Skyrim:Whiterun Hold
This article is about the hold. For the city, see Whiterun.
Capital | Whiterun (map) | |
Jarl's Residence | Dragonsreach | |
Initial Affiliation | Neutral (Imperial) | |
Imperial Government | ||
Jarl | Balgruuf the Greater | |
Steward | Proventus Avenicci | |
Housecarl | Irileth | |
Stormcloaks Government | ||
Jarl | Vignar Gray-Mane | |
Steward | Brill | |
Housecarl | Olfina Gray-Mane | |
Location | ||
Central Skyrim |
Whiterun Hold is a hold in central Skyrim, with its capital in Whiterun. It is initially neutral in Skyrim's Civil War, but both sides are actively competing to gain control of Whiterun. As a result, it is the site of the first battle of the war, Battle for Whiterun (Imperial or Stormcloaks). The Imperial Legion will secure the allegiance of the incumbent Jarl Balgruuf, who seeks reinforcements in the face of an imminent Stormcloak siege, and Balgruuf's government, now aligned with the Empire, will accordingly remain in control of the hold should the Imperial Legion successfully defend the city; otherwise, the victorious Stormcloaks will put Vignar Gray-Mane in power.
Topographical Overview[edit]
The hold borders six of the other eight holds in Skyrim, all but Winterhold and Haafingar.
Whiterun Hold is mostly covered in tundra and bordered by two major rivers (the White River to the south and the River Hjaal to the north), which makes the land fertile and well suited to farming.
Flora and Fauna[edit]
The tundra is home to all manner of animals and creatures, from the large (giants and mammoths) to the small (foxes and goats). The White River, flowing down from Lake Ilinalta, is home to a large population of salmon.
The tundra is rich in lavender, tundra cotton and butterflies. At night the butterflies are replaced by torchbugs and luna moths. Another location of interest is Riverwood, where the pine forest stretching up from Falkreath Hold takes by. Here are forest plants like mora tapinella and thistle more common than on the tundra. All types of mountain flowers, except the yellow variant, can be found throughout the hold. The frail red variant however seems to thrive best around the rivers by Whiterun. The snowy parts, like Throat of the World, are only home to the humble snowberry.
Routes and Pathways[edit]
As the central hold in Skyrim, its main roads are in good condition, but a few of the more remote roads are not as well maintained. There are main roads heading southward to Falkreath Hold through Riverwood and Helgen, eastward into Eastmarch and the Rift, northward to Hjaalmarch, and westward to Haafingar through Rorikstead and to the Reach. Travelers should be encouraged to see that the main roads are regularly patrolled by Whiterun Guards.
All locations in Whiterun Hold with individual map markers are listed. There are a few places without map markers listed for their significance.
Hold Capital[edit]
Whiterun — A major city in the center of Skyrim, and the capital of Whiterun Hold. (map)
Dragonsreach — The residence of the Jarl of Whiterun Hold, the hold's seat of political power, and the location of the hold's jail. (map)
- Jorrvaskr — The mead hall headquarters of the Companions. (map)
Whiterun Stables — A stable just outside the gates of Whiterun. (map)
Farms, Towns, and Settlements including Orc Strongholds and Inns[edit]
Battle-Born Farm — A farm just outside Whiterun, owned by the Battle-Born clan who are influential in the city. (map)
Chillfurrow Farm — A small farm just outside of Whiterun, owned by Nazeem. (map)
Drelas' Cottage — An isolated cottage at the foot of a mountain in northern Whiterun Hold, and south of Morthal. (map)
Goldenhills PlantationCC — An abandoned farm east of Rorikstead. (map)
High Hrothgar — A small settlement southeast of Whiterun roughly halfway up the Throat of the World. (map)
Honningbrew Meadery — A small meadery southeast of Whiterun owned by Sabjorn. (map)
Lund's Hut — A small shack northwest of Rorikstead containing skeevers. (map)
Pelagia Farm — A large farm south of Whiterun owned by Severio Pelagia. (map)
Riverwood — A milling town in southern Whiterun Hold. (map)
Rorikstead — A farming town in western Whiterun Hold. (map)
Tundra HomesteadCC — A cottage that can be purchased in Whiterun Hold, located just northeast of Battle-Born Farm. (map)
Camps, including Giant Camps and Military Camps[edit]
Bleakwind Basin — A giant camp west of Whiterun. (map)
Guldun Rock — A giant camp east of Whiterun. (map)
Halted Stream Camp — A small bandit camp and iron mine north of Whiterun. (map)
Serpent's Bluff Redoubt — A small Forsworn camp and ruin southwest of Rorikstead. (map)
Sleeping Tree Camp — A giant camp west of Whiterun. (map)
Whiterun Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Whiterun Hold, located east of Rorikstead and far west of Whiterun. (map)
Whiterun Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up east of Pelagia Farm for the attack on Whiterun. (map)
Whiterun Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Whiterun Hold, located south of the Ritual Stone and east of White River Watch. (map)
Brittleshin Pass — A small passage through the mountains between Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold containing a necromancer and skeletons. (map)
Broken Fang Cave — A small cave southeast of Rorikstead containing skeletons and vampires. (map)
Cold Rock Pass — A small passage through a mountain south-southwest of Morthal containing a frost troll. (map)
Darkshade — A small cave east of Whiterun containing trolls. (map)
Graywinter Watch — A small cave east of Whiterun containing trolls. (map)
Redoran's Retreat — A small cave west-northwest of Whiterun containing bandits and a dog. (map)
Shimmermist Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Whiterun containing Falmer and chaurus. (map)
South Cold Rock Pass — A small passage through a mountain south-southwest of Morthal containing a frost troll. (map)
Swindler's Den — A small cave east of Rorikstead containing bandits. (map)
White River Watch — A small cave east-southeast of Whiterun containing the White River bandits. (map)
Ruins including Dwarven and Nordic[edit]
Dustman's Cairn — A medium-sized Nordic ruin northwest of Whiterun containing Silver Hands, draugr, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)†
Hamvir's Rest — A small outdoor graveyard and Nordic ruin northwest of Whiterun containing skeletons and a draugr. (map)
Moldering RuinsDG — A small camp and concealed cave west of Rorikstead containing vampires and draugr. (map)
Rannveig's Fast — A small Nordic ruin east-northeast of Rorikstead containing subjugated ghosts and Sild the Warlock. (map)
Silent Moons Camp — A small Nordic ruin northwest of Whiterun containing bandits. (map)
Standing Stones and Daedric Shrines[edit]
The Ritual Stone — One of the thirteen Standing Stones scattered across Skyrim, located east of Whiterun. (map)
Towers and Forts[edit]
Fellglow Keep — A medium-sized fort east-northeast of Whiterun containing warlocks, atronachs, and vampires, and the mages' leader, the Caller. (map)
Fort Greymoor — A medium-sized fort west of Whiterun initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Valtheim Towers — A small pair of linked ruined Nordic towers east of Whiterun containing bandits. (map)
Western Watchtower — A small fort west of Whiterun. (map)
Whitewatch Tower — A small tower north-northeast of Whiterun. (map)
Landmarks, including Bodies of Water, Clearings, Ships and Shipwrecks[edit]
Brittleshin Pass — A small passage through the mountains between Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold containing a necromancer and skeletons. (map)
Cold Rock Pass — A small passage through a mountain south-southwest of Morthal containing a frost troll. (map)
Gjukar's Monument — A stone monument commemorating an ancient battle southeast of Rorikstead. (map)
Greenspring Hollow — A shallow outdoor cave west-northwest of Whiterun containing a leveled animal. (map)
Throat of the World — The highest mountain in Tamriel, located southeast of Whiterun. (map)
- White River — The longest river in Skyrim, stretching from the south of the province to the northeast corner. (map)
Unmarked Places[edit]
- There are four Dragon Mounds in Whiterun Hold.
- North of Shimmermist Cave.
- East of Swindler's Den.
- Northwest of Bloated Man's Grotto.
- West of Rorikstead.
- There are four Shrines in Whiterun Hold.
- A Shrine of Stendarr south of Swindler's Den.
- A Shrine of Talos southeast of Shimmermist Cave.
- A Shrine of Zenithar west of Swindler's Den.
- A Shrine of Zenithar north of Broken Fang Cave.
- Southeast of Sleeping Tree Camp are three Stone Totems which unlock a gate with a skeleton and a chest.
Whiterun Hold Quests[edit]
Quests that are started in or related to Whiterun Hold (except for radiant quests begun in other holds) are listed here:
Main Quest[edit]
- Unbound: Escape Imperial custody and a dragon attack.
- Before the Storm: Inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon attack on Helgen.
- Bleak Falls Barrow: Retrieve the Dragonstone.
- Dragon Rising: Investigate a dragon sighting near Whiterun.
- The Way of the Voice: Meet the Greybeards.
- The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller: Retrieve a Greybeard artifact from Ustengrav.
- A Blade in the Dark: Prove you are Dragonborn to Delphine by slaying the dragon Sahloknir.
- Diplomatic Immunity: Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy.
- A Cornered Rat: Locate Esbern.
- Alduin's Wall: Locate the prophecy within Sky Haven Temple.
- The Throat of the World: Receive a lesson from Paarthurnax.
- Elder Knowledge: Recover an Elder Scroll to learn an Ancient Secret.
- Alduin's Bane: Exploit the Time-Wound to learn Dragonrend and defeat Alduin at the Throat of the World.
- The Fallen: Capture and interrogate an ally of Alduin.
- Paarthurnax: Deal with a potential threat.
- Season Unending: Enforce a ceasefire to secure Dragonsreach.
- The World-Eater's Eyrie: Battle through Skuldafn to reach Alduin's portal to Sovngarde.
Imperial Legion Civil War Quests[edit]
- Message to Whiterun: Deliver the message that will decide Whiterun's allegiance.
- Battle for Whiterun: Protect Whiterun from the Stormcloak invasion. (radiant)
Stormcloaks Civil War Quests[edit]
- Message to Whiterun: Deliver an axe to the Jarl of Whiterun.
- Battle for Whiterun: Take Whiterun in the name of the Stormcloaks. (radiant)
College of Winterhold Quests[edit]
- Hitting the Books: Find the books needed to identify the artifact found in Saarthal.
- Destruction Ritual Spell: Learn the most powerful Destruction spells Skyrim has to offer.
Companions Quests[edit]
- Take Up Arms: Prove you are worthy to join the Companions.
- Proving Honor: Claim a Fragment of Wuuthrad from Dustman's Cairn.
- The Silver Hand: Join the ranks of the Circle and clear Gallows Rock of werewolf hunters.
- Blood's Honor: Claim the head of a Glenmoril Witch for Kodlak Whitemane.
- Purity of Revenge: Retrieve the Fragments of Wuuthrad and wipe out the Silver Hand.
- Glory of the Dead: Cure Kodlak's spirit and become Harbinger of the Companions.
Daedric and Divine Quests[edit]
- A Night To Remember: Find your lost friend, Sam, as you recover from a bad hangover.
- The Blessings of Nature: Restore the Gildergreen for Danica Pure-Spring.
- The Book of Love: Help the Temple of Mara spread the cause of love throughout Skyrim.
- Kyne's Sacred Trials: Participate in Kyne's Sacred Trials by hunting the guardian beasts of Skyrim.
- The Whispering Door: Investigate Nelkir's story of a Whispering Lady behind a locked door.
Dark Brotherhood Quests[edit]
- Delayed Burial: Convince an unwilling farmer to help fix a stranded jester's broken wagon wheel.
- Hail Sithis!: One of the biggest contracts in Brotherhood history is yours to fulfill.
- Kill Anoriath: Kill Anoriath in Whiterun.
- Take the Hidden Treasure: Torture the Brotherhood's prisoners for treasure.
- Locate the Assassin of Old: Find the Dark Brotherhood Assassin.
Thieves Guild Quests[edit]
- Dampened Spirits: Put Maven Black-Briar's competition out of business.
- Imitation Amnesty: Help get a convicted prisoner released from jail.
- No Stone Unturned: Find the 24 gems to restore the Crown of Barenziah.
Side Quests[edit]
- Ancestral Worship: Help Golldir save his aunt and stop a necromancer from defiling his ancestral barrow.
- The Golden Claw: A shopkeeper wants you to retrieve his family heirloom from a bandit.
- In My Time Of Need: Find a Redguard woman who is on the run from Hammerfell.
- Missing In Action: Rescue a missing Stormcloak supporter from the Thalmor.
Creation Club Quests[edit]
- Balance of PowerCC: Put a stop to two bandit gangs wielding strange otherworldly equipment.
- Battle of the ChampionsCC: A battle between two Civil War champions is about to begin.
- Gift of KynarethCC: Recover a legendary Legion artifact and obtain the blessing of Kynareth.
- Legends LostCC: Track down Kagrenac's missing Tools.
- Pets of SkyrimCC: Find trained pets around Skyrim.
- The Staff of HasedokiCC: Locate a legendary staff that's been smuggled into Skyrim.
In addition, many miscellaneous quests are located in Whiterun Hold. They are listed here.