law throughout Tamriel, warning the rebellious leaders of his vassal kingdoms to disband their private armies or face his wrath. This sparks 37 years of intense conflict, at the end of which Versidue-Shaie's Imperial legions stand victorious as the sole army in the land.
- 2E 299 — Potentate Versidue-Shaie attempts to remove Leyawiin's bridges
- The Potentate's plan was to allow large sailing vessels to pass from Topal Bay to the River Niben. Leyawiin's Chamber of Legates, fearing that the additional merchant traffic would simply sail through Leyawiin without stopping, managed to stall the project until it was abandoned.
Fourth Century[edit]
- 2E 301 — The kingdom of Camlorn is founded.
- 2E 309 — The Elsweyr Confederacy is founded.
- Keirgo and Eshita, rulers of the minor kingdoms Anequina and Pellitine, marry. The kingdoms are combined to create the province of Elsweyr, sparking a great class war which almost results in outside intervention.
- 2E 312 — The Seamount Orcs take over Betony (approximate date).
- The invasion is said to have taken place nine generations before the Alliance War. Under Orcish rule, the island would be known as Betnikh.
- 2E 320 — Dinieras-Ves, "The Iron" founded The Syffim, the forerunner of the Fighters Guild.
- Since Potentate Versidue-Shaie had destroyed all armies but his own, the Syffim were intended to act as a hired army to suppress brigandage in the provinces.
- 2E 324 — Potentate Versidue-Shaie is murdered.
- The Potentate is murdered in his palace in Senchal by the Morag Tong.
- 2E 324 — Savirien-Chorak inherits the title of Potentate.
- Potentate Savirien-Chorak succeeds his father, Versidue-Shaie. Although noted to be a poor administrator who was prone to mishandling the crises that occurred during his reign, Savirien-Chorak is credited with reversing the ban on forming local armies, and accepting Orsinium into the Empire.
- 2E 326 — Fall of Anequina.
- Anequinan Tribal Rebels take the capital of Ne Quin-Al, killing most of the royal family. The Mane Rid-Thar-ri'Datta intervenes and instates a rotational system where control shifts between the desert tribes and city nobility based on the Moons.
- 2E 358 — Earliest known written record of the Dark Brotherhood
- A note was found beneath the floorboards of an abandoned house in the Nordic village of Jallenheim. Depicting a war between two shadowy organizations, scholars speculate that this is a rare piece of evidence of the war between the Morag Tong and its hated offshoot, the Dark Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was probably in existence before this date, but its secrecy shrouds its true origins, though it was most likely formed by several ex-members of the Morag Tong.
Fifth Century[edit]
- 2E 428 — The Order of the Silver Dawn is founded.
- In response to the "Curse of the Crimson Moon" werewolf crisis in High Rock, Adeliza Silver-Axe establishes the order after her beloved son is inflicted with Lycanthropy.
- 2E 430 — Potentate Savirien-Chorak is assassinated, ending the Second Empire.
- Savirien-Chorak and all of his heirs are murdered, ending the years of the Akaviri Potentate and the Second Empire of Cyrodiil. Some historians date this event to 2E 431.
- Orsinium loses the status of an Imperial territory as a result of the death of the last Potentate and the dissolution of the Second Empire.
- 2E 431 — Skyrim splits into Eastern and Western kingdoms.
- After High King Logrolf is assassinated, Jarl Svartr of Solitude challenges the legitimacy of Logrolf's heir, Freydis, and a Moot is convened. Although Freydis is accepted by the Crown of Verity and named High Queen in Windhelm, a partial Moot held in Solitude declares Svartr to be High King. From then on, Skyrim is divided into an Eastern kingdom, ruled by the successors of Freydis, and a Western kingdom, ruled by the successors of Svartr.
- After losing its status as an Imperial territory, Orsinium is destroyed for the second time. Some sources claim it happened the following year.
- 2E 432 — The Order of the Hour is re-established in Kvatch.
- Cavor Merula, a warrior-priest of Akatosh, reforms the ancient order in response to the collapse of the Second Empire.
- 2E 435 — The Lamia Invasion
- The invasion is preceded by a storm that is believed to have originated at the Island of Storms off the northwestern coast of Valenwood. Orcish remnants flee west and establish Forsaken Stronghold in Bangkorai.
- 2E 480 — Baz Swordbreaker's brigand army attacks Kvatch
- The charismatic Orc marauder leads his army to Kvatch, but is defeated by the Order of the Hour. The Primate of Kvatch thereafter grants the Order to form into an army during times of religious emergencies.
Sixth Century[edit]
- King Hurlburt of House Branquette, who led Breton forces at the Battle of Granden Tor, ascends to the throne.
- 2E 532 — Prince Phylgeon, son of King Hurlburt, is born.
- 2E 529 — Durcorach the Black Drake marches on Cyrodiil.
- Having subdued rival clans and taken control of the Reach, Durcorach marches his army south and invades Cyrodiil.
- 2E 533 — Durcorach the Black Drake conquers Cyrodiil and makes himself Emperor.
- 2E 536 — Varen Aquilarios is born.
- 2E 541 — The Reachmen invade High Rock.
- Durcorach the Black Drake, Emperor of the Empire of Cyrodiil and progenitor of the Longhouse Emperors, invades the land of the Bretons.
- 2E 541 — Evermore is sacked.
- After the death of King Heseph of House Moile, the city falls after only three days' siege by Durcorach the Black Drake. It was retaken by Duke Blaise Guimard, who was later elected to the throne. Some accounts place this event in the following year.
- 2E 542 — Reachmen invaders attack Alcaire Castle.
- They were driven back by Sir Byric after he set fire to the fields surrounding Alcaire Castle. The Alcaire Knights were renamed Knights of the Flame thereafter to honor his bold action and determination.
- 2E 542 — The First Daggerfall Covenant is formed.
- After Hallin's Stand and Camlorn fell, Durcorach lays siege to Wayrest for fifty-seven days and nights, but is ultimately slain by Emeric. The kings of Daggerfall, Camlorn, Shornhelm, Evermore, and Wayrest sign the first Daggerfall Covenant after the victory.
- 2E 546 — King Hurlburt of Shornhelm dies, ending his reign.
- Prince Phylgeon's inheritance was championed by House Montclair. House Branquette and Tamrith supported his elder half-brother, Prince Ranser.
- The Council of the North meet to consider the claimants to the throne. Through various political machinations, King Hurlburt's illegitimate son wins by a narrow victory.
- 2E 559 — The War of Two Houses.
- House Hlaalu and House Dres engage in a bloody conflict south of Narsis. Hlaalu emerges victorious due to the heroics of Purilla Falen.
- 2E 560 — The Knahaten Flu originates in Stormhold.
- A strain of the Knahaten Flu hits northern-Black Marsh causing many deaths. The Argonians were strangely immune to the flu which has led some to believe that they were responsible for it in some way. The flu continued until around 2E 603.
- Earl Emeric is elevated to the throne and House Cumberland becomes the second royal dynasty of Wayrest after the Knahaten Flu kills the entire Gardner royal family.
- 2E 566 — Ranser's War erupts.
- Offended that King Emeric refused the hand of his daughter in marriage, King Ranser launches a surprise siege on Wayrest in Last Seed.
- 2E 567 — House Dufort is granted control of the Systres
- In response to House Mornard's betrayal during Ranser's War, King Emeric strips Duke Avrippe Mornard of his title and exiled him to Cyrodiil. Additionally, he seized a full two-thirds of his house's holdings and granted them to the Mornard's eternal foe, House Dufort.
- 2E 567 — The Greater Daggerfall Covenant is formed.
- Following the events of Ranser's War, the provinces of High Rock and Hammerfell sign the Second Daggerfall Covenant with the Orcs of Orsinium. King Emeric grants the Orcs the right to reestablish Orsinium.
- He is succeeded by his son, King Eamond.
- 2E 572 — The Second Akaviri Invasion
- Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal's army lands in northeast Skyrim and captures Windhelm, killing Queen Mabjaarn and Nurnhilde. En route to Riften, Dir-Kamal learned it was protected by forces under Jorunn the Skald-King and Wulfharth the Ash-King, and bypassed that city in favor of attacking Mournhold. Dir-Kamal was then trapped between Jorunn's forces and a Dunmer army led by Almalexia; with the timely aid of a phalanx of Argonian troops, they drove the Akaviri invaders into the sea to drown. Another account states that the Akaviri invaders of Morrowind were wiped out when Vivec flooded the land.
- 2E 572 — Jorunn the Skald-King is crowned High King of Skyrim.
- Having defeated the Akaviri invaders, Jorunn returns to Windhelm and is crowned High King of Skyrim in the throne room of the Palace of the Kings.
- 2E 572 — The Ebonheart Pact is formed.
- Following the Second Akaviri Invasion, the provinces of Morrowind, Skyrim and Black Marsh sign a mutual defensive pact in the city of Ebonheart.
- 2E 576 — Varen's Rebellion begins.
- Leovic, the last of a dynasty of Reachmen known as the Longhouse Emperors, legalizes Daedra worship throughout the Empire of Cyrodiil, immediately sparking a rebellion. Varen Aquilarios, the Count of Kvatch, marshals the armies of the Colovian Estates against the emperor.
- Shortly after Carolus Aquilarios assumed temporary command of Kvatch, Anvil's Imperial prefect Ephrem Benirus attempts to seize Varen Aquilarios's property and holdings. Carolus repels several attacks on Kvatch, and severely weakens Anvil's defenses.
- 2E 577 — Fortunata ap Dugal declares herself governor of Anvil.
- Captain Fortunata takes advantage of the weakened city and deposes the Imperial Prefect with her pirate army.
- 2E 577 — The Nordic Hold of Karthald is established.
- High King Svargrim creates the Hold to guard Western Skyrim's southern border from incursions by the hostile Reachmen. The town of Karthwatch is also established shortly after.
- 2E 577 — Varen's Rebellion ends.
- After a bitter war, Varen Aquilarios's forces storm the Imperial City and defeat Emperor Leovic's last remaining legion. Varen personally kills Leovic in the Imperial Throne Room and proclaims himself emperor.
- 2E 577 — Emperor Varen Aquilarios leads the Five Companions on a quest to retrieve the Amulet of Kings.
- Seeking to legitimize his rule, Varen and his allies Lyris Titanborn, Sai Sahan, Abnur Tharn, and Mannimarco embark on a quest for the lost Amulet of Kings, which Mannimarco asserts can be used in a ritual to persuade Akatosh to make Varen a Dragonborn. After two years of searching, the Five Companions finally recovered the Amulet.
- 2E 578/579 — The Soulburst occurs.
- Mannimarco betrays Varen Aquilarios during his attempt to use the Amulet of Kings to become Dragonborn, corrupting the ritual and breaking the ancient covenant with Akatosh that sealed Nirn from Oblivion. An explosion of arcane energy, the Soulburst, causes Varen to vanish, and its mystical aftershocks sweep across Nirn, causing mages to die or go mad, Daedra to appear in greater numbers, and the constellation of the Serpent to dominate the night sky. In the ensuing chaos, the Daedric Prince Molag Bal deploys Dark Anchors to begin pulling Nirn into his realm of Coldharbour to merge the two together, a process known as the Planemeld.
- 2E 579 — Clivia Tharn becomes Empress Regent following the disappearance of Varen Aquilarios.
- In her husband's absence, Clivia Tharn assumes regency over the Imperial Throne. Clivia's reign reportedly ushers in a time of "madness, murder, and decay".
- 2E 580 — Ayrenn is crowned Queen of Alinor.
- After disappearing in 2E 573, Ayrenn was assumed lost and her eldest brother Prince Naemon was named the next heir to the throne. When King Hidellith died and Naemon prepared to assume the throne, Ayrenn returned to Summerset Isle, asserted her prior claim, and was crowned.
- 2E 580 — The First Aldmeri Dominion is formed.
- In need of allies following their own internal troubles, the provinces of Elsweyr and Valenwood petition Summerset for aid, and the nations join together to become the Aldmeri Dominion.
- 2E 580 — The Three Banners War begins.
- The Aldmeri Dominion, Ebonheart Pact and Daggerfall Covenant clash to wrest control of the Ruby Throne from the Empire of Cyrodiil and defend themselves against the Imperials under Molag Bal's influence. The Dominion seeks to reestablish Elven dominance over Tamriel to protect it from the carelessness of the younger races. The Covenant intends to restore the Second Empire and return peace and stability to Tamriel. The Pact desires to defeat the Imperials in order to preserve the independence of their homelands.
- 2E 582 — The Mortuum Vivicus is destroyed.
- The Fighters Guild successfully destroys the Mortuum Vivicus with the help of their newest Champion.
- 2E 582 — The Mages Guild sanctuary of Eyevea returns to Tamriel.
- After nearly a thousand years of being in the Shivering Isles, the sanctuary of Eyevea is returned to Tamriel by a Mages Guild Adept with the help of Arch-Mage Shalidor.
- 2E 582 — The Planemeld ends.
- The three alliance leaders meet on the island of Stirk in neutral territory to discuss an invasion of Coldharbour. After they fail to come to an agreement, they are attacked by the forces of Molag Bal, after which they give their blessings to the Mages and Fighters Guilds spearheading an assault into the Daedric realm. The combined forces of the Guilds charge into Coldharbour led by the Vestige. There, they destroy the Great Shackle, and seal the Planar Vortex, thus ending the Planemeld.
- 2E 582 — Daedric plots in the Imperial City foiled.
- In a final attempt to restart the Planemeld, Molag Bal focused on the occupation of the Imperial City. A Dragonguard agent called the Drake of Blades, with the help of the Vestige, stopped Molag Bal's plot to destroy the Sublime Brazier, the key to rekindling the Dragonfires. The attempt at a second Planemeld, the "Planemeld Obverse", is also stopped with the slaying of Molag Kena.
- 2E 582 — Molag Bal is banished
- The Vestige banishes Molag Bal within his own realm, thus finally stopping his bid for merging Nirn and Coldharbour into one nightmarish hellscape. With it, the souls stolen by him are released from his clutches.
- 2E 582 — The Thieves Guild of Abah's Landing is restored to its former glory.
- After a failed heist and the resulting persecution from Taneth, the Thieves Guild of Abah's Landing is restored to its prime and begins to spread its influence throughout Tamriel.
- 2E 582 — Count Carolus Aquilarios of Kvatch emerges as the dominant power on the Gold Coast.
- Shielded from the ongoing Alliance War by Varen's Wall, a de facto independent Gold Coast sees the end of a power struggle between Anvil, Kvatch, and the Order of the Hour. Aquilarios has Governor Fortunata ap Dugal of Anvil assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood; facing persecution from the Order of the Hour, the Brotherhood subsequently kills Primate Artorius Ponticus, stopping him from raising an army against Aquilarios.
- 2E 582 — Vvardenfell is saved from the machinations of Clavicus Vile and Barbas.
- Seeking to gain entry to Sotha Sil's Clockwork City, the Daedric Prince and his minion steal the staff Sunna'rah, a tool Sotha Sil had created for experimenting on his power. The staff ends up in the hands of the Ashlander Conoon Chodala, who aspired to the title of Nerevarine. Chodala's use of the staff drains away the power of Vivec, which weakens the Warrior-Poet's hold over the moonlet Baar Dau and endangers all of Vvardenfell. Fortunately, the Champion of Azura, a clockwork mage, and an Outlander come to Vivec's aid. Chodala is discredited and defeated, Clavicus Vile's plot is thwarted, and Vivec's power is restored.
- 2E 582 — A plot by Nocturnal to take over the Clockwork City is foiled.
- Sotha Sil's Shadow, serving Nocturnal, is summoned and replaces him as ruler of the Clockwork City. At the same time, the Blackfeather Court enters the city and steals the Skeleton Key, which has been in the Clockwork God's possession. The Vestige, assisted by Divayth Fyr and the Clockwork Apostles, unveils the plot; but is unable to retake the Skeleton Key before it is taken by Sotha Sil's Shadow. Using the key, Nocturnal and the Shadow attempt to take over the Clockwork City; but are stopped by the Vestige, Divayth Fyr and a Clockwork Apostle, who save Sotha Sil by defeating his Shadow. Sotha Sil gives the Skeleton Key to Divayth Fyr for safekeeping.
- 2E 582 — The Crystal Tower is saved from a triad of Daedric Princes
- The three Daedric Princes Clavicus Vile, Mephala and Nocturnal attempt to execute their plan to take control of the Crystal Tower on Summerset Isle using the Heart of Transparent Law, which they had made Ritemaster Iachesis of the Psijic Order steal around 2E 230—who had also hidden it from them. After they trick Iachesis to reveal the Heart's location, that being within himself, they kill him; but Nocturnal betrays Clavicus Vile and Mephala by taking the Heart for herself. With it she takes control of the Crystal Tower, hoping to use its properties to achieve omnipresence in the entire Aurbis. However, her plans are foiled by the Vestige and the Psijic Order, assisted by the two betrayed Princes and a champion of Meridia, and the Heart is returned to the Crystal Tower.
- 2E 582 — The Remnant of Argon is recovered and the Root-Whisper tribe is restored
- The Vestige aids Cyrodilic Collections in recovering a powerful artifact that contains the spirits of a lost Argonian tribe in Murkmire.
- 2E 582 — Sheogorath unleashes various Daedric artifacts onto Cyrodiil
- In order to relieve his own boredom at the Three Banners War, the Daedric Prince Sheogorath temporarily claims several artifacts belonging to the other Daedric Princes. He then offers them to the combatants in Cyrodiil to bring upheaval to the ongoing conflict.
- The Imperial battlemage Abnur Tharn accidentally unseals the legendary Halls of Colossus using the Wrathstone, believing it to contain a powerful weapon. This results in a rage of Dragons—sealed away by the Khajiiti hero Khunzar-ri in the Merethic Era—being unleashed upon Elsweyr.
- The Dragons form an alliance with Euraxia Tharn, the ruler of Rimmen. The alliance is short-lived, as the Vestige slays Euraxia, bringing Rimmen back under the control of the Khajiit.
- The Dragons plot to obtain lunar power of Jone and Jode using the Moon Gate of Anequina. They are stopped after the Vestige steps into the Plane of Jode, banishing the Dragon leader, Kaalgrontiid.
- Khamira, the daughter of King Hemakar, is crowned queen of Rimmen.
- 2E 582 — The Dragonguard is reformed in Southern Elsweyr
- The ex-members of the Five Companions, Sai Sahan and the Vestige, assemble a new Dragonguard—largely consisting of ex-pirates and Imperial soldiers—to defend Pelletine from the Dragon threat. With the help of the Dragon Nahfahlaar, they manage to acquire the powerful artifact Mask of Alkosh and defeat the Dragon Laatvulon.
- Kaalgrontiid returns to Elsweyr after having been banished, seeking to use the Aeonstone found on the island Dragonhold to gain the power of a god, becoming the prophesized Dark Aeon. The new-founded Dragonguard are aided by Nahfahlaar, Abnur Tharn and Queen Khamira in destroying the Aeonstone and defeating Kaalgrontiid. However, Kaalgrontiid is able to absorb a great amount of power before being killed, which risks destroying all of Elsweyr if not contained. Nahfahlaar and Abnur Tharn use their combined power to contain it, resulting in the disappearance and possible death of the latter.
- 2E 582 — Death of High King Svargrim
- House Ravenwatch agent Fennorian, representative of King Jorunn Lyris Titanborn, Princess of Western Skyrim Svana and the Vestige join forces to unveil the vampiric threat looming over Skyrim.
- Rada al-Saran personally approaches High King Svargrim of Solitude, offering him incredible power in exchange for his servitude. The High King agrees and becomes a Vampire Lord. The Gray Host, together with the Icereach Coven, create harrowstorms, magical weather anomalies to pull their comrades out of Coldharbour, and then using the Stone Husks, to fully restore their corporeal forms allowing them to live once more, killing hundreds of inhabitants of Skyrim in the process.
- The Gray Host takes control over Castle Dour and unleashes a powerful harrowstorm inside the city. After a great battle, High King Svargrim is slain and the Gray Host defeated and retreating from Western Skyrim.
- Relations between Western and Eastern Skyrim improve as King Jorunn offers aid to the victims of the vampire attack. Princess Svana becomes Jarl of Solitude.
- 2E 582 — The Gray Host is destroyed in The Reach
- Reachfolk Ard Caddach consolidates more power over the Reachfolk clans. A faction of rebels led by Arana is formed in opposition to the power of the Ard.
- The Gray Host unleashes an attack on the citizens of Markarth as a sacrifice for the Dark Heart.
- Verandis Ravenwatch assisted by the Vestige, defeats Rada al-Saran, releases the souls harnessed by the Gray Host and resurrects the Reachfolk who died during the Gray Host assault on Markarth. The rebels and loyalists of the Ard join forces.
- Peace treaty between the Reach, Western Skyrim and Eastern Skyrim is signed.
- 2E 582 — Search for the Four Ambitions
- Sombren, Calia, and Destron, three out of the Four Ambitions, have been released.
- Assassins have been targeting members of the Elder Council in Blackwood. Councilors Velan Sophus, Jirich, and Abor have been successfully assassinated.
- It is revealed that Councilor Ertus Vandacia was the High Priest of Mehrunes Dagon. His forces surround Gideon, and even Dagon himself makes an appearance, but they are ultimately defeated at Fort Redmane.
- 2E 582 — Mehrunes Dagon banished to Oblivion
- The Fourth Ambition, who is actually the Anchorite of Fargrave, is revealed as the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Moricar and Sister Celdina.
- Mehrunes Dagon materializes within Fort Sundercliff, but his egonymic is employed to banish him back.
- Lyranth absconds with the powers of the Four Ambitions, vanishing to employ them for undisclosed purposes.
- 2E 582 — Machinations of the Ascendant Order unveils on High Isle
- Lord Bacaro Volorus, heading the Society of the Steadfast, takes charge of organizing peace negotiations on the High Isle, aiming to halt the ongoing Three Banners War.
- The Ascendant Order, a clandestine pan-Tamrielic society opposed to monarchies, grows in power and gains prominence.
- Prince Irnskar, Queen Ayrenn, and High King Emeric face assassination attempts.
- A fierce battle unfolds on All-Flags islet between the forces of the Ascendant Order and opposing factions, resulting in the demise of the Ascendant Magus.
- 2E 582 — Prophecy of Kasorayn comes to fruition
- Frii is awakened.
- Archdruid Orlaith of the Firesong Circle collaborates with the Dreadsails and lays siege to Vastyr, aiming to proclaim herself as the new Druid King. However, her attempt proves unsuccessful. Count Leonard Mornard tragically passes away during the siege, and his son Stefan Mornard assumes leadership over Galen.
- Lord Bacarro Volorus, is unveiled as the leader of the Ascendant Order and the descendant of House Merchad, the lineage of the Druid King Kasorayn. He steals the regalia of the Druid King and endeavors to declare himself as the new Druid King. This reckless act triggers the eruption of the Mount Firesong volcano. In a heroic act, Frii sacrifices themselves to protect others.
- Peace talks resume following these tumultuous events, but the ultimate outcome remains uncertain and unknown.
Seventh Century[edit]
Eighth Century[edit]
- 2E 730 — Artaeum returns.
- The island of Artaeum reappears, having vanished for 500 years. The Psijic Order returns with the island, but is no longer led by Iachesis.
Ninth Century[edit]
- 2E 803 — Rangidil Ketil is born.
- 2E 828 — Probable birth of Tiber Septim.
- 2E 830 — The "Aldmeri Dominion" is formed.
- According to the first edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire, written by the Septim regime, "Aldmeri Dominion" is formed by the realms of Summerset Isles and Valenwood when the heirs of the Camoran Dynasty begin to fight over the Valenwood throne.
- 2E 852 — The Tiber War begins.
- Forces led by General Talos, later known as Tiber Septim, begin a series of conflicts that result in the unification of Tamriel under the Third Empire and mark the final years of the Second Era.
- The stronghold of Sancre Tor is captured by Nord-Breton invaders. In the dead of winter, General Talos leads a daring assault against overwhelming odds, retakes the stronghold, and recovers the Amulet of Kings from the Tomb of Reman III below Sancre Tor.
- 2E 854 — Cuhlecain is assassinated.
- The King of the Colovian Estates is assassinated by a High Rock nightblade, just before his coronation as the Emperor. The assassin also burns the Imperial Palace to the ground and attempts to kill General Talos, who is crowned in Cuchlecain's stead as Tiber Septim.
- 2E 862 — Thassad II dies.
- The High King of Hammerfell, Thassad II, dies from natural causes, being considerably ill and old at the time of his death. After his death, the leader of the Forebears, Baron Volag, starts a revolution to reinstate the republic.
- 2E 864 — The Battle of Hunding Bay.
- Crown Prince A'tor, son of Thassad II, heir to Hammerfell and leader of the Crowns, leads his forces in continual victory over the Forebears. Desperate, the Forbears ask Tiber Septim for help, who sends his forces led by Lord Admiral Amiel Richton, who destroys the Crown forces at the harbor of Stros M'Kai.
- 2E 864 — The Stros M'Kai Uprising.
- The date of the Redguard rebellion on the island of Stros M'Kai off the coast of Hammerfell. The Restless League, led by siblings Cyrus and Iszara, destroys the Imperial fleet in the harbor of Stros M'Kai and defeats the small contingent of the Imperial Legion stationed on the island.
- Lord Amiel Richton, Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai, dies at the hands of Cyrus, wielding a sword enchanted with the soul of Crown Prince A'tor.
- Baron Volag comes out of hiding and retakes the Forebear city of Sentinel. Following the two uprisings, Emperor Tiber Septim is forced to sign a peace treaty on terms more favorable to Hammerfell.
- 2E 882 — Dagoth Ur reawakens.
- Dagoth Ur and his Ash Vampires awaken underneath the Red Mountain, where they bind themselves to the Heart of Lorkhan and cause the mountain to erupt. They ambush the Tribunes during their annual ritual bathing in the Heart's power, and drove them off. From then on, the Tribunal was cut off from the Heart chamber, and would launch intermittent campaigns to attempt to force their way inside.
- The event led to Sotha Sil to begin development on the Mechanical Heart, a synthetic replication of the Heart of Lorkhan.
- 2E 896 — Tiber Septim conquers Tamriel.
- Tiber Septim finishes conquering most of the lands of Tamriel with the aid of the Dwarven artifact Numidium and the battlemage Zurin Arctus, finally uniting Tamriel under the Third Empire. The time of Tiber's reign is considered by many to have been a just and glorious one, among the best of Tamriel's history.
- The beginning of the Third Era is pronounced by Tiber Septim at the end of the year.