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Oblivion talk:Nirnroot

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Removed Note Re: Nirnroots Not Stacking When Dropped[edit]

I removed the the statement about nirnroots not stacking when dropped. I dropped 240 earlier and it appeared as one item. Xbox 360, no patches, wizards tower plugin, nirnroots cloned with skull of curruption and staff of worms. ~mofuggin_bob


Has anyone been able to Duplicate Nirnroot not using the console so the scroll dupe glitch and the arrows glitch??--Most Honored Listener 23:06, 25 July 2007 (EDT)

I assume it's possible - but I doubt it would help to increase your Nirnroot count or to get you further along in the Seeking Your Roots quest. That count is only increased by a script when you harvest the plants. (Which explains why you can go to the guy even if you have less than the required number of plants in your inventory, provided you've picked up enough.) --TheRealLurlock Talk 09:29, 26 July 2007 (EDT)
You can not Duplicate Nirnroots in the original version (no mods, no patches) using arrows or scrolls.--Marleysexton 12:57, 10 January 2008 (EST)
yes you can, but not with scrolls/arrows. just goto
I duplicated about 20 around the time when I was starting to feel the effects of the Reference Bug, by saving dropping the roots then loading to find them still there, I only tried it the once before patching the game and it didn't work when I testes it after. 15:15, 7 July 2008 (EDT)
Well, I have been able to duplicate Nirnroots before using the Scroll Method on my game on the Xbox 360. It takes one or two tries, but I can get it to work! I remember doing it both near the Great Oak in Chorrol, and in the bedroom of Deepscorn Hollow(The place from the Vile Lair Official Mod). Maybe it just has to do with the platform, and what all mods and updates are installed or something, but it might be worth mentioning that it is possible under certain circumstances.--Aztectornado 20:27, 21 July 2008 (EDT)
Uh, sorry about that last comment. Apparently, I was wrong, cause I'm not able to replicate my results. My only guess is that when I'd attempted it those times, I instead dropped all the roots I was carrying, and because they don't get dropped in stacks, I, being a good bit sleep deprived, believed I had created more of them than I had before. Sorry for the mix up. --Aztectornado 03:17, 23 July 2008 (EDT)


I've changed the text of both the Nirnroots page and the Seeking Your Roots page to indicate that stealing potted Nirnroot isn't a crime, and that you can do so in clear view without repercussion. Noticeably, though, the Seeking Your Roots page said exactly the opposite! I have tried several times in several places, and been able to steal without any repercussion reaction, no bounty, no nothing. (I *know* I did it in both The Gilded Carafe and in The Border Watch Inn, amongst many other places, if anybody wants to prove it to themselves.) If I'm incorrect in my assumption that it can be freely stolen, and this is only in limited locations, or if it's due to some mod that failed to mention it was making this change, would someone please change it appropriately. --Robin Hood 00:04, 28 July 2007 (EDT)

Yep, I'll second that conclusion. I went to the Gilded Carafe and took the Nirnroot in plain sight with Claudette watching me and aboslutely nothing happened. She didn't say anything, my bounty remained at 0 (not even 0.5, but 0), and my "items stolen" statistic didn't change. For comparison, I tried picking up other items in the store with 0 value (skull, hourglass, bouquet of flowers), and for each of those Claudette yelled at me, my bounty went up by 0.5 (i.e., after two items I was up to a bounty of 1), and my "items stolen" went up by 1. So it's not just that it's treated as stealing a zero value item; taking the Nirnroot doesn't appear to register at all as a theft. This was on Xbox 360, so there definitely weren't any third-party mods altering behaviour. --NepheleTalk 23:17, 29 July 2007 (EDT)

OK, so what happened there?[edit]

I reworded the statement about the total number of Nirnroot, and it decided to put the 'In' before the image, and the rest of the sentence after the image. It looked fine in the preview, but not when I saved it.

I think it may have been due to the ingredient box overflowing - I was editing the section, rather than the whole page. I have ended up putting a {{NewLine}} in front of the section. This has moved it down a little, but at least it looks right (on my machine, at least)

--Gaebrial 03:13, 16 November 2007 (EST)

My browser didn't show the "In" before the image, even on your intermediate edit; it just forced the map to appear side by side with the ingredient box and squished the rest of the text. But all strange layout issues like that are fundamentally going to be very dependent upon the browser and its exact size. It's not the wiki code or the html that makes the final decision about where to place images or text; its the browser. The art is trying to prevent the browser from getting so confused that it makes bad decisions ;) Adding the NewLine tag like you did is generally the easiest way to deal with layout problems involving overlapping images. --NepheleTalk 18:18, 30 November 2007 (EST)
The main thing that causes difference in formatting between the preview and the final saved version of the page is the addition of [edit] tags (which don't appear in Preview), which can cause text to be be pushed down into unpredictable locations. It's one of the minor annoyances I've occasionally run into. The worst is when the insertion of an image or infobox causes 5 or 6 [edit]'s to all be jumbled up underneath it or something, so you can't tell which one is attached to which section... --TheRealLurlock Talk 19:08, 30 November 2007 (EST)

Number of Nirnroots on map[edit]

So after getting fed up with the Oblivion map not showing all the nirnroots on the same page (there are 6 of them), I decided to put them all in one large picture. Right now, I have all 262 shown in the Oblivion Map, but that number doesn't make sense. The wiki says there are 307 nirnroots, with 44 being inside, leaving 263 to be outside. Where is this last nirnroot? -Whathuh 12:55, 6 December 2007 (EST)

And of course with a little bit of extra effort, I find the one not on the Oblivion map. It's directly southeast of the Lady Stone. Now, I still have some questions, because on this page, it says the max with Frostcrag Spire is 307 (263 outside, 43 inside, 1 in Frostcrag Spire). On the 100% Completion page, it says 314 total, without expansions or addons. Further down, it says 308! We have 3 different numbers here, and I can't seem to piece it together. In mods, there is one in Frostcrag Spire, one in Battlehorn Castle (Fighter's Stronghold), and one sample in Deepscorn Hollow. -Whathuh 00:03, 8 December 2007 (EST)
Okay I just looked in the CS on a non-modified game. There are 272 "NirnrootPlant" instances and 36 "NirnrootPlantSmall"s. Of the 272, 9 are down as being inside, one of which is in a test cell. That means there are 263 outdoor nirnroot and 44 indoors for a total of 307. From the mods, only the Frostcrag & Battlehorn plants count - the Deepscorn one goes down as a "sample". --RpehTCE 06:19, 8 December 2007 (EST)
Thanks, I'm somewhat new to Oblivion, and I didn't realize the potential of the CS. I just opened it up, and it seems that there are indeed 272 "NirnrootPlant"s and 36 "NirnrootPlantSmall"s. However, one of each of them are in the test cell TestAlan, meaning there are only 306 in the game.
Ah - I missed the indoor test one. 306 it is. --RpehTCE 03:19, 14 December 2007 (EST)

What to do with this Nirnroot Map?[edit]

While looking for the total nirnroot number, I made my own nirnroot map from the Oblivion Online Map by searching for "nirnroot". Since it only shows 50 at a time, it tends to leave out lots of nirnroots. I combined the six pages into one picture, and took the icons and border from The Avid Alchemist’s Obliv-o-Map to make it pretty. I'm not sure how to upload this onto the website, but I can host it myself for people to look at, and possibly put it somewhere useful. Oblivion Nirnroot Map File size is 2 MB. -Whathuh 14:28, 9 January 2008 (EST)

It's a nice map. I'd suggest uploading it (using this page) then linking from the Nirnroot page with a message like "A more detailed map can be found (here)". I'd like to keep the existing map so it's consistent with the other pages. –RpehTCE 04:55, 10 January 2008 (EST)

In-Menu Death[edit]

If you eat a large amount of Nirnroots in the menu, you will die and the music will play. Using potions or Ambrosia or stuff doesn't save you. but is there any other way this menu-death can be implemented in a positive- or even strange- way?

You die because the first alchemy effect of Nirnroot is Drain Health so eating enough of it will indeed kill you. How anybody could use that positively is beyond me. –RpehTCE 01:59, 22 January 2008 (EST)
There is one positive thing, you can use this to complete the Molag Bal(or however it is spelled) quest, after the dude hits you once with the mace kill yourself with nirnroot. 03:13, 8 May 2008 (EDT)xBlink N Die


Do any nirnroots respawn? 10:24, 21 May 2008 (EDT)

From the article: "The Deepscorn Hollow official mod, however, adds a single sample of Nirnroot sitting on a desk in the bedroom area of Deepscorn Bastion. Because Nirnroot is for some reason designated as a food, the sample will respawn every three days." –RpehTCE 10:29, 21 May 2008 (EDT)

Battlehorn Nirnroot Glitch[edit]

(moved from the article)

There is a very rare chance that with Battlehorn Castle you can get infinite Nirnroots that work with the quest. If you drop all of your Nirnroots in front of the trophy case in the private quarters and then pick them back up, whenever you leave Battlehorn Castle and then go to a location by fast-travel and then fast-travel back. There will be one quest Nirnroot in front of the Private Quarter's trophy case.

I've moved this because it sounds almost certain to be a one-off, game-specific glitch. Certainly I can't replicate it myself. If others can make it happen, feel free to add it back. –RpehTCE 12:48, 16 August 2008 (EDT)

Regained Script?[edit]

I recently duplicated a lot of Nirnroot using the Skull of Corruption glitch, but as the article stated, they lost their scripting and could not be turned in to Sinderion for the quest. However, when I had them I decided to dump all the duplicated ones (I made sure to figure out which group was the original) on the ground right by Sinderion. Since these dupes had no scripts they appeared in different "stacks" in my menu.

A while later I went back to Sinderion, and decided to pick up the Nirnroot again. However, this time I noticed that a lot of the Nirnroot I had dumped was in the same stack as the original ones. A good deal of them still appeared in separate stacks, but almost twenty of them went with the original group. What's more, I could give these new Nirnroots to Sinderion!

Just one note though, of the original Nirnroot I had dropped, 3 of them were "combined" (meaning when you picked them up you saw "Pick up (3) Nirnroot"). This group also went into my original stack (despite the fact that the original Nirnroot cannot be fused like this). However my game froze just after I picked them up, so I loaded the game again, this time the crash came a few seconds after I picked up the Nirnroot. I used this to my advantage the 3rd time and picked up the fused Nirnroot and engaged Sinderion in conversation (and gave him the Nirnroot since I had enough) before the game crashed. --Ovais 20:28, 14 May 2009 (EDT)

Searching for Nirnroot[edit]

I hope the latest edit resolves this; if I had paid attention to using Zoom on a vanilla search, I would never have put in that lengthy caveat about searching for 'Nirnroot'. While the search function is very well designed for small numbers of instances, it is quite inadequate, with its 50 maximum items, at dealing with the 300+ Nirnroots. We must either say so, if we include info about searching, or leave it out altogether, as I did with the latest edit.

I could just about live with the location overview being taken out, but I would really rather not. It reduces what can be a terrible chore to a very simple strategy. I do an awful lot of overland travelling, so I just let the Nirnroots trickle in one at a time, but it became abundantly clear that there were just not enough of them without searching the Niben and tributaries; if a player is going to have to go there eventually, why not start there, and leave the lone Nirnroots looking pretty and singing their low electric song (yes, they have a sound file) at their scattered ponds. Anarchangel 23:17, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

Sorry about the removal of the location overview, it was not my intention to remove that. I usually check all the changes made before undoing, but apparently it slipped past me.
As for the current explanation of the search function, I think I'm fine with it. I guess this will mean a few more "bug reports" of not all Nirnroots showing up, but these reports are made even without the comment on this article. I can't find it at the moment, but there has been a discussion earlier on the limit of 50 results per search before. It's not something that can easily be changed. --Timenn-<talk> 15:07, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

I Can't Find Nirnroot at Shadeleaf Copse[edit]

I know i can find here three pieces of Nirnroot, around the pond area. BUT there is NO Nirnroot close to the pool! I see Oblivion Map, and again nothing! Please help -- there I have Print Screen the Nirnroot plant -- — Unsigned comment by Sexydjole (talkcontribs) on 10 February 2010

Are you sure you haven't already picked it up? And are you sure you're at the right pool? It's quite obvious when you reach the right place. rpeh •TCE 23:03, 10 February 2010 (UTC)


There's another nirnroot plant at the waterfront, and I vaguely recall yet another somewhere but cannot verify it. The one I do remember is on the edge of the water right behind Tussaude's ship. Tussaude being the pirate's captain, I can't remember how it's spelt exactly. I just checked the map and the second plant is on the southeast edge of the island.

yes, but both the ones on the Waterfront are technically external. The only "internal" (potted) one is in the ship cabin.

bravil and archmage nirnroot[edit]

there is a plant behind the mages guild in bravil and i am almost certain it respawns i have harvested it 2 times but i cant remember if i had to reload a gamesave and forgot to pick it again or not the first time if that makes sense, i will update when i find out more, there is also one in the archmages place in IC if you are looking at the bed its to your left next to a drawer with alchemic stuff on it. i will update as soon as i know if these 2 nirnroots respawn or not Lindenbrock 05:41, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

The one in the university is mentioned on this article, and the one in Bravil appears on our map. Neither respawn, in fact no "live" nirnroot respawn. rpeh •TCE 09:49, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

what do you mean by "live" Lindenbrock 19:51, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

Planted Nirnroot never respawn. There is one "Nirnroot Sample" in the Vile Lair plugin that does respawn.--Corevette789 20:11, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

A command to find "dropped" Nirnroots?[edit]


While collecting the roots for Sinderion I noticed that I've dropped, saved or [accidentally] sold two samples of Nirnroots. Are there console commands to find dropped items or something like that?

PS: I'd say it was one of the Battlehorn Man-at-arms who stole the samples from the castle, but since nobody mentioned anything about guards stealing from the chest and boxes near the castle entrance... 12:54, 10 November 2010 (UTC)Altmer Apprentice Astra

No Nirnroot "humming" sound[edit]

I've recently switched to the PC from the X-box for gaming. Even with the music almost inaudible and the effects sounds turned way up, the Nirnroot humming sound is absent about 90% of the time, and can be heard only when I'm right on top of it. On the X-box, I could hear the humming from 10 or 12 steps away, and even after applying both the "official" and "unofficial" patches, the sound is still screwy. Since I was accustomed to doing my Nirnroot hunting by sound before sight, this is irritating. (Yes, I know I can look at the map, but where's the fun in finding things that way?!!) Any helpful thoughts? ˜˜˜˜The Countess

Nirnroot Poison[edit]

I was quite excited when I realized that a master alchemist with all the master apparatuses could make a poison from Nirnroot that drained 24 points of health for 95 seconds, giving me a nice total of 2,280 health drained. However, when I tried it out it didn't work. Is this a bug in my own game or does the game just not recognize Drain Health as a poison effect? By the way, apologies if this has been mentioned somewhere else and I missed it. 06:23, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

Isn't drain health a temporary effect? Meaning the poison would decrease the target's health by 24 points, and restore it after 95 seconds. The effect you describe would be caused by damage health, I think. =) Weroj 06:54, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
You would be correct. I guess I've always assumed that Drain Health was also cumulative and that the only difference between the two is that Drain Health is restored once it expires. Now I feel like a complete idiot for posting a dumb post and for wasting a perfectly good nirnroot. 09:26, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

Stolen Nirnroots go to "Normal" stack.[edit]

When "stealing" Nirnroots from pots in shops or homes, the "stolen" Nirnroot goes to my normal Nirnroot stack, and doesn't create a new stack with the "Stolen" red hand icon on it. Predcon 10:23, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

Yup. The article already notes that you can steal nirnroot right in front of the owner. It's because of the way the plant is scripted - you can't ever "steal" nirnroot in the normal sense. rpeh •TCE 10:37, 16 March 2011 (UTC)
So even though the "Pick up/Grab" action cursor was red, it's still not scripted as stealing? Predcon 04:50, 18 March 2011 (UTC)
You are not picking up the Nirnroot, you are harvesting it. Harvesting is never a crime, despite the plant itself being owned. --DKong27 Talk Cont 14:51, 18 March 2011 (UTC)

Haha, my recent edit...[edit]

I said it had no mention of the quest, it did, but it also didnt have the related quests tag like every article, so it still deserves to stand, my summary was just a bit stupid.--Catmaniac66 19:31, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

I undid it. I can't think of any other ingredient we mention is used in any quest. Even though it plays a major role in that quest, I still don't think we need to have a related quests section. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 19:35, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

305 nirnroots without plug-ins[edit]

The list of inner places where nirnroots can be found includes Smuggler's Cave. But it's plug-in specific, isn't it? So it makes only 305 to be obtained in clean version of Oblivion. Correct me if I'm wrong. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:30 on 23 January 2014‎

The cave actually still exists without the Thieves Den plug-in (the part with the Nirnroot anyway). The part that is added by the plug-in is described on the Dunbarrow Cove page. More information on this can be found on the Smuggler's Cave page, with a description of where the cave is located and a map showing the location of the Nirnroot inside the non plug-in part of the cave. Forfeit (talk) 05:22, 23 January 2014 (GMT)

Capitalization / usage?[edit]

On dungeon pages (Ayleid ruins/caves/forts/mines), it seems well-established that whenever "Nirnroot" (and other plant names) appear in the bulleted page template, it's always capitalized; also, it's never written as "Nirnroot plant(s)" (rather, it's written simply as "Nirnroot" without the "plant" descriptor). However, the treatment has been inconsistent on other pages (e.g., settlement pages). So, is there a consensus as to how exactly the word(s) should be written outside the dungeon page template so I can implement consistently going forward? I initially leaned towards capitalization, since "Nirn" is a proper noun and the plant is unique due to not respawning after harvesting, but any decision here would be helpful. Thanks! --Mikeprichard (talk) 13:35, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

Good question. I've also always wondered and just muddled through - my edits are probably quite inconsistent on this! I think I eventually settled on capitalising when in a list (e.g. Place Exterior section: "There is 1 Carrot plant nearby") but not capitalising when it's in text (e.g. "There's 1 carrot on table"). For Nirnroot specifically I'd agree to always capitalise given that, as you say, Nirn is a capitalised proper noun. Can't think of any other ingredient examples... --SerCenKing (talk) 18:10, 4 December 2023 (UTC)
Thanks for the quick reply, and that makes sense to me; I'd noticed and agree with the lack of capitalization for most ingredients/plants when in the body of the text rather than in a bulleted/templated list, but "Nirnroot (plant)" should probably always be capitalized, including in text, as the exception to this rule. (Though again there are a couple other odd cases like "St. Jahn's wart".) I also see you're doing great work fixing up the settlement pages (villages/farms) with missing maps/map keys/other missing info which I'd noticed earlier but didn't know how to address, so I'll plan to hold off a while longer to see if anyone else has thoughts on this and give you time to work through the substantive updates, then could do a final pass on nitpicks for any affected settlement pages (e.g. to ensure consistent references to "Nirnroot plant" and a couple other minor things I've come across/learned over the past month or so). Either way, I appreciate all your work! --Mikeprichard (talk) 19:58, 4 December 2023 (UTC)