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Online:Doomvault Capraxus

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Daedric Ruin:
Doomvault Capraxus
(view on map)
Discoverable No
Dungeon Yes
# of Zones 1
Sinestrix Iribia
Argonian Behemoth, Bog Dog, Clannfear, Crocodile, Daedroth, Dagon's Witness, Death Hopper, Dremora Armamancer, Dremora Assassin, Dremora Conjurer, Hoarvor, Ogrim, Scamp, Strangler, Waking Flame Armamancer, Waking Flame Elementalist, Waking Flame Pyromancer, Waking Flame Sentry, Watcher
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"The Doomvault? In the Ojel-bak? Hatchlings often dare each other to touch its doors, but none ever try to breach its defenses. That place reeks of death. Avoid it if you can."—Veemuk, Chaos-Speaker of the Sul-Xan
Doomvault Capraxus

Doomvault Capraxus is a Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located in the center of Ojel-Bak. It is one of the Four Ambitions vaults that were built by the Longhouse Emperors. The vault is inaccessible until starting the related quest. After the quest is finished, all but the Deep Vaults are accessible.

Hostile plants can be found in the open air sections, as well as passive critters such as Daedrats, Deadlands Scorpions, Frogs, and Swamp Jellies.

Related Quests[edit]

  • ON-qico-Zone Story.pngA Hidden Vault: Find out just what lies within the Daedric vault at Ojel-Bak.


Doomvault Capraxus Inner Vault
Vault Caretaker
Eveli Sharp-Arrow


Doomvault Entry Hall[edit]

Doomvault Entry Hall

The Doomvault Entry Hall is as the name implies— a hallway leading into the vault proper from the outside world. Seals depicting a ram's head are present on the walls.

The Deadlands[edit]

The Deadlands

Here, the Deadlands begins to merge with the mortal realm. Parts of Blackwood are set against a harsh, orange Deadlands sky. Gas Blossoms and Lantern Mantises bloom in the swamp. An Argonian Behemoth blocks the way to the Ward Chamber.

As you traverse further into the vault, the land becomes increasingly desolate, until you fully enter the Daedric realm.

Ward Chamber[edit]

Ward Chamber

This room contains a warded door that is unlocked by solving a puzzle similar to the one that unlocked the vault's front door.

Doomvault Corridor[edit]

Doomvault Corridor

This area consists of a narrow corridor with a staircase.

The Deadlands Bridge Passage[edit]

The Deadlands Bridge Passage

A raised bridge leads further into the realm. You must head down a side path to push a lever and lower the bridge. Deadlands Scorpions and Daedrats scuttle across the floor.

Drawbridge Overlook[edit]

Drawbridge Overlook

Drawbridge Controls[edit]

Drawbridge Controls

Inner Vault Ward Chamber[edit]

Inner Vault Ward Chamber

Doomvault Capraxus Inner Vault[edit]

Doomvault Capraxus Inner Vault

Destron's Journal can be found atop a dresser on the south side of the room.

Doomvault Capraxus Deep Vaults[edit]

Doomvault Capraxus Deep Vaults

You'll find the deep vaults overrun with Waking Flame cultists. Sinestrix Iribia and Dagon's Witness are fought here.

