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(lore page)
Location Black Garrison, Near the Chancel of Divine Entreaty, Dark Anchors, Eidolon's Hollow, Falinesti Summer Site, The Foundry of Woe, Obsidian Scar, Sanguine's Demesne, Tower of Lies
Coldwind's DenOrsinium
The Land Sundered from TamrielMarkarth
Species Ogrim
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
An Ogrim
"The last thing many adventurers see is the fist of the brutish ogrim crashing down on them."

Ogrim are enormous Daedra with very little intellect. They are sent into the mortal world to menace living things for the amusement of Daedric Princes, and are primarily associated with Malacath.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]


A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
The ogrim stomps its foot into the ground, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage and snaring. Blocking doesn't prevent the snare.
Body Slam
The ogrim charges forward, indicated by a red rectangle, dealing moderate physical damage as well as knocking down targets. If the ogrim does not hit anything, it will be set off-balance. Blocking prevents the knockdown.
Boulder Toss
When standing away from it, the ogrim throws a rock at a target, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking them back. Blocking prevents the knockback. (Ability is currently broken, see Bugs section below)
If low on health, the ogrim starts beating on its chest to heal itself up. This can be interrupted to set the ogrim off-balance.

Arlimahera's Sanctum[edit]

The ogrim summoned by Dayarrus uses those abilities instead

Burning Bolt
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate-high flame damage.
Fire Chant
The Ogrim beats its chest which creates a flaming area around it dealing continuous moderate flame damage.
Upon death or being sacrified by Dayarrus, the ogrim explodes in flames, dealing moderate-high flame damage in an area.

Maelstrom Arena[edit]

The ogrim encountered during Stage 9: Theater of Despair in Maelstrom Arena have two additional abilitiesOrsinium:

Spit Flame
The flaming ogrim spits a ball of fire at its target from afar, which splashes into a circular AoE at the landing location, dealing initial moderate flame damage and continuous flame damage while inside the AoE.
Chest Charge
The flaming ogrim beats its chest while rushing at its target, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking them into the air and back for a moderate knockdown.

Rimmen Necropolis[edit]

The ogrim encountered in Rimmen Necropolis have one additional unique abilityElsweyr:

The ogrim backs up before retching all over the ground in front of them, as indicated by a wide conal area of effect.

Ardent Hope[edit]

The ogrim encountered in Ardent Hope use the same abilities as Ogrim FirebelliesThe Deadlands:

Flame Bolt
A basic all-distance attack dealing low flame damage.
Flame Belch
The ogrim throws up fire all over in front of itself, which travels forward, indicated by 4-5 small circular AoEs, dealing low flame damage each. Additionally, the traveling flames cause two additional explosions to occur along their pathing, indicated by small growing circular AoEs, dealing moderate flame damage.
Explosive Death
Once slain, the ogrim explodes in a fiery burst afterward, indicated by a growing circular AoE, dealing moderate flame damage.

Unique Ogrim[edit]


Generic Ogrim[edit]

Generic, unnamed ogrim can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These ogrim have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of ogrim, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Reaction Health
Cyrodiil Dark Anchors Hostile 82,145
Imperial CityImperial City
Dark Fissures
Abyssal Depths, Antediluvian Vaults, Arena District, Lambent Passage, Nobles DistrictImperial City
ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile 108,669
Crypt of Hearts II Throughout the dungeon ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile Normal196,465Veteran(?)
Arlimahera's Grip Summoned by Dayarrus Hostile 90,628
Coldharbour Grunda's Gatehouse Hostile 15,165
Vaults of Madness First half of the dungeon Hostile Normal54,028Veteran150,375
The Deadlands: Testing Grounds
Northern ElsweyrElsweyr
The DeadlandsThe Deadlands
Path to the shrine
Ashalmawia, AshurnibibiMorrowind
Cey-Tarn Keep - The Gorge, College of Sapiarchs, Ebon Stadmont, Evergloam, The Spiral SkeinSummerset
Darkpool MineElsweyr
Doomvault Capraxus, Fort Redmane, The Silent Halls, Sul-Xan Ritual Site, Vandacia's Deadlands KeepBlackwood
Isle of Joys, The SeverThe Deadlands
Throughout the zoneNecrom
Hostile 66,121
Barathrum CentrataImperial City Throughout the location ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile 108,669
Summoned from the central portals ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile 141,270
WrothgarOrsinium Unfinished Dolmen ON-misc-Boss 2.png Hostile (?)
Maelstrom ArenaOrsinium Stage 9: Theater of Despair ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile Normal59,118Veteran(?)
Cradle of ShadowsShadows of the Hist Mephala's Descent Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Northern ElsweyrElsweyr
Rimmen Necropolis
The Underweave
ON-misc-Boss 1.png Hostile 119,538
Vateshran Hollows: The WoundingMarkarth The Wounding done first ON-misc-Boss 2.png Hostile Normal137,943Veteran(?)
The Wounding done second ON-misc-Boss 2.png Hostile Normal165,532Veteran(?)
The Wounding done third ON-misc-Boss 2.png Hostile Normal234,503Veteran(?)
Ardent HopeThe Deadlands Outer Ward Hostile 60,370
Ardent Hope Citadel, Path of Cinders Hostile 66,121
FargraveThe Deadlands Outside The House of Whims during the quest Hope Springs Eternal Friendly 15,000
Infinite Archive Archival Wings Hostile Varies


  • Their Boulder Toss ability is broken. Once the rock is thrown, it disappears out of the air (along with the AoE for it) and nothing occurs afterward.
