Online:Teliv Fels
Teliv Fels | |||
Home City | Gonfalon Bay | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Roister's Club |
Teliv Fels is a Dark Elf Tribute player who can be found in Gonfalon Bay.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Final Round: Master Razhamad needs your assistance in the final round of the Tournament to help Brahgas.
Quest Dialogue[edit]
The Final Round[edit]
He is the champion of the Mournhold Chapter and will arrive with his fellow members to challenge the Gonfalon Chapter. He will make a subtle threat to Brahgas should he fails to win the tournament due to Brahga's past debts:
- Sorinne Gaerard: "Surprised to see you out here, Razhamad. And with an empty cup no less!"
- Master Razhamad: "Ha! It is the final round! What kind of game-baron would I be if I did not cheer the chapter on? Ah, it looks like your opponents are here."
- Teliv Fels: "Honor to you, Razhamad. I, Teliv Fels, champion of the Mournhold Chapter, have come to extend the final tournament challenge."
- Brahgas: "Damn…. It's them. I knew it."
- Teliv Fels: "Oh, I thought you'd be happy to see us, my dear Brahgas. You needn't take this so seriously. It is just a game. Right?"
Speaking to him to hear his official issue of challenge in the final tournament and also how much trouble Brahgas is in for his debts owed:
- "The Gonfalon Chapter's redeemer, in the flesh. I've look forward to meeting you. The novice who blossomed into a contender within the span of a single tournament season. Quite the feat.
Now, I assume you know the rules of the final tournament?" - Only one of us can win.
- "Just so. You and your compatriots will face my associates here. The winners of those contests will then play each other to determine who will have the honor of facing the reigning champion. Me."
- How long have you held the title?
- "Long enough to know that one should never underestimate an opponent or leave anything to chance. Your leader, Razhamad, taught me that lesson. It's one of the reasons I hold him in such high esteem.
Unlike others in your coterie." - You're talking about Brahgas, aren't you?
He will threaten Brahgas with slavery should he loses the tournament and fail to pay off his debts:
- "Indeed. To think that he lives in the company of such a great man and still learns nothing. Heartbreaking.
Well, then this is all over, I expect Brahgas won't trouble anyone else…besides the slavemasters of House Dres, of course." - Is that a threat?
- "I'm a Dark Elf. We are not in the habit of making threats. We only state matters as they are. Brahgas has every reason to worry.
But enough of that. We have games to play! The tournament lists are there in front of the gaming hall. Be seeing you."
After speaking to him, he will let in another ominous threat to Brahgas:
- Teliv Fels: "Now, b'vek, I wish you all fair hands and good fortune in this final tournament. Especially you, Brahgas."
- Brahgas: "Eat moss, Teliv."
- Master Razhamad: "Brahgas! A word."
Speaking to him again:
- "The tournament begins now. I wish your chapter good luck.
Some of you desperately need it."
Once you defeat Dralcia, you return back to the Gonfalon Bay Gaming Hall to see Razhamad having a discussion with Teliv regarding Brahgas:
- Master Razhamad: "So, we have a deal then?"
- Teliv Fels: "We do. Don't fret, Razhamad. This won't take long."
You will learn that Teliv and Razhamad has made a deal that could potentially save Brahgas from his debts if you were to win against Brahgas. He will be observing your match with Brahgas:
- Brahgas: "What, Teliv? Come to take a peek at the future title-holder's strategy?"
- Teliv Fels: "Someone in your precarious position might do well to make fewer boasts, Brahgas."
Speaking to him before facing Brahgas:
- "I certainly didn't expect Brahgas to make it this far, but as I said, I never underestimate my opponents.
Watching the two of you play should be quite the treat. Please, take a seat. I promise, I won't make a peep."
After defeating him, Brahgas agrees to go with Teliv as his prisoner for the time being until you beat Teliv at Tribute:
- Brahgas: "I…lost."
- Teliv Fels: "And with that, your sad, redemptive fantasy meets its end. Do not try to run, Brahgas."
- Sorinne Gaerard: "Wait! You and Razhamad had a deal!"
- Teliv Fels: "Yes. A deal that remains unresolved. Until it's settled, Brahgas belongs to me."
- Brahgas: "Sorinne, no! I'll go with him. A deal…a deal's a deal."
You will learn that as part of the deal to free Brahgas from the Mournhold Chapter, Razhamad betted the gaming hall if you lose the match against Teliv. You will find Teliv and his associates at Mournhold to await for your arrival for the final match. Teliv will be taunting Razhamad:
- Master Razhamad: "Teliv, I warn you. If you hurt Brahgas, you will regret it."
- Teliv Fels: "Brahgas belongs to me, Razhamad. You have more pressing concerns when it comes to property, I think. Your precious gaming hall, for instance."
- Teliv Fels: "Of course, your prodigy here still has a chance to reverse your fortunes!"
- Brahgas: "Razhamad…you bet the hall? Y'ffre's viney arse, what were you thinking?"
- Dralcia Keleth: "Peace, Brahgas. Or shall I remind you of the penalty for speaking out of turn?"
Speaking to him before Razhamad:
- "Greetings. It seems your game-baron would like a word with you—to explain the particulars of our agreement, I hope.
You have a right to know what he and Brahgas stand to lose if you fail. I certainly don't envy your position!"
After speaking to Razhamad, you will challenge Teliv for the final match:
- "Greetings, sera. I apologize for Brahgas's atrocious manners. We haven't had time to train him properly yet.
Now then. The final match. You appear to have Razhamad's complete confidence—he wouldn't have made this foolish bet otherwise." - If I win, you'll release Brahgas, right?
- "Yes. If you win, I will release Brahgas, debt free. More importantly, Razhamad will retain control of his gaming hall.
Your friend's freedom and your teacher's livelihood…both reliant on a game of cards. I hope you play well under pressure." - I do.
- "Then show me, Gonfalon. It's time to find out who will be crowned the next Tribute champion!"
- Let's play.
He will be shocked that he lost and is hesitant to release Brahgas from captivity, but Razhamad reminds him that you will make an example out of him if he dares to back out of his deal:
- Teliv Fels: "You…beat me."
- Sorinne Gaerard: "Ha! Go kiss a kwama's arse, Teliv! Our new champion beat you fair and square!"
- Master Razhamad: "As per our agreement, Gonfalon Bay now hosts the newest Tribute champion. Release Brahgas. Now."
- Teliv Fels: "Razhamad…if you read the contract, I think you'll find—"
- Master Razhamad: "The contract is final. If you want to dispute it, our newest Tribute champion has a skill set beyond simple card games. I am sure they'd be happy to put it on display if you try anything."
- Teliv Fels: "Brahgas…you may go."
- Brahgas: "Like I need your permission!"
- Master Razhamad: "Come, friends. We should return to Gonfalon Bay. Revels await!"
Speaking to him again, he will insist that Brahgas will not learn from this and will soon be in debt again:
- "You surprise me, champion. And I am rarely surprised.
You may have saved Brahgas for now, but it won't last long. I suspect he'll make another wager before he even leaves Mournhold. Nonetheless, he is free for now. As promised."