Capital | Windhelm (map) | |
Jarl's Residence | Palace of the Kings | |
Military Fort | Fort Amol | |
Initial Affiliation | Stormcloaks | |
Imperial Government | ||
Jarl | Brunwulf Free-Winter | |
Steward | Captain Lonely-Gale (was not properly set to replace Jorleif, see bug) | |
Stormcloaks Government | ||
Jarl | Ulfric Stormcloak | |
Steward | Jorleif | |
Housecarl | Galmar Stone-Fist | |
Location | ||
Eastern Skyrim |

Eastmarch is a hold in eastern Skyrim, with its capital in Windhelm. The hold is the home of Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak, leader of the Stormcloak rebellion. It only becomes Imperial-run if the player joins the Imperial Legion and completes the entire quest line, including both the Battle for Fort Amol and the Battle for Windhelm. Should this occur, the new Jarl will be Brunwulf Free-Winter.
Eastmarch is in the northeastern corner of Skyrim. Winterhold is to the northwest, the Pale and Whiterun Hold to the west, the Throat of the World to the southwest, and the Rift to the south. The Dunmer homeland of Morrowind is to the east, across the Velothi Mountain passes. Since the Red Year, Dunmer have had a much bigger presence in Eastmarch, particularly in the capital, due to its proximity to one of the only passes through the Velothi.
Topographical Overview[edit]
Eastmarch varies greatly. The central and southern parts of Eastmarch are dominated by sulfurous pools and rocky crags, as well as Bonestrewn Crest. The Velothi Mountains form a spine along the eastern edge of the hold, and a high ridge to the south leads up from the lowland sulfur pools to the Rift.
The Darkwater River joins the White River in the west, after which the White River merges with River Yorgrim at the Windhelm bridge and flows out into the Sea of Ghosts.
Flora and Fauna[edit]
The sulfur pools are home to giants, deer, sabre cats, and other, smaller creatures, such as rabbits and goats. Further north are snowy sabre cats, ice wolves, and frost trolls along the road to Morrowind.
There are a few farms near Windhelm, but otherwise the only plant in the snowy parts of Eastmarch is the humble snowberry bush. In the sulfur region to the south, in the middle of the hold, the endemic plants of dragon's tongue, Jazbay grapes, and creep clusters are to be found. The pine forest and shrublands surrounding the sulfur region are home to thistle, snowberries, and all common varieties of mountain flowers. Mora tapinella and to some extent nightshade can also be found throughout the hold. In the last parts of the White River, stretching from Mixwater Mill to the Sea of Ghosts, nordic barnacle is common.
Routes and Pathways[edit]
Two main routes run north to south in Eastmarch. They skirt the sulfur pools on either side. The roads are connected to each other at the far northern and southern ends, forming a continuous loop. There are also major branches off of this road: one west of Fort Amol leading to Whiterun; one west-northwest of Cragslane Cavern leading south to the Rift, and two near Windhelm. One leads to the Pale and beyond, and the other along the Sea of Ghosts past farms until you hit the impassable, invisible wall near Refugees' Rest.
There are two pathways into the sulfur pools from the east road: one runs from south of Kynesgrove to Witchmist Grove, and the other starts near Steamcrag Camp and heads west to Bonestrewn Crest. Other pathways in the hold are to landmarks such as the dragon mound above Kynesgrove (and, by extension, Narzulbur), or Mistwatch.
All locations in Eastmarch with individual map markers are listed. There are a few places without map markers listed for your convenience.
Hold Capital[edit]
Windhelm — A major city in the northeast of Skyrim near the Dunmeth Pass to Morrowind, and the capital of Eastmarch. (map)
Palace of the Kings — A large castle at the far end of the Valunstrad district in Windhelm. (map)
Windhelm Stables — A stable outside of Windhelm. (map)
Farms, Towns, and Settlements including Orc Strongholds and Inns[edit]
Brandy-Mug Farm — A wheat farm, a short distance east of Windhelm Stables. (map)
Darkwater Crossing — A small mining settlement south of Windhelm. (map)
Hlaalu Farm — A small farm east of Windhelm. (map)
Hollyfrost Farm — A large farm with a single-roomed farmhouse east of Windhelm. (map)
Kynesgrove — A small settlement south of Windhelm. (map)
Mixwater Mill — A lumber mill on the White River, southwest of Windhelm and southeast of Gallows Rock. (map)
Narzulbur — An Orc stronghold in the northeast of Skyrim, southeast of Windhelm. (map)
Riverside Shack — A small shack east of Gallows Rock and west-southwest of Kynesgrove, along the eastern bank of the White River. (map)
Traitor's Post — A crumbling shack and bandit outpost east of Windhelm, and just north of the Sacellum of Boethiah. (map)
Camps, including Giant Camps and Military Camps[edit]
Broken Limb Camp — A giant camp north-northwest of Darkwater Crossing. (map)
Cradlecrush Rock — A giant camp southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Eastmarch Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Eastmarch, located southeast of Mzulft and north of Stony Creek Cave. (map)
Steamcrag Camp — A giant camp south of Windhelm. (map)
Windhelm Military Camp — An Imperial camp set up east of Brandy-Mug Farm for the attack on Windhelm. (map)
Cragslane Cavern — A small cave north of Shor's Stone containing bandits and pit wolves. (map)
Cragwallow Slope — A medium-sized cave southeast of Windhelm home to conjurers and atronachs. (map)
Cronvangr Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Kynesgrove, inhabited by frostbite spiders and vampires. (map)
Eldergleam Sanctuary — A small underground grove and worship site of the followers of Kynareth south-southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Frostroot CaveCC — A cave in Eastmarch, north of Kagrenzel. (map)
Lost Knife Hideout — A medium-sized cave northeast of Ivarstead containing bandits. (map)
- Mara's Eye Den — A small cave southwest of Windhelm containing vampires. (map)
Snapleg Cave — A medium-sized cave northwest of Rift Watchtower occupied by hags and monsters. (map)
Stony Creek Cave — A small cave southeast of Windhelm containing bandits. (map)
Uttering Hills Cave — A small cave southwest of Windhelm containing bandits. (map)
Dragon Lairs[edit]
Bonestrewn Crest — A mountaintop dragon lair south of Windhelm. (map)
Gloombound Mine — A small ebony and iron mine supporting the Orc stronghold of Narzulbur. (map)
- Goldenrock Mine — A small corundum mine in southeastern Darkwater Crossing. (map)
Ruins including Dwarven and Nordic Ruins[edit]
Ansilvund — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north of Riften containing draugr and necromancers led by Lu'ah Al-Skaven. (map)
Hillgrund's Tomb — A small Nordic ruin southwest of Windhelm containing draugr. (map)
Kagrenzel — A small Dwarven ruin southeast of Windhelm containing Falmer. (map)
Mzulft — A large Dwarven ruin south-southeast of Windhelm containing Dwarven automatons, Falmer, and chaurus. (map)
Towers and Forts[edit]
Abandoned Prison — A small Imperial prison southwest of Windhelm containing the ghosts of its drowned prisoners. (map)
Fort Amol — A medium-sized fort southwest of Windhelm initially occupied by warlocks. (map)
Gallows Rock — A small fort southwest of Windhelm containing Silver Hands and their leader Krev the Skinner. (map)
Mistwatch — A medium-sized fort east of Darkwater Crossing containing the Mistwatch Bandits and their leader. (map)
Morvunskar — A small fort southwest of Windhelm containing warlocks and their leader Naris the Wicked. (map)
Refugees' Rest — A small ruined tower east of Windhelm containing leveled animals. (map)
Standing Stones and Daedric Shrines[edit]
The Atronach Stone — One of the thirteen Standing Stones scattered across Skyrim. (map)
Sacellum of Boethiah — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Boethiah. (map)
Landmarks, including Bodies of Water, Clearings, Ships and Shipwrecks[edit]
- Darkwater River — A river connecting Lake Geir to the White River. (map)
- Dunmeth Pass — A mountain pass and one of the few traversable roads through the Velothi Mountains between northwest Morrowind and northeast Skyrim. (map)
Mara's Eye Pond — A small lake due east of Gallows Rock. (map)
- River Yorgrim — A river flowing from Lake Yorgrim to Windhelm. (map)
- Sea of Ghosts — A vast ocean to the north of Skyrim. (map)
- Velothi Mountains — A mountain range that stretches along the eastern border of Skyrim. (map)
- White River — The longest river in Skyrim, stretching from the south of the province to the northeast corner. (map)
Witchmist Grove — A small shack north of Bonestrewn Crest and south of Kynesgrove. (map)
Unmarked Places[edit]
- There are five Dragon Mounds in Eastmarch.
- East of Kynesgrove.
- Southwest of Kynesgrove.
- Northwest of Anga's Mill.
- North of Eldergleam Sanctuary.
- West of Mzulft.
- There are a few Shrines in Eastmarch.
- A Shrine of Akatosh northwest of Cragslane Cavern.
- A Shrine of Dibella west of Abandoned Prison.
- Two Shrines of Talos:
- Southwest of Windhelm.
- East of Cradlecrush Rock.
Eastmarch Quests[edit]
All the quests that are started in or are related to Eastmarch (except for radiant quests begun in other holds) are listed here:
Main Quest[edit]
- A Blade in the Dark: Prove you are Dragonborn to Delphine by slaying the dragon Sahloknir.
- Season Unending: Enforce a ceasefire to secure Dragonsreach.
Imperial Legion Civil War Quests[edit]
- Reunification of Skyrim: Reunite Skyrim under the leadership of the Empire. (radiant)
- The Battle for Fort Amol: Prepare for the final assault on Windhelm by taking Fort Amol for the Imperials. (radiant)
- Battle for Windhelm: Conquer the Stormcloak capital and bring Ulfric to justice!
Stormcloaks Civil War Quests[edit]
- The Jagged Crown: Find this crown for Ulfric Stormcloak.
- Message to Whiterun: Deliver an axe to the Jarl of Whiterun.
- Battle for Whiterun: Take Whiterun in the name of the Stormcloaks. (radiant)
- Liberation of Skyrim: Drive the Imperials from Skyrim. (radiant)
Daedric Quests[edit]
- Boethiah's Calling: Become Boethiah's new champion.
Dark Brotherhood[edit]
- Innocence Lost: Help an orphaned child avoid being returned to a sadistic caretaker.
- Mourning Never Comes: Help Muiri get her revenge.
- Kill Ma'randru-jo: Assassinate Ma'randru-jo to complete a Dark Brotherhood contract.
College of Winterhold[edit]
- Revealing the Unseen: Learn the location of the Staff of Magnus.
Thieves Guild[edit]
- Summerset Shadows: Remove a rival guild from the picture.
- The Silver Hand: Join the ranks of the Circle and clear Gallows Rock of werewolf hunters.
Bards College[edit]
- Finn's Lute: Return an invaluable lute to Inge Six Fingers.
Side Quests including Divine Quests[edit]
- The Blessings of Nature: Restore the Gildergreen for Danica Pure-Spring.
- Blood on the Ice: Windhelm is plagued by a shadowy killer.
- The White Phial: Retrieve a legendary artifact to fulfill an old alchemist's wish in Windhelm.
- Repairing the Phial: Acquire the materials necessary to repair the White Phial.
- Rise in the East: Help the East Empire Company take care of some pirates.
Dawnguard Quests[edit]
- Lost to the AgesDG: Search for the Dwemer's Aetherium Forge.
Dragonborn Quests[edit]
- DragonbornDB: Travel to the island of Solstheim to find out what's happening there.
Creation Club Quests[edit]
- Balance of PowerCC: Put a stop to two bandit gangs wielding strange otherworldly equipment.
- The Edge of RuinCC: Find a madwoman's legendary bow.
- Heart of CrimsonCC: Confront the murderous leader of a bandit gang.
- Missing MerchantCC: A powerful set of armor has come on the market.
- Pets of SkyrimCC: Find trained pets around Skyrim.
- Through a Glass, DarklyCC: Confront the darkness within yourself to obtain a powerful weapon.
- Tilted ScalesCC: Retrieve a set of ancient armor from an old warrior.
In addition, many miscellaneous quests, such as favors, are located in Eastmarch. They are listed here.