Lore:Whiterun Hold

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Type Region
Continent Tamriel
Province Skyrim
Subregions Greymoor Foothills
Tundra Plateau
White River Valley
Appears in Skyrim
The symbol for Whiterun
Whiterun Hold

Whiterun Hold is a hold in Skyrim, located roughly in the middle of the province.[1] Roads are numerous and well maintained, and visibility across the tundra plains is excellent. The hold is relatively flat, surrounded the by mountains of the Reach to the west of the Tundra Plateau, the Skyborn Range of Hjaalmarch and the Yorgrim Forest of the Pale to the north, and the Brittleshin Hills of Falkreath to the south.[2]:571 However, Whiterun's southeastern corner is dominated by the gigantic and soaring Throat of the World—the highest mountain in all of Tamriel.[2]:526 The peak of Lone Mountain is found in the center of the hold.[2]

Whiterun is certainly one of the most well-tracked holds, with main roads and excellent access west to the Reach, with a border road north through the town of Rorikstead and up toward Dragon Bridge. The plains have a number of odd barrows and giant camps to investigate, and the center is dominated by Fort Greymoor and the surrounding Greymoor Foothills. The road here allows travel to the north, up through the Skyborn mountains to reach the dreaded Labyrinthian in Hjaalmarch. Further east is Whiterun and the roaring White River and town of Riverwood on the southern border with Falkreath. Another road stretches north from here, into the wilds of the Pale. There's yet another road that skirts the northern foothills of the Throat of the World, following White River Valley into Eastmarch. Although the first of the 7,000 steps that pilgrims climb to reach the summit of Throat of the World begins in Ivarstead (in the Rift), the actual mountain lies within Whiterun's domain.[2]:526

It borders six of the other eight holds in Skyrim, the exceptions being Winterhold and Haafingar.[3] Giants are often seen traversing the landscape while herding mammoths to grazing areas or back to their camps.[4] Surrounding the eponymous capital, Whiterun, are fertile plains dotted with farms that supply the food for much of Skyrim.[1] The other notable settlements in the hold are Rorikstead and Riverwood.

Whiterun Hold was one of five holds to form the Kingdom of Western Skyrim after High King Logrolf's death.[5][6] However, by 2E 582, Solitude had not received an envoy from Whiterun for ages. At the time, Whiterun Hold was ruled by Jarl Morryn, a distant relative of the Solitude royal family and perhaps Skyrim's greatest diplomat at the time.[7]

Notable Places[edit]

The Throat of the World
Gjukar's Monument
Fort Greymoor
The regional stronghold of Whiterun Hold and the former home of a young Barenziah
Gjukar's Monument
An isolated stone monument dedicated to an ancient battle on the site
High Hrothgar
An old monastery occupied by the Greybeards; monks that follow the Way of the Voice
A town on the White River, on the road between Whiterun and Falkreath Hold
A farming town on the western end of the Tundra Plains, named after its founder
Silent Moons Camp
A Nordic ruin that contains the mystical Lunar Forge
Sleeping Tree Camp
A giant camp centered around a tree of unknown origins. The sap was a drug in circulation in the Fourth Era
Throat of the World
The tallest mountain in all of Skyrim and it takes the southeast corner of the hold
Valtheim Towers
A set of towers over the White River Valley that marks the pass between the Monahven and Shearpoint
The capital city of the eponymous hold and it is considered the breadbasket of the province

Known Rulers[edit]


  • Concept maps reveal an settlement named Dun Horse was planned to be in the Hold southwest of Fort Greymoor,[20] which was ultimately removed and replaced by Puzzling Pillar Ruins.[2]

See Also[edit]


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