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Oblivion talk:S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread

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Purchased in dialogue[edit]

Propose the revised text "Additional loaves can subsequently be purchased from her as a dialogue option for 25 gold per loaf." and new text, "Lengthy sound files of dialogues such as this can be cut short by hitting the Esc key and then Return, on the PC." Please address concerns regarding these two changes separately. Anarchangel 01:34, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Not sure if I understood well (sorry I haven't completly dominated english), but I think that the first sentence is referring that once you have finished the quest, you can keep buying more bread loaves from S'jirra, each one for 25 gold. Not sure why the second one is for, though. --S'drassa T2M 01:39, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
I've added something similar to your revised text proposal to the article. As far as the new text proposal goes, it seems this article is too specific for it; it would be more appropriate on some sort of more general article, about PC-playing or dialogs. And loosen up a little, huh?  :) --GKtalk2me 05:15, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
The dialogue goes on for ten seconds; this is a long time to wait to buy a single item. It can be cut to a couple of seconds' wait by hitting the Esc key and then the 'Return' button, with the mouse. The only way to obtain this item is from this NPC, with this dialogue option. It is the only alchemical ingredient that you can buy infinite amounts of, for as long as your money holds out, and it has one of the most valued effects, Restore Health; it is a valuable counterpart to the large stocks of Fly Amanita to be found in the center of the City.
The proposed text's advice is additionally valuable any time the player is replaying a quest or dialogue of any kind. Even one of the developers expressed dismay at the amount of repetition in the sound files; apparently it was a production decision by the money people, not an artistic decision by the creators. Anarchangel 08:11, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
I agree with GK here. This is not the only instance you might wish to skip dialogue, so it's better covered at a more generic place. Skipping dialogue is a pretty common practice in RPGs, so I don't think we need to iterate that feature. --Timenn-<talk> 13:54, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

Bread into Money[edit]

I didn't feel this was worth putting into the main article because it may already be common knowledge and it requires fairly specific skills. It is also super simple and not hard to figure out on your own, even though it is less appealing than Shepherd's Pie (which is free but weighs twice as much).

  • To turn Bread into Money requires the following Skills and Items:
    • Alchemy 100
    • All 4 Expert Alchemy Apparatuses
    • A significant amount of time
    • A house or any easily reached area with non-respawning storage
  • Other things that help:
    • Reasonable Mercantile Skill (Mine is 41)
    • Fortify Strength and/or Feather

Before starting, make sure your "Detect Life" potions sell for minimum 50 gold each. They should do this as long as you possess Journeyman or higher Alchemy gear. 53 each from Expert and 56 each from Master will make this easier, allowing you to have lower Mercantile, but Journeyman equipment is easy to acquire. Once that is squared away, you can finally start.

The first step is determining how much you can sell the end result potions for. The goal is to squeeze every gold you can out of this because 25 Gold per ingredient is fairly steep. My merchant of choice is Ogier Georick of "The Main Ingredient". For me, he has a Disposition of 50. To do this step we will need test potions, and since there are 22 Lotus Seeds in the water nearby or several hundred Fly Agaric Caps in the city, you can make potions out of them. I used 20 myself. Return to the merchant and make a Hard Save, as we are going to work our way down from the top. Once you reach a Haggle percentage he will accept, write it down. This is our starting point for the next attempt, when we work our way back up to compensate for the Disposition loss. When you reach the point he refuses (it shouldn't be that far off), go back down 1% and write that number down. Load again, set his haggle to the sweet spot, and check the actual sale price of your potions. For me, I was able to sell them for 35 Gold each at 64% "Selling Items".

The next step is to go to your house. Find an empty container and deposit every non-quest item you own into it, except for Alchemy Equipment and zero-weight items. This is so you can carry more bread/potions at once, or even spend all the gold you have on you if you so choose. I say use an empty container because you can use "Take All" to retrieve everything in the chest without having to redeposit unwanted extra items.

Now we finally reach the actual buying part. Fast Travel to Faregyl Inn, seek out S'Jirra, and buy as much bread as you can afford or carry. Once you run out of room/money, convert all the bread into potions. Return to your merchant, whose Haggle should be saved from before we set out. Sell all the potions for a profit. At 35 Gold per sale, there is a 40% profit margin per piece of bread. If you can bump it up to 40 each, you can get a profit margin of 60%. I.e. 14000 Gold becomes 19600 Gold. If you buy exactly 1000 loaves, you can get 35000 Gold. You don't have to worry about dwindling supplies of materials or fast traveling all over Cyrodiil, and this is available much sooner than Shepherd's Pie. In fact, this is an ideal method to earn the money that lets you buy Rosethorne Manor. If you are a Master of Mercantile, you can get roughly 112% profit margin due to the fact that you can sell for the base price, allowing you to convert 25000G into 53000G.

Hope this helps anyone looking for help earning money! 07:33, 6 July 2012 (UTC)

Alternatively, if you have max Mercantile, you can simply buy the bread for 25 gold and immediately sell it to Abhuki right across the bar from S'Jirra for 30 gold for a 5 gold profit each — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:29 on 29 June 2021 (UTC)