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Online:Treasures/Trifles and Ornaments

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Trifles and Ornaments are a type of Contraband. Trifles and Ornaments can be found in (?).

Icon Item Description Value Type
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Abstract Silver Centerpiece (page) The sculptor may have begun molding this centerpiece with a specific likeness in mind, but he must have later abandoned it. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Acorn Collection (page) A visually pleasing array of twelve acorns--perfect in shape and varying in size. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-trait material-Sapphire.png Akatosh Dragon Eye (page) "By the eyes of Akatosh" takes on new meaning when you have one of these expensive dragon eye gems blessed to the god. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Aldmeri Ceremonial Saber (page) A purely ornamental saber. The refined artistic design is matched only by the fragility of its construction. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Aldmeri Dominion Belt Buckle (page) A highly polished belt buckle in the shape of a eagle; the rest of the belt is missing. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Aldmeri Snuff Box (page) Made specially for Aldmeri officers of high-breeding, this snuff box is lined with gold and covered in Dominion motifs. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Aldmeri Tea Cozy (page) This tea cozy is patterned with the golden eagle of the Aldmeri Dominion. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Red Banner.png All Flags Navy Campaign Ribbon (page) Rare vintage officer's campaign ribbon for participation in the naval assault on Thras in 1E 2260. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Amber Bedside Grub-Cage (page) Carved amber grub-cage with chrysoberyl stopper for containing live snack-larvae. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Waystone.png Amber-Encased Torchbug (page) This unfortunate torchbug was caught in a flood of sap a long time ago. Polished to a shine, it is now an amber paperweight. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-quest-Fire Rocks.png Amenos Geode (page) Holding this colorful geode up to the sun casts a sparkling array of light onto any surface. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Amorous Incense of Mara (page) An expensive and illegal fragrance used to enhance romantic activity in the bedchambers of wealthy Bretons. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Pupa.png Ancestor Moth Pupa (page) A green-hued casing from the molt of a rare Ancestor Moth. It smells ever so faintly of fresh grass and clean water. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pen.png Ancestry Scroll Mount (page) This elaborately carved wooden stand can be adjusted and reoriented to accommodate thirty-two traditional display methods. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Ancient Anchor Bottle Stopper (page) The cork is etched with the symbol of Gonfalon Bay's beloved inn. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tube.png Ancient Daril Mortar (page) The use of daril--a potent Argonian drug--dates back thousands of years. This masterfully cut stone mortar is the proof. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Ancient Yokudan Arrowhead (page) This antique arrowhead may have aged, but the quality craftsmanship of the fletchers from Old Yokuda is still clear. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Angof's Angry Vines (page) Despite the probable danger, some citizens have begun collecting clippings of Angof's vines to display in their homes. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Ansei's Meditation Stone (page) These massive egg-shaped crystals were used by the Ansei centuries ago and were passed down to their descendants. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Antique Anti-Venom Toadstone (page) Silver coffer containing a polished, semi-precious toadstone, once thought to neutralize poison if placed in a drink. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Antique Breton Hourglass (page) Crystal-clear glass reveals that this impeccably crafted hourglass somehow survived the Seamount invasion of Betony. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Antique Dragon Hourglass (page) An ornate hourglass held within the claws of a curled dragon with ruby eyes. It dates back to the time of King Anton I. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Monocle.png Aquilarios Quizzing Glass (page) Crystal magnifying lens with silver frame and handle engraved with the House Aquilarios crest. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Arcanist Dice Set (page) A set of four ebony dice, each face depicts a different Arcanist concept. Do tentacles represent good luck or bad? 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Arch-Mage's Hourglass (page) A timepiece given to students who complete their master exams by the Arch-Mage of the Shad Astula Academy of Magic. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Argonian Nightmare Trap (page) Sold exclusively by a Hlaalu trading agent in Black Marsh, this Argonian effigy wards off bad dreams and night terrors. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth Roll.png Argonian Tooth Sharpener (page) A cylindrical sharpening stone with a hollow center, used to sharpen teeth for defensive and cosmetic purposes. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Arkay Meditation Beads (page) These meditation beads are often used by Priests of Arkay when consecrating the dead. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Arzhela's Ivory Prayer Beads (page) The queen has made a habit of handing out these valuable prayer beads to mourning mothers and wives in Evermore. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze 02.png Ash Mountain Paperweight (page) A heavy stone from the volcano in Stonefalls, perfect for keeping papers from scattering in a strong breeze. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Aswala Lucky Horseshoe (page) Visitors to the famous Aswala Stables once purchased horseshoes such as these. They were thought to bring good fortune. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png At-Tura Scimitar Sheath (page) Count Hosni at-Tura is known for keeping a vast collection of ornate scimitar sheaths from all over Hammerfell. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-misc-Stinger.png Atmoran Dagger Hilt (page) The hilt of an ancient Atmoran dagger, retained as an heirloom by some Nord household. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Claw.png "Authentic" Dragon Claw (page) This curved object is dark black and has a very sharp point. Rumored to be a dragon claw, its authenticity has not been verified. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Incense.png Axe-Haft Incense Holder (page) An incense holder made from the scarred base of a battleaxe haft. A crude inscription reads "Peace, Not Blood." 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Ayleid Paperweight (page) Retrieved from the ruins at Salas En. No one knows its original purpose, but it makes a great paperweight. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Centerpiece.png Ayleid Ritual Fetish (page) A rare fetish usually found in Ayleid ruins. It would be valuable to scholars studying the ancient Elves. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Baandari Pottery (page) Colorful, painted pottery in the Baandari style. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Badge of the Systres Guard (page) A tarnished brass badge from a member of the Systres Guard. It must have been discarded by someone. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Banners of the Disgraced House (page) A box filled with banners from when House Mornard controlled the Systres Archipelago. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Bantam Guar Doorstop (page) A life-sized figurine of a bantam guar, carved from petrified fungal stalk. Heavy, but it does the job. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Bazgara's Lucky Horseshoe (page) This decorative, silver horseshoe bears the brand of Bazgara's Horses in Daggerfall and supposedly brings luck to the owner. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Bear Skull.png Bear Skull Stand (page) A bear's skull mounted on an oak stand for display. Its teeth still cracked and stained from its last gruesome battle. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-food-Honey.png Beeswax Heart (page) This beeswax heart details the long life of a loving couple. A fence could melt it down and resell the fine wax to forgers. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-food-Empty Pot.png Bejeweled Dwarven Metal Dog Bowl (page) Rare Dwemeri bowl converted to a pet's food dish, with the name 'Snarly' picked out in precious stones. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Bent-Tail Cat Figurine (page) The pointed hat on this pewter bent-tail cat figurine twists off to reveal a compartment that once contained skooma. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Bird Skeleton in a Cage (page) A tiny brass cage with a little swing upon which a small bird's skeleton has been wired in place. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Comb.png Bleakrock Braid Memento (page) A lock of thick, auburn hair, tied in the distinctive Bleakrock Braid and saved in remembrance of someone dear. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Bleakrock Isle Scenery Painting (page) A small painting in a frame that sits on a nightstand, it shows a distinct piece of Bleakrock scenery by the artist Oro. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Blood-Curse Charm (page) A talisman sold in the alley behind Occult Obsession in Shornhelm, it is said to ward off the blood-curse ravaging Rivenspire. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Blood-Curse Talisman (page) A talisman sold in all of Rivenspire's cities, they began appearing shortly after the start of the so-called blood-curse. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Petal.png Bloodfed Rose (page) This purple-hued rose dries out when not provided with blood, yet springs to vibrant life with a single drop of crimson. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Bloodthorn Ampoule (page) A stoppered vial wrapped in thorny vines that bears the symbol of the Bloodthorn cult. It probably contains something dangerous. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Centerpiece.png Bloodtusk Centerpiece (page) This lovingly polished centerpiece depicts legendary Orc hero Baloth Bloodtusk slaying the treacherous villain Gaiden Shinji. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Blubber Masher (page) Tightly woven steel wires create a fine mesh, used to break up thick sea mammal blubber for use in cooking. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Bone Orchard Memorial Arrow (page) After burial in the Bone Orchard, the bereaved family is presented with a memorial arrow made from the deceased's ulna. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Bowl of Slaughterfish Scales (page) Typically found as decoration in Morthal, bits of fruit rinds and dried petals are mixed in to cover any lingering fish smell. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dream Catcher.png Braided Feather Ornament (page) An elaborate ornament featuring a splash of feathers, cowry shells, and dyed reed ribbons. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Branch of Falinesti (page) One of many counterfeit branches of the legendary moving tree of Falinesti. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Brass Anvil Paperweight (page) A brass paperweight made to look like a miniature blacksmith's anvil, bearing the seal of the city of Anvil. 00000103103 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Brass Oil Lamp (page) This simple brass oil lamp can provide light for hours. With a little polishing, it would be as good as new. 00000100100 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Breton Funeral Urn (page) An urn containing the ashes of a beloved member of a Breton family. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Broken Akaviri Hoplite's Blade (page) Akaviri swordsman's steel blade, broken and missing its hilt, a souvenir of the recent invasion. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Broken Crystal Key to Silyanorn (page) Key carved from some kind of blue crystal, with one tooth broken off, engraved with the Ayleidoon "S" for Silyanorn. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Helm 01.png Broken Ornamental Horned Helm (page) Full-helm, broken, ornamented with curved horns, with maker's-mark of "Defender's Domain." 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Bronze Crocodile (page) A pocket charm fashioned in the form of a crocodile, intended to bestow good hunting upon the holder. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Collar.png Bronze Tail Chain (page) Bristled fur still clings to this intricate chain, apparently intended to be worn on the tail of a full-sized werewolf. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Bronzed Baby Teeth (page) A jar containing the bronzed teeth of young children, saved as remembrances in the Breton tradition. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Bronzed Egg Tooth (page) A prized childhood keepsake, coated in bronze. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Brothers of Strife Gemstone Bookends (page) Sculptural bookends carved from chrysolite to look like the Brothers of Strife, leaning into a row of books from each end. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Cache of Forbidden Fruits (page) Jade box labeled "Jathsogur Smoking Powder" containing an assortment of taboo sweets: candied plums, cherries, and apricots. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Camonna Tong Vice Chits (page) These wooden tokens are a form of currency issued by the syndicate to its most observant snitches. Valuable to the right people. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Canebrake Market Bamboo Fruit Box (page) An empty bamboo box labeled "Canebrake Market," with partitions intended to hold candied pieces of fruit. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Canonreeve's Ruby-Throated Nonesuch (page) Moonstone-fretted silversilk ruby-throated nonesuch. The amber tail-label reads "Property of the Thalmor." 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tableware.png Carved Shell Dish (page) This intricately carved seashell can be used as a tray to hold jewelry. 0000004040 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Ceramic Urn (page) An urn painted with idyllic scenes of farm life in Tamriel. It should resell nicely once the ashes are dumped out. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze 03.png Chipped Stone from Skyshroud Barrow (page) This piece of cracked masonry contains etchings that identify it as originating at Skyshroud Barrow in Bleakrock. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Claw of Akatosh (page) This large claw, most likely from a troll, is carved with a prayer. Young children are told they're the claws of dragons. 0000004040 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Attunement Sphere.png The Closed Eye of Arkay (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A stone eye--shut in eternal rest. This small talisman is often given to mourning families. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Silver Circlet.png Cloven Silver Circlet (page) An old circlet likely worn by some of Betony's lesser royalty, split in twain by an axe strike and mounted to a plaque. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 06.png Club Insignia (page) A small pumice worry-stone, carved with the symbol of an exclusive club of merchants and traders. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Code of Malacath Paperweight (page) A medium-sized paperweight carved from obsidian stone, inscribed with the traditional Code of Malacath. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Coil Chimes (page) A small set of particularly melodic machine coils repurposed to be hung by ventilation shafts and provide soft background noise. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Stein.png Collectable Wolf's Stein (page) This decorative drinking vessel, while technically functional, is intended for display. Complete sets are highly sought after. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Collection of Belaying Pins (page) Curious collection of sailing ship belaying pins, each one labeled with the name of a shipwreck. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Red Banner.png Collection of Colorful Ribbons (page) A collection of ribbons of various widths and colors, used to decorate a Dark Elf's hair or clothing. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Colorful Pottery (page) This colorfully painted pottery depicts the fall of the Reman Empire. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Commemorative "Broken Shackles" Medal (page) Bronze medal depicting a set of broken shackles, inscribed "Jubilee Day 572, Lukiul Uxith." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 02.png Commemorative Pact Mudcrab Claw (page) A mudcrab claw inscribed with the dragonhead of the Ebonheart Pact, Fetches-Glitter distributes these to honor the alliance. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Conch Shell Horn (page) In the hands of a drunken mariner, this beautiful shell can produce some truly dreadful sounds. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Conch Shell Inkwell (page) This small conch shell, taken from the beach at Stros M'kai, was turned into a fetching inkwell. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Conjectural Diorama of Silyanorn (page) Scale model in precious woods of the Barsaebic Ayleid city of Silyanorn, the predecessor of modern-day Stormhold. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dragon Claw.png Copper Dragon Claw (page) A three-toed Dragon's-foot wrought in copper; its function is unknown. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Tools, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Copper Horn Caps (page) While the "capping" fad has largely passed, there's still a market for horn adornments in Black Marsh. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Corimont Mouth-Plover Cage (page) Sturdy birdcage for a Corimont Mouth-Plover, which high-status Argonians use to clean their fangs after dining. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Coronation Coin (page) This small gold token is one of many minted to celebrate the ascension of Queen Ayrenn to the throne. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Counterfeit Moon-Sugar (page) The mysterious grains in this sack have been altered to highly resemble and smell like pure moon-sugar. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Creepy Stuffed Crow (page) A prized pet crow, stuffed and mounted for display, shows how far wealthy Rivenspire citizens will go to hold onto the past. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Cricket Cage (page) A small weasel-bone cage, lovingly crafted and occupied by a single cricket. It remains eerily quiet. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Crimson Cove Torrid Tango Scrimshaw (page) Scrimshaw leviathan tooth, carved to depict two Bosmer dancing the Torrid Tango, signed "Cap'n Kathner." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Crimson Scarf with Heart Badge (page) A mother's love runs through every fiber. Knitted to shield her child from the brisk cold of the Colovian forests. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Crimson Torchbug Lantern (page) A jar with leaves, grasses, and twigs which can keep torchbugs alive and let their light shine throughout a room. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Teeth.png Crocodile Charm (page) A charm made from the skin and teeth of a crocodile. They are distributed to the Dro-Dara Plantation's most esteemed visitors. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tooth.png Crude Tooth Paperweight (page) This grisly paperweight features a molar taken from a Dogeater Goblin perched atop a resin block. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Painting.png Crystal Mountain Range (page) A faithful depiction of the Druadach Mountain Range, carved from semi-precious stone. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Crystal Sweetroll (page) Whomever carved this trinket clearly had a deep love and appreciation for sweetrolls. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Cultist Eyestone (page) A smooth pebble engraved with a primitive symbol: an eye ringed by three wavy lines, an ancient symbol for Hermaeus Mora. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Cut-Glass Slug Terrarium with Elden Tree (page) Delicate terrarium for pet slugs with three cut-glass sides and a ceramic Elden Tree sculpture for the slugs to climb on. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Cyrodiil Badge of Honor (page) A prestigious gold medal given to warriors wounded in the Three Banners War. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Cyrodiil Medal of Honor (page) High King Emeric honors soldiers who return from the War of Three Banners with one of these prestigious silver medals. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Cyrodiil Service Medal (page) The Skald-King honors soldiers who return from the War of Three Banners with one of these prestigious gold medals. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Dark Elf Incense Burner (page) An incense burner engraved with an image of Almalexia and the words "Mother Morrowind." 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Deadwood Knickknack (page) A chunk of deadwood carved to resemble a monkey and mounted to a block for display, most likely by a Khajiit, just because. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Facepaint.png Deathbringer Clan Facepaint (page) This small pot of facepaint smells pungently of blood. The sigil of Valkynaz Seris is stamped on the bottom of the glass. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities, Cosmetics
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Deathclaw Ordure (page) A hunter in Bleakrock sells these petrified piles produced by the giant bat as good luck charms of a sort. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Wig.png Decorative Moody Mer False Face (page) This porcelain mask is painted to resemble an exaggeratedly grumpy High Elf. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Decorative Skull Bottle (page) Made from thick green glass, this bottle is designed to resemble a human skull with a silver stopper at the crown of the head. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Delicate Brass Birdcage (page) Fanciful birdcage of brass wire, with a chain and eyelet for hanging, labeled "Sabir's General Goods" underneath. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Delicate Ceramic Bud Vase (page) White and rose pink bud vase of subtle floral curves, from Skywatch Mercantile. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Depleted Bromjunaar Stone (page) Once capable of returning its bearer to the ancient capital of Skyrim, it's now only good for pointing toward the Labyrinthian. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-pet-Ninendava Sacred Goat.png Depressing Stuffed Goat (page) A prized pet goat, stuffed and mounted for display, shows how far wealthy Riften citizens will go to hold onto the past. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Diminutive Mundus Stone (page) A wandering merchant who visits Eastmarch once every season sells these small, stone paperweights in the shape of Mundus Stones. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Dining Table Dung Beetle House (page) Small pearl- and agate-studded pod-house used to contain the large dung beetle released to clean up the table between courses. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Disappointing Birdhouse (page) A set of seven rough-cut wood squares, sloppily nailed together to form a very badly-made birdhouse. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Do'Krin Prayer Beads (page) Prayer beads carved at Do'Krin Temple. They are valued for their pleasant musk scent. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Stamp.png Dragon Bridge Wax Seal Stamp (page) Used by those assigned duty at Dragon Bridge Garrison, this wax seal stamp depicts a simple bridge icon. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tableware.png Dragon Gravy Boat (page) A gravy boat in the shape of a dragon, crafted by Ceramic Masterpieces of Skyrim. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Dragon Paperweight (page) A small, heavy dragon of shaped glass, used to keep papers and other documents from scattering in a strong breeze. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Dragon Scale Scrimshaw (page) Most scrimshaw is carved into tooth or bone, but the scale of a Dragon works too. The image depicts an Imperial galley. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Dragonstar Arena Consolation Prize (page) The steel-dipped spine of a failed Dragonstar Arena competitor. Typically presented to next of kin, or sold on the black market. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Dragonstar Caravan Company Placemats (page) Woven placemats bearing the seal of the Dragonstar Caravan Company and distributed as a promotional item. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Dragonstar Picnic Basket (page) Burzgrag in Dragonstar packs and sells these picnic baskets for miners and others who work outdoors for long hours at a time. 00000100100 Gold Furnishings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Decanter.png Dreamweaver Wisp Mobile (page) A hanging sculpture of blown glass with small wisps trapped inside. Its dazzling light is said to foster pleasant dreams. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wall Décor, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Dres Grandmaster Memorial Medal (page) Golden medal memorializing Grandmaster Thalthil Dres, who established Dres as a Great House by his slave-raid on Thorn. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Dried Royal Bouquet (page) This bouquet of desiccated flowers was carried by one of the bridesmaids at King Emeric's wedding to Queen Maraya. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Driftwood Flummery (page) A chunk of driftwood carved into the shape of a sweetroll and mounted to a small block for display. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Druid Cloak Clasp (page) A bronze buckle in the twisted triangle shape of the three circles. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Holder.png Dueling Durzog Candlesticks (page) A pair of silver candlesticks carved to resemble two durzogs at play. 00000100100 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Attunement Sphere.png Dwarf Ball (page) It's unlikely that the Dwemer created this small gyro-sphere for smacking around with sticks, but Nords built a sport around it. 00000250250 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Dwemer Hammer Hilt (page) The hilt of an ancient Dwemer warhammer, retained as an heirloom by some Dark Elf family. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Eamond and Arzhela Spice Shakers (page) These rare porcelain spice shakers are painted to look like the king and queen. They were given out at the couple's wedding. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Tree.png Ebony Treehenge Bookends (page) A pair of heavy ebony bookends, each cast in the shape of the Green Lady Treestone from Treehenge. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Ebony Vessel of the Abyss (page) Conical black vase used for meditation; a look into its interior is like peering into an endlessly-deepening black nothingness. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png The Egg of the World (page) Crystal replica of the fist-sized gem Kinlady Entila Errinorne was searching for in the mine now called Entila's Folly. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Elaborate Hist Centerpiece (page) An imposing willow wood sculpture. Small polished jades have been inset between the roots to represent eggs. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Elaborate Skooma Pipe (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
This vessel of salvaged Dwemer mechanisms is a small furnace meant to intensify the user's smoking experience. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Utensils
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Emblazoned Arrowheads (page) Forge-Wife Glesh created a series of these decorative arrowheads to commemorate the birth of Chief Tazgol's daughter, Lokra. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Embossed Scarlet Dice (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
These dice have an unsettling crimson sheen to them. When they roll, a small amount of liquid inside seems to move. 00000250250 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Embroidered Coin Purse (page) Ornate embroidered coin purse with brass clamshell closure, 'Presented by the Bank of Kvatch.' 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Monocle.png Emerald Sugar Cane Brooch (page) Commonly worn by wealthy moon-sugar farmers, this glittering pendant is sure to impress. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Coins.png Emperor Moricar Decennial Coin (page) A commemorative coin struck to mark the tenth anniversary of Emperor Moricar's coronation. It's a poor likeness. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Escape-Proof Daedrat Habitat (page) A small wrought iron pen emblazoned with arcane wards. No Daedrat can escape this enclosure. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Etched Troll Tooth (page) A large tooth taken from the mouth of a troll. An unknown scrimshander etched Kyne's War Prayer into the enamel. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Ever-Blooming Bonsai Tree (page) Rectangular pot containing a living bonsai, a miniature Auridon Gorapple perpetually blossoming pink blooms. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Everlasting Slumber Pillow (page) A pillow fashioned with a waterskin in the center, in hopes it will stay cool overnight. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Exquisite Carved Reman-Era Fan (page) Antique folding fan, exquisitely carved from some kind of dark chitin, dating from the brief reign of Emperor Kastav. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-trait material-Sapphire.png Eye of Sithis See-All (page) Some Dhalmora Argonians believe this serpent-eye gem, when placed beside their beds, will watch over them during the night. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Fabricant Brands (page) Those who presume to lay claim to a tamed fabricant sometimes affix a metal badge to its chassis as a mark of ownership. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Fang.png Fang of Krahjotdaan (page) Faded inscriptions cover the surface of this prodigious yellow fang. They depict the slaying of the high dragon Krahjotdaan. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Fanisea Kwama Egg (page) A kwama egg of porcelain and gem stones, crafted by the artist Fanisea. Not one of her fancy works, but beautiful all the same. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Farziseh's Harpy Egg (page) A harpy egg of porcelain and gem stones, crafted by the artist Farziseh. Not one of her fancy works, but beautiful all the same. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Fashionable Mudcrab Inkwell (page) A hollow, blown-glass inkwell, shaped like a mudcrab. A blown-glass Colovian fur helm screws into the top to preserve the ink. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Fast-Running Hourglass (page) A common time-keeping device. This one's sand runs a bit fast. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Feast of Dibella Centerpiece (page) Many Nord families display this silver mirror in the shape of a moth for the annual Feast of Dibella celebration. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png "Field Guide to Lava" Pumice Cube (page) Light stone cube, painted on all six sides, depicting the six most common kinds of lava in Stonefalls. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Filigreed Falinesti Acorn (page) A fist-sized acorn preserved with a coat of dark lacquer and trimmed with gilt edging around the cap. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png First Auridon Marines Medal (page) A sterling silver veteran's medal presented to those who have served in the First Auridon Marines. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Five-Coast Snuff Box (page) Containing inhalants from the five most popular beaches in the Summerset Isles, this is a prized companion for long voyages. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Flawless Black Pearl (page) A large and well-polished swamp pearl from the heart of Black Marsh. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Floral Vase (page) Form follows function. This vase is used to hold flowers and it has flowers painted on it. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Fossilized Centipede (page) A piece of shale impressed with the remains of an ancient Black Marsh centipede. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Fox-Bone Chime (page) These hollow bone chimes sing a soothing song when blown by the wind. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Fungal Spore Fabric Glister (page) Instructions on tin: To brighten lackluster fabric, apply to garment, rub. Works well with Fungal Spore Scent Eliminator! 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Fungal Spore Scent Eliminator (page) Instructions on tin: To remove unwanted fungal smells, apply to garment, rub briskly. Use gloves to prevent irritation. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Garden Troll Varmint Defender (page) Carved from ironwood by the Matrons of Shor's Stone, these friendly trolls are happy to protect your garden from unwanted pests. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Magic Curiosities, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Giant Bat Skull Paperweight (page) Exotic paperweight made from the skull of a giant bat from Shadowfate Cavern. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Giant's Toe Lucky Charm (page) A good luck charm said to grant the wearer the strength and stamina of a Giant, though most are made from dried horker meat. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Gilded Eagle Lamp (page) A brass lamp with gold accents, shaped to resemble a screaming eagle in flight. 00000100100 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Gilded Spore Print Box (page) A small box whose top is decorated with spore prints that have been traced out in fine gold filigree. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Gilded Terrarium (page) A glass bowl with a shining, golden rim that could serve as a home for tiny animals or insects. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Girvu's Lucky Horseshoe (page) This decorative, gold-painted horseshoe bears the brand of Girvu's Stables [sic] in Mournhold and supposedly brings luck to the owner. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Glass Display Fishbowl (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A fancy soup bowl with a weighted bottom, used for fine dining aboard larger ships. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Crystal Shard.png Glass Orb Dovah-Fly (page) A pretty blue dovah-fly, embedded in a small glass orb. How did they put it in there, anyway? 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Glowing Shard (page) A sharp glowing shard of arcane energy collected outside of Spellscar. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Gold Censer (page) A censer that gleams with a polished surface. It's fit for religious use or as an expensive paperweight. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Gold Coast Trading Company Paperweight (page) A solid ebony puck with 'GCTC' etched on the top. Though heavy, it is not aerodynamic enough to hurl at an enemy. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Hair.png Gold Tassels (page) These tassels would look good in any room. They would sell well to the right buyer. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Honey.png Gold-Plated Honeycomb (page) Gold-plated sculptural honeycomb placed in the mouth of roast suckling wild boar during the Rain's Hand Revels. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Gold-Plated Napkin Holder Set (page) A very rare set of gold-plated napkin holders used at the feast celebrating the coronation of King Hidellith. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Golden Braid Band (page) A band of pure gold, designed to secure and decorate the hair braids or beard braids of stylish Nords. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Needle.png Golden Gaff Letter Opener (page) A letter opener made from a gaff hook dipped in gold. Created to commemorate the Pirate Queen. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Golden Gorapple Replica (page) An exact replica of the rare specimen of fruit, sculpted with the utmost care. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Holder.png Golden Sep Adder Candlesticks (page) Pair of gold candlesticks wrought in the form of rearing sep adders, wings spread and fanged mouths open. 00000250250 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Sundial.png Golden Sun Talisman of Magnus (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A shining piece of metal that reflects even the dimmest rays of light to brighten a room. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Golden Tooth.png Golden Tooth of a Golden Saint (page) A detailed emblem depicting an elderly man with three faces is carved into this gleaming tooth. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Diagna Statuette.png Gonfalon Colossus Paperweight (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A heavy, flat-bottomed wood carving of the Gonfalon Colossus statue with several holes for holding quills. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Grandee's Alabaster Auspice Ibis (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Alabaster statuette of a sacred ibis, hinged at the hips, said to lean forward to give a favorable answer to a question. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Greymist Falls Scrimshaw Tusk (page) Delicate scrimshaw carving on imported horker tusk depicting a couple picnicking at Greymist Falls. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Guar Paperweight (page) A small, heavy guar of shaped clay, it is a popular desk accessory in Dhalmora and the surrounding countryside. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Guar Sun Catcher (page) Colorful pieces of transparent glass have been carefully shaped into a small guar. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Guard Duty Stones (page) A leather pouch contains 30 crystal spheres of various hues, plus instructions for determining guard duty times or positions. 00000250250 Gold Tools, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Spell Lattice.png Gurges and Associates Silver Keychain (page) Finely-wrought silver keychain with a crystal fob. Etched with the seal of Gurges and Associates, the "fallen house." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Skeletal Hand.png Hadolid Claw (page) A length of rope loops through the claw, making it a macabre keychain. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Haj Mota Shell Jewelry Box (page) A jewelry box crafted of carved haj mota shell with silver inlay. 00000103103 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Hall of Heroes Prayer Beads (page) These ivory prayer beads came from the necropolis in Southern Bangkorai. The centerpiece is a crude likeness of Makela Leki. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Hanging Stars (page) Small star-shaped ornaments with holes poked through one point so they can be hung on walls or strung from the ceiling. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Forgemasters Medallion.png Harbormaster's Badge (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A rounded metal disc with a pin on the back to secure it to a jacket. There's a picture of the docks engraved into the metal. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Comb.png Hastily Mended Comb (page) In Khajiiti culture, a broken comb curses its owner with failing beauty. Seems like someone tried to reverse their misfortune. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png High King's Lion (page) A medal shaped like a lion's head, High King Emeric awards the Lion for acts of heroism and special service to the crown. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Tree.png Hist Bookends (page) A pair of masterfully carved bookends that resemble a tangle of Hist roots. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Hist Tree Crystal Orb (page) Crystal orb containing a tiny sculpture of the Percolating Mire Hist Tree; when inverted, small white flakes shower down. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Measures.png Hlaalu "Golden Scales" Paperweight (page) Small gold paperweight in the form of a pair of scales, the symbol of House Hlaalu. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Hollow Gear (page) The secret compartment in this gear is used for smuggling skooma across the Brass Fortress. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Homemade Tribute Patron (page) Someone carved a Tribute Patron token to resemble someone. Given the crudeness of the design, it's hard to guess who. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Honeysap Everchew Treats (page) An imported package of chewing gum made from the rare and tasty moon-sugar honeysap of Elsweyr. 00000103103 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Horker-Toss Prize Plaque (page) Nice imported mahogany plaque with mounted horker tusk, inscribed "Runner-Up, Frostbreak Fort Horker Toss." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-head-Scamp.png Horrible Mummified Banekin (page) Grotesque mummified body of a small humanoid Daedra; a label around its ankle reads "Proof of the existence of Broken Tusk!" 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Horsemaster's Symbol of Prowess (page) A badge of a bronze, galloping horse. Given to students upon graduation from a now defunct Imperial academy. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Horseshoe from the Hot Iron (page) A lucky horseshoe, crafted at the Hot Iron in Bleakrock, it appears to be well made. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png House Cricket Cage (page) A small cage made from fine silver wire, intended to contain a small house cricket—considered good luck in Orsinium. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Hunding Prayer Beads (page) The centerpiece of these prayer beads is a small crystal sword. The beads were crafted to pay homage to Divad Hunding. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Statuette Daedric Dog.png Hunting Grounds Periapt (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A piece of onyx carved into the shape of a fox with curiously kind eyes and a smile. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Icereach Frost Charm (page) Carved from the pitiless ice of the Sea of Ghosts, its enchantments prevent it from melting, but its significance is a mystery. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze 04.png Iliath Temple Paperweight (page) Heavy basalt paperweight carved in the likeness of the Iliath Temple. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Imperial Eye of Akatosh (page) This holy symbol was popular among the Imperial Legionnaires who once encroached upon Black Marsh. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Imperial Napkin Holders (page) These expensive ebony napkin holders were a gift from a Colovian noble to High King Amdashir of Hammerfell. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Utensils
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Imperial Sceptre (page) A rod made of solid gold and adorned with silver etches and jewels. It probably belonged to royalty. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Imported Bosmeri Eye-Spoons (page) Incomplete set of 5 copperplate Bosmeri pointed eye-spoons, in display case labeled "Ottaesa's Imports." 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Imported Feather Dangle Stick (page) Inlaid wood dangle stick with a rare Craglorn fellrunner feather on the end of its string. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Seal.png Indoril Councilor's Seal (page) Heavy gold seal of House Indoril; used to press the house seal into warm wax when sealing official envelopes. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Iridescent Shell Bowls (page) Decorative bowls made out of hollowed sea shells, the inside is awash with the blended hues of the sunrise. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Iron Lizard Crate (page) An iron cage designed to hold pet lizards and train them to empty their bladder outside. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Iron Orc Arrow Head (page) A souvenir from a battle or a lucky charm found in the wilderness, this arrowhead is clearly in the rough Iron Orc style. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Ivory Anvil Lighthouse Paperweight (page) Paperweight carved from timber mammoth ivory representing the Anvil Lighthouse. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Jade Serpent Figurine (page) A serpent-shaped statuette covered in a light dusting of red-orange specks. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Jade Tribute Dice (page) Nestled in a laquered case, these beautiful dice are intended to be used to count your prestige during a game of Tribute. 00000250250 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Jade Vase (page) This wide vase is delicately carved with small flowers. It has a distinct green coloring to it. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Jadeite Baandari Tarot Deck (page) 34-card Baandari tarot deck of engraved jadeite placards, imported from Alabaster. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Jar of Fungal Grotto Mushroom Unguent (page) Ornamental limeware jar of fungal emollient; exudes a heady fragrance redolent of deep grottos. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Jar of Pretty Seashells (page) A glass jar filled with pink and orange shells, labeled "Strident Coast." 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Jar of Repulsive Goblin Toenails (page) One Goblin's toenail is another's treasure. Neatly stacked and sealed for a purpose only its collector knows. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Jeweled Elven Ear Cuffs (page) Long ear cuffs of silver wire with small topaz accents. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Jeweled Lensatic Egg-Sculpture (page) Strange heartwood sculpture of a lens-shaped egg inlaid with veins of copper and stones of orange chalcedony. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Jone and Jode Decorative Clackers (page) Hung on walls, carts, and stalls all over Elsweyr, these decorative percussion moons allow for a divine touch to any decor. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png "Key" to Sanguine's Demesne (page) Carnelian cut into the shape of a key, engraved "The Key to Sanguine's Demesne, Where Fantasy is Reality." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Khenarthi's Roost Paperweight (page) Chunk of rose quartz cut into the shape of the island, inscribed "Compliments of Mistral Treasury" on the bottom. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Carafe.png King Donel's Beard Shavings (page) A vial of beard hairs from Donel of Deleyn. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png King Gardner's Golden Horseshoes (page) The former king of Wayrest so loved his horses that he had golden horseshoes forged to protect their hooves. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png King's Time Hourglass (page) King Eamond of Evermore believed punctuality was a virtue and was known to give valuable hourglasses to his honored guests. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-War Toy.png Knight of the Albatross Figurine (page) A pocket-sized figure dressed like a Knight of the Albatross. It has a little sword. 00000250250 Gold Children's Toys, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Knot Bauble (page) The Tarnished often decorate their hovels with small charms and figures made from twisted wire and loose scrap. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tapestry.png Knotted-Rope Frame (page) The pieces of knotted rope set in this small frame depicts various types of nautical knots. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Konunleikar Bookmark Keepsake (page) The Mages Guild distributed these stylish leather bookmarks in honor of the Skald-King's Konunleikar celebration. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Konunleikar Festival Basket (page) Fertab in Windhelm packs and sells these festival baskets, full of everything necessary for a long day of celebrating. 00000100100 Gold Furnishings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Dream Catcher.png Kothringi Dream Catcher (page) Small bits of string and beads are woven together into a small circle. There is a single black feather attached at the bottom. 00000100100 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Kwama Egg Armillary Sphere (page) Armillary sphere showing the orbits of the Aurbis' celestial objects, etched on an Onkobra Mines kwama egg. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Kwama Scrib-Head Bugsmoke Ashtray (page) With the failure of the Burroot Kwama Mine, the owners tried to recoup by fashioning items from kwama carapaces. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Kyne Prayer Stone (page) A smooth stone engraved with the quote: "Bless us, Kyne. May we serve you with every word." 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Kyne Relic.png Kyne's Token (page) A Nord ornament, polished from much handling, sacred to Kyne, goddess of the storm. 000015001500 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png Labyrinthian Pebble (page) Though it bears no enchantment, small bits of the great ruin near Morthal are thought to ward away Elves. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Lacquered Feather (page) While lacquered and preserved, this feather catches the air gracefully when released into the wind. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Lacquered Wood Puzzle Box (page) A small, well-made puzzle box that is surprisingly hard to open. It rattles when you shake it. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Pearls.png Larimar False Eye (page) A smoothly polished blue stone, intended for ocular socketing. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Lifelike Stuffed Chicken (page) A prized pet chicken, stuffed and mounted for display, shows how far wealthy Daggerfall citizens will go to keep memories alive. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-pet-Windhelm Wolfhound.png Lifelike Stuffed Dog (page) A prized pet dog, stuffed and mounted for display, shows how far wealthy citizens will go to keep memories alive. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Miniature Lighthouse.png Lighthouse Centrepiece (page) A scale replica of the Koeglin Lighthouse, cast in polished bronze. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Little Glass Bears (page) A menagerie of colorful bears with exaggerated proportions that make them far cuter than anything seen in Skyrim's wilderness. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Living Model of Elden Root (page) This painstakingly accurate model of the city of Elden Root was created using an actual, still-living miniature tree. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Lorkrata Hills Keepsake (page) A small stone, possibly Ayleid in origin, found in the Lorkrata Hills and kept as a memento. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Magnificent Grahtwood Beetle Collection (page) Glass-covered box containing a collection of over a hundred mounted beetles, arranged in prismatic order from red to violet. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Malachite Tower Vase (page) This tall, thin vase is made from malachite and shaped like a Breton Watchtower. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-quest-Elephant Figurine.png Mammoth Paperweight (page) A small, heavy mammoth of shaped glass, used to keep papers and other documents from scattering in a cold wind. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Mammoth Tusk Jewelry Box (page) An intricately-carved jewelry box crafted from an enormous mammoth tusk. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Mara's Bosom Aromatic Oil (page) A sweet-smelling oil, burned at night to make a Breton's bedchamber soothing and fragrant. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Mara's Floral Star Vase (page) A traditional Nord wedding gift, the four-pointed floral star is a popular symbol associated with Mara, the goddess of love. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Mara's Hands Vase (page) This porcelain vase was molded to look like a pair of clasped hands nurturing the flowers within. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Marble Kwama Egg (page) This marble kwama egg is often used to decorate homes, though it may be off-putting to those not familiar with the delicacy. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Maritime Hourglass (page) This small brass hourglass was likely taken from the Maiden's Breath. Its fine gray sand counts thirty minutes before expiring. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Masser's Hour Clock (page) The glass bulbs of this hourglass are encased in a silver stand. The sand within is a dark red, and measures an hour's time. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Matching Doomcrag Bookends (page) These bookends, modeled after the nightmarish peak, so frightened customers that few sets survived the town square bonfires. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Matching Troll Bookends (page) These bookends, modeled after the nightmarish creatures known as trolls, so frightened customers that few sets still exist. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Abetment Medallion.png Medallion of Abetment (page) This talisman is reputed to bring the possessor good luck. 000015001500 Gold Ritual Objects, Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Merryroot Trim (page) Crafted for the inside of headgear, this gnarled root both secures items to a wearer's hair and smells like fresh rain. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Minature Slippers of Rajhin (page) Created from silk and leather, these black slippers seem to honor Rajhin given that his name is embroidered within each one. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Miniature Lighthouse.png Miniature Lighthouse (page) A miniature of one of the beacons of Auridon. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Miniature Mundus Stone Model (page) A wandering merchant who visits Craglorn once every season sells these small, stone paperweights in the shape of Mundus Stones. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Miniature Portrait of Queen Ayrenn (page) The queen has never looked more stunning in two dimensions than in this locket-sized portrait. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Blade Shard.png Miniature Silver Dagger (page) Mostly decorative, although a desperate warrior might stab a very small werewolf to death with a few tries 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Parasol.png Miniature Stained Glass Parasol (page) A miniature parasol made of gold and stained glass. An ingenious mechanism allows the glass leaves to unfold. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Miniature Tavern (page) Some wealthy citizens collect models fashioned after actual taverns and inns found throughout Tamriel. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tusk.png Minotaur Horn Spigot (page) Engraved with symbols of the Dreadhorn clan. This hollow horn is used to drain blood from sacrifices to Hircine. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Minotaur Horn Warhorn (page) A warhorn fashioned from a particularly large minotaur's horn. Contrary to rumor, it doesn't produce a braying sound when blown. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Monkey's Fist Knot (page) A difficult but useful knot for sailors, climbers, and other working folk. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Sled Horn.png Morihaus' Sled Horn (page) An ancient Atmoran sled horn, rumored to have been blown by Morihaus-Breath-of-Kyne during his taking of the White-Gold Tower. 000015001500 Gold Musical Instruments, Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Morrowind House Fungus (page) A smaller variety of the large, glowing mushrooms that dot the Morrowind countryside, set in a pot and used to beautify a home. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Lights
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Mother Mara Fertility Beads (page) Highly sought after, these beads often decorate shrines dedicated to Mara or are worn to encourage fertility. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Mother Morrowind Meditation Beads (page) Meditation beads used to contemplate the mysteries of the Tribunal, especially the blessings of Almalexia. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Mother-of-Pearl Incense Box (page) Box of carved mother-of-pearl containing a selection of incenses: myrrh, sandalwood, and frankincense. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Mounted Extinct Flightless Bird (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Rare taxidermied example of the now-extinct gooblet, a flightless bird that lived along the Hammerfell coast before the Ra Gada. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Mournhold Memento Box (page) A collection of Mournhold mementos, obviously important to their owner, including locks of hair and other sentimental items. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Shards.png Multicolored Sea Glass (page) A fair-sized piece of colorful sea glass set on a small stand and displayed as a household ornament. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Musical Snuff Box (page) A sterling silver snuff box with a wind-up mechanism that plays music when opened. 00000250250 Gold Musical Instruments, Devices, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Mystical Mysteries Table Mat (page) A woven placemat crafted by Skyrim artisans and bearing the distinctive symbols associated with Saerdor the Mystic. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Narsis Dren Portrait (page) This signed, limited-edition portrait of the famed Dark Elf dungeon-delver can be found in the nightstands of ardent admirers. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Necrom Ancestral Incense Smoker (page) This porcelain vessel depicts a lordly Dark Elf in his final repose. Burning incense produces smoke from the lord's nostrils. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Nedic Sword Pommel (page) The pommel of an ancient Nedic sword, retained as an heirloom by some Breton family. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Petal.png Nibenese Pinwheel (page) This colorful pinwheel often appears in Nibenese landscaping, lending a sense of regal frivolity to any garden. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Nilata Crystal Shard (page) This is a lifeless shard broken off an Ayleid crystal in the Nilata Ruins. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Nimare's Lucky Horseshoe (page) This decorative, crimson horseshoe bears the brand of Nimare's Noble Steeds in Marbruk and supposedly brings luck to the owner. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Nord Gold-Plated Snow Jars (page) Wealthy Nord households take the tradition of saving snow from each year's Wintertide Festival in sealed jars very seriously. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Obsidian Orc Lamp (page) A polished obsidian lamp, carved to resemble a snarling Orc. 00000250250 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Old Mournhold Painted Vase (page) This gold-rimmed vase bears an underglaze painting depicting Mehrunes Dagon's destruction of Mournhold. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Onkabra Clay Vase (page) The distinctive red clay of the Onkabra delta makes for very distinctive pottery. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Onyx Serpent Carving (page) A carving that's dark as the night, and cool to the touch. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mortar.png Opal Snuffbox (page) A small vessel carved out of precious stone. This one appears to be filled with finely ground tobacco. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Orc Chieftain's Spearhead (page) A souvenir from the Breton-Orc conflicts of the past, this ornate spearhead was probably wielded by an Orc chieftain. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Orc Tusk Consolation Medal (page) Catgut strung with a dozen Wood Orc tusks, attached to a bone disc; engraved "Drublog Orc Hunt, Runner-Up." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-style material-Molybdenum.png Orcish Worry Stone (page) Unlike typical worry stones, the Orcish variety are made from a coarse, gritty stone that is quick to build callouses. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Orichalcum Incense Burner (page) This Orichalcum incense burner was crafted recently in Wayrest and then shipped up the Bjoulsae River to be sold in Bangkorai. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Ornamental Box of Family Egg-Shards (page) Thornwood box with mother-of-pearl inlay containing a selection of family egg-shards going back several generations. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Ornamental Crocodile Skull (page) Superb decorated crocodile skull, ornamented with golden fangs, amethyst-geode eyes, and bird-of-paradise feathers. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Ornate Place Setting (page) The embroidery on this place setting is extraordinary. It appears to use a mix of fine gold and silver thread. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dry Goods
ON-icon-quest-Monster Teeth.png Ornaug Molars (page) Hunters often fashion trinkets and buttons from Ornaug teeth. These would make an exceptional set of dice. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Oversized Feather Wand (page) Hours of entertainment can be all yours with this simple combination of stick, string, and feather! 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Oystershell Candy Stash (page) Rounded into a perfectly symmetrical shallow dish with a hinged lid, this sizable oyster is perfect for holding small candies. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pitcher.png Pacrooti's Mole Asses (page) A jug of a peculiar and popular brand of molasses, bottled and sold by an enterprising young Khajiit. 00000103103 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Pair of Elden Tree Scroll Weights (page) Smooth marble weights, oval, for holding a scroll open on a desk, each engraved with an image of the Elden Tree. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Pale Moonstone Carvings (page) Smooth symbols carved from moon touched stone. They shine like bone in any light. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Parasol.png Panther Skin Sun Parasol (page) An Argonian lady's parasol, used to prevent the hot sun from drying out her scales. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Pearl Kwama Figure (page) A kwama intricately created from various sizes of pearls, this is often used to decorate shelves or dining tables. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Personalized Wooden Disc (page) A Dark Elf name, carved into a decorative wooden disc. It's positioned so the owner never forgets what he or she is called. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Petal.png Petal From the Sanguine Rose (page) From a rare flower said to bloom in the myriad planes of Oblivion. 000015001500 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Pewter Paperweight (page) It's heavy and it just sits there—the perfect paperweight. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Blood Phial.png Phial of Leovic's Blood (page) This tiny phial contains blood of the former Emperor Leovic, supposedly collected at his regicide. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze 02.png Piece of the Palace of Ysgramor (page) A chunk of stone from the damaged Palace of Ysgramor. A number of these have illegally found their way into Nord homes. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Pirate Ship Model (page) Its brass nameplate identifies this intricately-detailed model of a Maormer pirate vessel "The Wandering Gale." 00000103103 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Decanter.png Pocket Bloom Carrier (page) This dainty glass container is meant to hold a single plucked flower of moderate size for transport to a waiting paramour. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Pocket Mammoth Snow Globe (page) Shake this glass snow globe to see its adorable baby pocket mammoth in a blizzard of fine flakes. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Orc Fist.png Polished Iron Hand (page) A gift from Chief Tazgol to a mutilated would-be usurper. "Better luck next time" is engraved on the palm. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Porcelain Vase (page) A fragile vessel—almost certainly antique. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Male Portrait.png Portrait of the Mane (page) The great spiritual leader of the Khajiit is here captured in simple artistic style. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Potted Valenwood Flytrap (page) A rare carnivorous plant found only in the deepest forests of Valenwood. Its leaves are a powerful aphrodisiac. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Pouch of Candied Gorapples (page) The contents of this pouch are pungent and inedible. Some thieves use them to throw off the scent of pursuing animals. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Pouch of Dried Marshweed (page) A pouch of dried smoke weed popular among Bright-Throat elders. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Precious Kynesgrove Prayer Beads (page) Rare mother-of-pearl prayer beads, dedicated to Kyne and crafted by the keepers of Kynesgrove for wealthy patrons. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Presentation Set of Sharpening Stones (page) Three sharpening stones of different density and coarseness in a jadeite presentation box, engraved "Morkul Forge." 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Preserved Flowers and Feathers (page) Pressed flowers and feathers arranged in a stunning bouquet and preserved in lightly tinted amber. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Head.png Prized Antlers (page) These horns look like they were torn off of the animal's skull, but are otherwise in excellent condition. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Riding Crop.png Prized Maplewood Stick (page) Even the simplest reminders of the living world are a rare comfort to those stranded in Clockwork City. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Queen Freydis' Curly Ringlets (page) A lock of curly red hair sealed in a jar, proclaimed to be from the head of Queen Freydis of Eastern Skyrim. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Queen Mabjaarn's Risque Etching (page) Wild and carefree before taking up the crown, this revealing etching of Mabjaarn Flame-Hair is credited to Fjokki the Bard. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Nurnhilde's Clipping.png Queen Nurnhilde's Nail Clipping (page) A locket with a nail supposedly clipped from the corpse of Queen Nurnhilde before her interment. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Questionable Locket (page) The portrait displayed within this locket shows a vaguely feline face, perhaps the depiction of someone's pet or lover. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Quicksilver Anchor (page) This exquisite little anchor was designed to be ornamental. It features a depiction of Tava wrapped around the shank. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Ra Gada Helm Ornament (page) A beautiful orichalc bird with wide wings that once crowned a Yokudan Hel Shira's helmet. It is clearly Tava resplendent. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Rare Flowering Violet (page) A well-nurtured violet plant. Its purple flowers are quite lovely. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Gilded Conch.png Rare Fossil (page) This well-preserved shell was likely found on the beaches outside Haven. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Furniture.png Red "Ruby Throne" Folding Stool (page) Folding camp stool with seat of fancy red leather tooled in diamond designs, from Anvil Ironworks & Tannery. 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Red Heavens Lamp (page) When this oil lamp is lit, the hundreds of embedded rubies produce a mesmerizing depiction of the constellations. 00000250250 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Riding Crop.png Red Mountain Hand Fan (page) Displaying Red Mountain mid-eruption, this fan is usually bought by travelers, as most Vvardenfell natives deem it unlucky. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Reman's Death Bookends (page) One bookend shows a dagger emerging from the books while the other is a figure of Reman III falling dead. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Replica Blessing Stone (page) For the devoted Dark Elf who wants the feeling of Lord Vivec's protection in their home. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Staff.png Replica Staff of Magnus (page) Only a mage could tell the difference between this and the authentic staff. A smuggler or con artist could find much use for it. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Rich Red Silk Tablecloth (page) A silk tablecloth embroidered with gold thread. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Female Portrait.png Risque Boudoir Portrait (page) A portrait of a buxom young Nord wearing nothing but a horned helmet and a provocative smile. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png The Ritual Star Charm (page) Seven green beads that hang in the shape of the ritual constellation. The beads look as if someone rubbed them for good luck. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Goblet.png Roister's Club Cup (page) A slightly chipped cup from the Gonfalon Bay Roister's Club. 00000100100 Gold Games, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Rose Painted Skull (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A skull carefully painted with roses and surrounded by petals. Hidden inside one of the eye sockets is a dried peach. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Royal Accolade of the Hunt (page) A golden recognition medal from the Skald-King, awarded to the master hunters of Skyrim. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Royal Mahout's Ceremonial Ankus (page) Bejeweled ankus of the First Era formerly used on holidays by a mahout of the Royal Camoran Timber Mammoth Corps. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Ruby Fetcherfly Pendant (page) The allure of this pendant is a mystery to many, but an avid group of collectors keep these odd pendants in pristine condition. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Ruby Heart of Quartz (page) An orb of clear quartz surrounding a moderately sized ruby, there are no facets or evidence that the quartz has been opened. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ruby Paragon.png The Ruby Paragon (page) A great, oval scarlet gemstone in an ancient setting of wrought silver. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Ruby.png Ruby from the Ruby Throne (page) This sparkling gem is the size of a grown Orc's fist and has been shaped to form a simulacrum of the Imperial Ruby. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tooth.png Runic Teeth (page) A collection of assorted animal fangs carved with various Nord runes. Using them for the purpose of fortune-telling is outlawed. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Satin Roses (page) These delicate flowers were made by hand out of red satin. The long green stems look to be made of wood. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-ava-Siege Weapon.png Scale Model Dominion Catapult (page) A small working model of a siege catapult. Miniature meatbags sold separately! 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Children's Toys
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Scrapourri (page) The trend of leaving vessels filled with polished scrap and scented oils about a dwelling is catching on in the Brass Fortress. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-style material-Molybdenum.png Sculpting Stone (page) The thick crust of small metal bits cling to this powerful lodestone are easily shaped into simple designs for amusement. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Scute.png Scute of the Mock Turtle (page) Most scholars dismiss tales of a massive turtle dwelling beyond the Weir Gate as pure nonsense … but this shell is really big. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Sea Glass Frippery (page) A chunk of colored sea glass carved into the shape of a mudcrab and mounted to a small block for display. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Sea Glass Knickknack (page) A chunk of colored sea glass carved into the shape of a lion and mounted to a small block for display, just because. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Sea Serpent Carving (page) A coral figurine skillfully crafted to resemble the terrifying Pyandonean sea monsters commanded by the Maormer. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Sea's Bounty Bracelet (page) A string of barnacles polished to a sheen and set with perfect ocean pearls. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Seal of Solitude (page) The wolf's head symbol of Haafingar Hold wrought in silver for display on a mantle. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Sealed Imperial Banking Ink (page) A small pot of ink sealed with a faded sigil of the Empire, this was once used exclusively by bankers in Imperial City. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Seamount Clan Law-Stone (page) A lovingly polished stone that was engraved with all the laws of Clan Seamount. Use and age have rendered it illegible. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Seashell Wind Chimes (page) When Iron-In-Blood takes a break from crafting weapons, he makes these delicate chimes from local seashells. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Secunda's Minute Clock (page) The glass bulbs of this hourglass are encased in a gold stand. The sand within is a grayish white and measures a minute's time. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Seeker's Onyx Key (page) The bits on this ornamental onyx key are jagged, long, and irregular. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Sentinel Lion Medal (page) A Redguard medal bearing the image of a lion on the front and a Sentinel maker's mark on the back. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Seventh Legion Horseshoes (page) These steel-plated horseshoes were forged by Imperial smiths for members of the Seventh Legion. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Shadowfen Mud Collection (page) Collection of eight sealed glass jars, each containing a sample of mud from a different region of Shadowfen. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Shark Tooth.png Shark Tooth Necklace (page) A woman's necklace made from polished shark teeth. 00000103103 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Ship In A Bottle (page) A finely-crafted model of the Abecean Monarch, an Altmer ship of the All Flags Navy, constructed inside a small-necked bottle. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Shipwreck In A Bottle (page) A detailed shipwreck model bafflingly constructed inside a glass bottle with a tiny neck. 00000103103 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Shornhelm Triumvirate Swear Jar (page) One of the crystal jars Baron Dorell filled for every swear word he let slip during public sessions. Sadly, this one is empty. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Signed Sabthar Jorck Performance Tickets (page) A pair of tickets for Sabthar Jorck's monthly musical performance at The Lonely Troll tavern in Solitude. 00000250250 Gold Writings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Silken Hat Box (page) This flamboyant, silk-covered box might be even more colorful than the hat it once carried. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Anvil.png Silver Anvil Paperweight (page) This miniature anvil is wrought from the finest silver—a paperweight fit for a chief. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Silver Bell (page) A small bell with a light and cheerful jingle. 00000100100 Gold Musical Instruments, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Silver Censer (page) This silver vessel is etched with maritime motifs and filled with rich Alik'ri incense. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Silver Hoarvor Pipeworm Canister (page) Noble's silver canister in the likeness of an engorged hoarvor, and filled with the finest Strid-Bottom Pipeworm. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Silver Hoof Woven Mat (page) A woven placemat crafted by the Silver Hoof tribe and bearing the distinctive horse motif they favor. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Horseshoe.png Silver Horseshoe (page) Serves little function, but worth its weight in silver and it's studded with jewels that mark it as property of Camoran royalty. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Orc Fist.png Silver Knuckle-Stamp (page) A massive silver signet, carved to resemble an Orc fist. A fine tool for sealing threatening letters. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Silver Scull (page) A silver-chased short oar said to produce less noise in water. Those who aren't gullible would buy it for its decorative traits. 00000250250 Gold Wall Décor, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Silver Serviette Holder (page) A set of eight serviette holders, decorated with delicate filigree. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Silver Vial of Alit Horn Powder (page) A small, delicate silver vial filled with powdered alit horn, used by Orc shamans in fertility rituals. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Medical Supplies, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Silver-Chased Antique Hourglass (page) Antique Reman-Empire 'Akatosh' hourglass, with silver-chased frame and containing gold-flecked sand. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Tusk.png Skaal-Carved Horker Tusk (page) This scrimshaw depicts the early ancestors of the Skaal people running their boats aground on the isle of Solstheim. 000015001500 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Skeever Skull Trophy (page) A massive alit fang driven straight through the skull of a skeever. The fang is decorated with rustic symbols. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Coins.png Skingrad Commemorative Coin (page) The face of Count Calantius smiles on one side of this coin. On the reverse side is a bunch of grapes. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bone.png Skooma Skeleton (page) These pocket mammoth bones contain skooma in hollowed-out sections. An unusual way to smuggle the substance, yes? 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Slow-Running Hourglass (page) A common time-keeping device. This one's sand runs a bit slow. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Small Aquarium (page) This simple glass bowl would make a good home for a pet fish—or tomorrow's dinner. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Ibis.png Small Stuffed Bird (page) Throw it, bat it, squeeze it when you're stressed! This little fellow is the perfect pocket companion. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Snake-Sword Hilt (page) The hilt of an Akaviri weapon, undoubtedly a souvenir taken from a fallen Snake during the war. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Snakeskin Belt Pouch (page) A snakeskin pouch with a secret compartment where coins can be concealed to prevent their theft. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Soul Gem Window Prism (page) Ornament, a window prism fashioned from a depleted soul gem, inscribed 'Jodis Windbite, Enchanter.' 00000250250 Gold Furnishings, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Mat.png Sovngarde Woven Place Settings (page) Woven placemats decorated with idyllic scenes of Sovngarde. They are too beautiful for common Nord feasts. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dry Goods
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Spider-Web Cocoon (page) This fist-sized spider-web cocoon from northeast Bleakrock appears to be intact. An alchemist would pay well for this. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Spinner's Ceremonial Gilding (page) Gilded accessories attached to a Spinner's ceremonial portage. Often provided as gifts on festival days. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Star-Gazer Medal (page) A large, ebony medal with three constellations carved into the back of it, representing the Warrior, the Mage, and the Thief. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Strange Nereid Centerpiece (page) An expertly crafted pewter centerpiece depicting the legendary Nereid, Shada. Something about the eyes is profoundly unsettling. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Pearls.png String of Thrassian Pearls (page) Precious stones of radiant blue from the Coral Kingdoms, where no Man or Mer dares tread, passed down from the First Era. 000015001500 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Mounted Bird.png Stuffed Albino Chub Loon (page) An extremely rare albino chub loon, stuffed and mounted for display. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Light Fur Paw.png Stuffed Fox (page) A stuffed, taxidermied fox mounted on a polished mahogany base. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-head-Wasp.png Stuffed Kwama Scrib (page) A stuffed and mounted baby kwama. It is undeniably adorable. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Collar.png Sturdy Iron Muzzle (page) A self-hating werewolf might use this heavy muzzle to spare others from their lycanthropic curse. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Sweetroll Patrol Tin (page) This black tin holds a sweetroll, keeping it warm throughout an entire guard patrol. An icon of a sweetroll decorates its top. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Model Ship.png Swimming Horse-Ship Model (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A fanciful model, made to the rough description of the ships that helped the Redguard flee Yokuda. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Trinkets.png Sword-Disciple's Jewelled Pommel (page) A pommel fashioned in the Yokudan style, and possibly constructed in that faraway land. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Sieve.png Tabletop Coin Well (page) This small, silver ornamental tub is designed to sit on a dining table where coins can be dropped in for good luck. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Talisman of Saint Octavien (page) Bronze talisman depicting the Breton Saint Octavien, a Priest of Arkay slain with a scythe by Daedra-worshipers. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Tamriel Festival Ribbons (page) Traditional Tamrielic ribbons for participating in festivals, balls, and other formal celebrations. 0000004040 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Tarnished Medal of Valor (page) A golden emblem bearing the Covenant's heraldry, cast aside and forgotten. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Tava's Prayer Beads (page) A string of pink pearls, accented by an olive-wood medallion carved to resemble a bird. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Light Fur Paw.png Taxidermied Kitten (page) A stuffed kitten curled into a ball, appearing very lifelike in death. The leather tag on the collar reads "Thesis Project." 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-fish-Octopus.png Taxidermied Octopus (page) Someone went to great pains to make this dead cephalopod appear life-like. One can only guess why. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wall Décor
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Thane Fjora's Winner's Cup (page) A small trophy, awarded for winning the annual riddle contest sponsored by the Lady of Nimalten. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Thizzrini Grand Champion Medal (page) This medal, in the shape of a three-sided pyramid, is engraved with depictions of a swordmaster, sorceror and summoner. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Three Banners War Memorabilia (page) Mementos recovered from fallen warriors in the Three Banners War and preserved for posterity by a Craglorn relic hunter. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Topal Glass Blood-Phial (page) A rust-colored film coats the interior of this fine crystal phial. A wealthy vampire may have used it to hold a midday snack. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Torchbug Amberlight (page) This amber-encased torchbug is charmed so that its thorax will glow eternally, providing a handy pocket light for its bearer. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Torchbug Cage (page) An oversized lantern intended as a cozy torchbug nest. Cost effective, but provides barely enough light to read by. 0000004040 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Torchbug Lantern (page) A simple glass lantern with holes built into the cap. Perfect for catching torchbugs. 0000004040 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Torn Covenant Rank Insignia (page) A rank insignia torn from the uniform of a Covenant officer. Dark stains suggest they did not survive the encounter. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Torn Dominion Rank Insignia (page) A rank insignia torn from the uniform of a Dominion officer. Dark stains suggest they did not survive the encounter. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cross.png Torn Pact Rank Insignia (page) A rank insignia torn from the uniform of a Pact officer. Dark stains suggest they did not survive the encounter. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Tourney Aspirant's Mess Kit (page) Set in a leather case embossed with symbols of the three Sapphire Orders, this kit was given to every aspirant at the Tourney. 00000250250 Gold Utensils, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Container 01.png Tower Paperweight (page) A small, heavy stone tower in the High Breton style, with gemstone windows. Used to keep papers from scattering in the wind. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Tower Vase (page) This long-necked vase is fashioned to resemble Crystal-Like-Law. Both attractive and mildly blasphemous. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Tribunal Medal of Honor (page) One of many military decorations the Tribunal bestowed upon their best soldiers after defeating the Akaviri. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Topaz.png Trinket of Queen Freydis (page) A small, topaz bead said to have fallen from Queen Freydis' battle cloak during her bid to conquer Cyrodiil. 000015001500 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Triptych Vanity Mirror (page) It's said an Altmer's perfection is best viewed from three angles, making this array of mirrors a staple of socialites. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Two Moons Key (page) An ornamental key from Two Moons temple. Con artists could convince a mark that it opens something valuable. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Unauthorized Order of the Hour Hourglass (page) A fine, silver-chased hourglass. Only a limited number were created before the Order of the Hour commanded the maker to desist. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Talisman.png "Undead Repelling" Arkay Talisman (page) Talisman bearing the symbol of Arkay, said by the Keepers of the Ossuary of Telacar to repel the undead. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Unusual Stone from the Lorkrata Hills (page) This stone might be an Ayleid relic … or not. Stones of this kind are highly sought after for their colorful striations. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Coins.png Uveran Promotional Kagouti Bank (page) Ceramic coin-bank in the shape of a painted kagouti, with a coin slot on its back, engraved "Compliments of Uveran Bank." 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Heart of Lorkhan.png Vein From the Heart of Lorkhan (page) This red, crystal vein is said to have been chipped from the Heart of Lorkhan itself. 000015001500 Gold Magic Curiosities, Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Velyn Harbor Leviathan Oil Lamp (page) Lamp for burning leviathan oil. Inscribed on bottom: "Another Fine Product from Trader's Crescent." 00000250250 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Plant.png Vivec's Antlers Land Coral Bonsai (page) Living sprig of land coral from Vivec's Antlers, in a redware pot depicting Vivec's drowning of the Akaviri. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Vivec's Volcanic Vapors (page) A sweet-smelling oil, burned at night to make a Dark Elf's bedchamber calm and fragrant. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Volcanic Glass Vase (page) A decorative vase. Crafted from volcanic glass that was harvested from the mountains of Stonefalls. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Voluminous Volcanic Vapors (page) A sweet-smelling oil, burned at night to make one's bedchamber calm and fragrant. 0000004040 Gold Cosmetics, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Riding Crop.png Wamasu Handler's Prod (page) A telescoping wamasu prod, insulated by hist sap rubber to guard against the beast's electrical discharge. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png War Trophy of Kyne's Admiration (page) For defeating twelve or more enemies while fighting to defend Skyrim's honor, a Nord warrior received this cup of distinction. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Warhorse Porcelain Doll (page) A delicate and beautiful representation of a warhorse, displaying the creature's majesty and grace. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Toy.png Warrior Wave (page) A small, carved ball of polished topaz, designed to represent Ra'Gada, the Warrior Wave. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Wayrest Medal of Bravery (page) One of many military decorations King Emeric bestowed upon his knights after their victory in Ranser's War. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Weaver's Tapestry Sketch (page) A drawing of an intricate tapestry created by a weaver before beginning on the larger project. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Bell.png Wind Chimes (page) The light wooden rods of these chimes have been hollowed out to produce deep tones when blown by the wind. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Musical Instruments
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Wisp Light Globe (page) A small glass globe containing a tiny captured wisp, intended to be used as a nightlight. 00000100100 Gold Lights, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Riding Crop.png Wolf Leg Baton (page) A wolf's leg reinforced with an iron rod makes for a fierce and festive parade ornamentation. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Pottery.png Wolfblood Figural Urn (page) This masterfully crafted vessel features various lupine shapes and motifs. The red staining inside does not come from wine. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Clockwork Frog.png Wooden Dragonfrog Carving (page) An excellent likeness of a dragon frog carved from a single piece of orange ironwood. 00000103103 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Y'ffre Worrystone (page) Leafy motifs cover this smooth river stone, perfect for rubbing during times of stress. 00000100100 Gold Statues, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Yokeda's Emerald Helm-Jewel (page) A large emerald attached to a small gold plate, designed to be the front piece of a First Era Yokeda's Helm. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Yokudan Paperweight (page) A heavy piece of carved stonework from a Yokudan ruin, used as a paperweight. 00000103103 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Zenithar Negotiation Beads (page) Prayer beads used by followers of Zenithar to call forth good luck and success in all types of negotiations. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Trifles and Ornaments